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A new era of science and healing.

Our investment in our patients – and hope – begins with an investment in research. At the Lindner Center of HOPE Research Institute, we actively pioneer life-changing mental health research, giving rise to new and better methods to prevent, diagnose and treat mental illnesses.

Lindner Center of Hope Research Institute

At Lindner Center of HOPE, research informs patient care each and every day.

Nationally and internationally regarded clinician-scientists at the Research Institute work in collaboration with the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and other leading academic psychiatry research institutions around the country. Together we conduct advanced research in genetics, psychopharmacology, and psychobiology.

Research studies and the advances they lead to are closely integrated into the evidence-based treatment programs provided at Lindner Center of HOPE.

This is significant: it can typically take up to 17 years before research findings become fully integrated into routine diagnostics and treatment.

Connecting leads to cures

Our collaborative research efforts have been instrumental in bringing new drugs to market for depression, bipolar disorder and eating disorders, which have improved therapeutic efficacy and safety.

In addition, the Research Institute is a member of the Harvard-based Clinical Trial Network and a lead contributor in groundbreaking programs, such as the Mayo Clinic’s Individualized Medicine Biobank for Bipolar Disorder, which is studying the connection between gene types and medicines that treat disease.

Research at the Center continues to improve management, treatment and prevention of the following mental illnesses and more:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Major depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Eating and weight disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Obsessive Compulsive and related disorders
  • Addictions

National Network of Depression Centers

Lindner Center of HOPE is recognized as one of only 22 members of the National Network of Depression Centers (NNDC), which includes Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Stanford University, Columbia University, and Duke University among others. Networks like these help the Centers band together to develop and learn about new and emerging treatment protocols.

By sharing information, we’re improving care worldwide.

Our researchers have published over 800 scientific articles, received over $15 million in grants at UC, and $7.5 million in grants since opening. Here’s a little bit more about them.

Susan L. McElroy, M.D., Chief Research Officer
Dr. McElroy is internationally known for her research in bipolar disorder, eating disorders, obesity, impulse control disorders and pharmacology. A summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Colgate University, Dr. McElroy received her M.D. with honors from Cornell University Medical College. She served her medical internship at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. McElroy completed residency training in psychiatry and served on the staff at McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School before joining the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.

Dr. McElroy has received numerous honors for her research and teaching, and has been recognized as one of America’s Top Doctors and as one of the Best Mental Health Experts by Good Housekeeping Magazine. She has authored over 500 scientific papers, reviews, book chapters and abstracts in leading medical journals and textbooks. She was the 7th most cited scientist in psychiatry and psychology from 1996-2006.

Francisco Romo-Nava, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Chief Research Officer
Dr. Romo-Nava is a physician-scientist studying the role of brain-body interaction pathways in the context of psychiatric disorders with a “Neuroscience of the Body” approach. His work has a focus on the circadian system and spinal interoceptive pathways in affective and eating disorders.

Dr. Romo-Nava is Associate Chief Research Officer at the Lindner Center of Hope and Associate Professor at the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at the University of Cincinnati. He graduated as MD at the Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico. He then completed his residency training in Psychiatry and a clinical fellowship in affective disorders at the National Institute of Psychiatry and the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) and served as attending Psychiatrist at the Affective Disorders Clinic at the National Institute of Psychiatry. Dr. Romo-Nava later served as Vice-Chair of Research at the Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health at the UNAM. Dr. Romo-Nava then graduated with honors obtaining the PhD in Biomedical Sciences with a focus in neuroscience and hypothalamic integration mechanisms at the Institute for Biomedical Research at the UNAM. He then completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Division of Bipolar Disorder Research in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at the University of Cincinnati.

Dr. Romo-Nava has been PI and Co-I in several clinical and translational studies and author of scientific publications. He has received several academic distinctions and research grants to fund his research, including a National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Phased Innovation R61/33 grant, a NIMH K23 Career Development Award, the 2017 NARSAD Young Investigator Award by the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, and a 2016 Pilot Translational Research Program Award by the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at the University of Cincinnati. He is a Research Co-Lead at the Breakthrough Discoveries for thriving with Bipolar Disorder (BD2) Integrated Network at the Lindner Center of Hope/ University of Cincinnati site. He is also the inventor of USPTO patent #10,857,356 titled “transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation for treatment of psychiatric disorders”.

National Institute of Mental Health Acknowledges Dr. Romo-Nava with Highly Coveted Award

Anna I. Guerdjikova, PhD, MSW, LSW
Prior to joining the Research Institute at Lindner Center of HOPE, Dr. Guerdjikova was a post-doctoral fellow with the Psychopharmacology Research Program at University of Cincinnati Medical Center. She was a co-investigator, supervisor and coordinator for numerous clinical trials examining subjects with mood and eating disorders. Her main research interests are in the area of eating disorders, impulse control disorders and the overlap between mood and eating pathologies.

As part of her MSW training, Dr. Guerdjikova provided psychiatric evaluation, treatment planning and ongoing psychiatric care to patients with various psychiatric disorders, including to those with severe mental illness, anxiety disorders, chemical dependencies , and to victims of abuse and neglect.

Through Dr. Guerdjikova teaching experience she has served as a course coordinator and lecturer for medical and social work students as well as a public educator.

Dr. Guerdjikova has first and co-authored original research on the topics of binge eating disorder and obesity, pharmacotherapy of eating disorders, and specificities of bariatric surgery populations published in various peer reviewed journals. She has served as an invited reviewer of a number of professional journals, including Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, and Eating behaviors. Her volunteer activities include serving a local food pantry, assisting a number or non-for-profit organizations and fundraising for Bulgarian unprivileged children.

She presents at the annual conferences as a member of Academy of Eating Disorders.

Research Institute Personnel

Diane Monahan
Research Institute Office Coordinator
Phone: (513) 536-0716
Email: diane.monahan@lindnercenter.org

Nicole Mori, RN, MSN, APRN-BC
Research Advanced Practice Nurse
Phone: (513) 536-0712
Email: nicole.mori@lindnercenter.org

Anna I. Guerdjikova, PhD, LISW
Research Investigator
Phone: (513) 536-0721
Email: anna.guerdjikova@lindnercenter.org

Georgi Georgiev, MSW
Clinical Research Assistant
Phone: (513) 536-0731
Email: Georgi.Georgiev@LindnerCenter.org

Genie Groff, BA
Research Program Manager
Phone: (513) 536-0715
Email: genie.groff@lindnercenter.org

The Lindner Center of HOPE’s research staff is comprised of nationally and internationally regarded clinical scientists. Each Lindner Center of HOPE researcher has published extensively on a variety of topics.

Paul E. Keck, Jr. MD, Psychiatrist in Chief and Founding President and CEO – Emeritus

Susan L. McElroy, MD, Chief Research Officer


Antidepressants that increase mitochondrial energetics may elevate risk of treatment-emergent mania.

Gardea-Resendez M, Coombes BJ, Veldic M, Tye SJ, Romo-Nava F, Ozerdem A, Prieto ML, Cuellar-Barboza A, Nunez NA, Singh B, Pendegraft RS, Miola A, McElroy SL, Biernacka JM, Morava E, Kozicz T, Frye MA. Mol Psychiatry. 2022 Dec 13. doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01888-x. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36513812

Overview: Preclinical evidence suggests that antidepressants (ADs) may differentially influence mitochondrial energetics. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between mitochondrial function and illness vulnerability in bipolar disorder (BD), specifically risk of treatment-emergent mania (TEM).


Association of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Depression Polygenic Scores with Lithium Response: A Consortium for Lithium Genetics Study.

Coombes BJ, Millischer V, Batzler A, Larrabee B, Hou L, Papiol S, Heilbronner U, Adli M, Akiyama K, Akula N, Amare AT, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bauer M, Baune BT, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Bhattacharjee AK, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark SR, Colom F, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Degenhardt F, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Falkai P, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kato T, Kelsoe JR, Kittel-Schneider S, König B, Kuo PH, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Maj M, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, Mitchell PB, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, O’Donovan C, Osby U, Ozaki N, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rietschel M, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schubert KO, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Vieta E, Witt SH, Zandi PP, Fullerton JM, Alda M, Frye MA, Schulze TG, McMahon FJ, Biernacka JM. Complex Psychiatry. 2021 Dec;7(3-4):80-89. doi: 10.1159/000519707. Epub 2021 Nov 18.PMID: 36408127

Overview: Response to lithium varies widely between individuals with bipolar disorder (BD). Polygenic risk scores (PRSs) can uncover pharmacogenomics effects and may help predict drug response. Patients (N = 2,510) with BD were assessed for long-term lithium response in the Consortium on Lithium Genetics using the Retrospective Criteria of Long-Term Treatment Response in Research Subjects with Bipolar Disorder score. 


 The genetics of bipolar disorder with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Miola A, De Filippis E, Veldic M, Ho AM, Winham SJ, Mendoza M, Romo-Nava F, Nunez NA, Gardea Resendez M, Prieto ML, McElroy SL, Biernacka JM, Frye MA, Cuellar-Barboza AB.J Affect Disord. 2022 Sep 15;313:222-231. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.06.084. Epub 2022 Jun 30. PMID: 35780966.

Overview: Bipolar disorder (BD) presents with high obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) and pathophysiological and phenomenological abnormalities shared with cardiometabolic disorders. Genomic studies may help define if they share genetic liability. This selective review of BD with obesity and T2D will focus on genomic studies, stress their current limitations and guide future steps in developing the field.


Quantification of diet quality utilizing the rapid eating assessment for participants-shortened version in bipolar disorder: Implications for prospective depression and cardiometabolic studies.

Gardea-Resendez M, Winham SJ, Romo-Nava F, Cuellar-Barboza A, Clark MM, Andreazza AC, Cabello-Arreola A, Veldic M, Bond DJ, Singh B, Prieto ML, Nunez NA, Betcher H, Moore KM, Blom T, Colby C, Pendegraft RS, Kelpin SS, Ozerdem A, Miola A, De Filippis E, Biernacka JM, McElroy SL, Frye MA. J Affect Disord. 2022 Aug 1;310:150-155. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.05.037. Epub 2022 May 8. PMID: 35545158

Overview: Recognizing bipolar disorder as a multi-system metabolic condition driven, in part, by binge eating behavior and atypical depressive symptoms, this study aimed to quantify diet quality and evaluate clinical correlates in a bipolar disorder cohort.


The genetics of bipolar disorder with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Miola A, De Filippis E, Veldic M, Ho AM, Winham SJ, Mendoza M, Romo-Nava F, Nunez NA, Gardea Resendez M, Prieto ML, McElroy SL, Biernacka JM, Frye MA, Cuellar-Barboza AB. J Affect Disord. 2022 Sep 15;313:222-231. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.06.084. Epub 2022 Jun 30. PMID: 35780966

Overview: Bipolar disorder (BD) presents with high obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) and pathophysiological and phenomenological abnormalities shared with cardiometabolic disorders. Genomic studies may help define if they share genetic liability. This selective review of BD with obesity and T2D focuses on genomic studies, stress their current limitations and guide future steps in developing the field.


Differences in perceived life stress in bipolar I and II disorder: Implications for future epigenetic quantification.

Adrienne Grzenda, Marin Veldic , Yun-Fang Jia, Susan L. McElroy, David J. Bond, Jennifer R. Geske, Aysegul Ozerdem, Balwinder Singh, Joanna M. Biernacka, Doo-Sup Choi, Mark A. Frye. Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry. Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry 33–34 (2022) 100093 (In Press).

Overview: Few instruments measuring life events over the course of bipolar disorder distinguish the valence of events or consider cumulative stress burden. In the current study, we used a valence-focused life event questionnaire to assess stress in the last 12 months in patients with bipolar I (n = 863) and bipolar II (n = 362) disorder.


In Memoriam: Charles Bowden, MD (1938-2022).

McElroy SL. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2022 Jun 14. doi: 10.1097/JCP.0000000000001558. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35703268 

Overview: LCOH Chief Research Officer Dr. Susan L. McElroy writes in memory of Dr. Charles Bowden, a pioneer clinical researcher in the field of Bipolar Disorder.


Quantification of diet quality utilizing the rapid eating assessment for participants-shortened version in bipolar disorder: Implications for prospective depression and cardiometabolic studies.

Gardea-Resendez M, Winham SJ, Romo-Nava F, Cuellar-Barboza A, Clark MM, Andreazza AC, Cabello-Arreola A, Veldic M, Bond DJ, Singh B, Prieto ML, Nunez NA, Betcher H, Moore KM, Blom T, Colby C, Pendegraft RS, Kelpin SS, Ozerdem A, Miola A, De Filippis E, Biernacka JM, McElroy SL, Frye MA. J Affect Disord. 2022 Aug 1;310:150-155. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.05.037. Epub 2022 May 8.PMID: 35545158

Overview:Recognizing the negative impact that antipsychotic-induced movement disorders have on the quality of life and treatment outcomes in bipolar disorder (BD), this study aimed to assess clinical correlates and antipsychotic use patterns of tardive dyskinesia (TD+) in BD.


Clinical and Genetic Correlates of Bipolar Disorder With Childhood-Onset Attention Deficit Disorder.

Nunez NA, Coombes BJ, Romo-Nava F, Bond DJ, Vande Voort J, Croarkin PE, Leibman N, Gardea Resendez M, Veldic M, Betcher H, Singh B, Colby C, Cuellar-Barboza A, Prieto M, Moore KM, Ozerdem A, McElroy SL, Frye MA, Biernacka JM. Front Psychiatry. 2022 Apr 14;13:884217. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.884217. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35492709.

Overview: Bipolar disorder (BD) with co-occurring attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with an unfavorable course of illness. We aimed to identify potential clinical and genetic correlates of BD with and without ADHD.


Clinical Phenotype of Tardive Dyskinesia in Bipolar Disorder.

Gardea-Resendez M, Taylor-Desir MJ, Romo-Nava F, Bond D, Vallender EJ, Cuellar-Barboza AB, Prieto ML, Nunez N, Veldic M, Ozerdem A, Singh B, Markota M, Colby CL, Coombes BJ, Biernacka JM, McElroy SL, Frye MA. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2022 Mar-Apr 01;42(2):159-162. PMID: 35230047

Overview: Recognizing the negative impact that antipsychotic-induced movement disorders have on the quality of life and treatment outcomes in bipolar disorder (BD), this study aimed to assess clinical correlates and antipsychotic use patterns of tardive dyskinesia (TD+) in BD.


Are personality disorders in bipolar patients more frequent in the US than Europe?

Post RM, Leverich GS, McElroy SL, Kupka R, Suppes T, Altshuler LL, Nolen WA, Frye MA, Keck PE, Grunze H, Rowe M. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2022 May;58:47-54. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2022.02.007. Epub 2022 Feb 25. PMID: 35227977

Overview: Patients with bipolar disorder in the United States (US) compared to those from the Netherlands and Germany (here abbrev. as “Europe”) have more Axis I comorbidities and more poor prognosis factors such as early onset and psychosocial adversity in childhood. Here, we examined whether these differences also extended to Axis II personality disorders.


Characterisation of age and polarity at onset in bipolar disorder.

Kalman JL, Olde Loohuis LM, Vreeker A, McQuillin A, Stahl EA, Ruderfer D, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Panagiotaropoulou G, Ripke S, Bigdeli TB, Stein F, Meller T, Meinert S, Pelin H, Streit F, Papiol S, Adams MJ, Adolfsson R, Adorjan K, Agartz I, Aminoff SR, Anderson-Schmidt H, Andreassen OA, Ardau R, Aubry JM, Balaban C, Bass N, Baune BT, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Berrettini WH, Boks MP, Bromet EJ, Brosch K, Budde M, Byerley W, Cervantes P, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark SR, Comes AL, Corvin A, Coryell W, Craddock N, Craig DW, Croarkin PE, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dannlowski U, Degenhardt F, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Djurovic S, Edenberg HJ, Eissa MA, Elvsåshagen T, Etain B, Fanous AH, Fellendorf F, Fiorentino A, Forstner AJ, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gade K, Garnham J, Gershon E, Gill M, Goes FS, Gordon-Smith K, Grof P, Guzman-Parra J, Hahn T, Hasler R, Heilbronner M, Heilbronner U, Jamain S, Jimenez E, Jones I, Jones L, Jonsson L, Kahn RS, Kelsoe JR, Kennedy JL, Kircher T, Kirov G, Kittel-Schneider S, Klöhn-Saghatolislam F, Knowles JA, Kranz TM, Lagerberg TV, Landen M, Lawson WB, Leboyer M, Li QS, Maj M, Malaspina D, Manchia M, Mayoral F, McElroy SL, McInnis MG, McIntosh AM, Medeiros H, Melle I, Milanova V, Mitchell PB, Monteleone P, Monteleone AM, Nöthen MM, Novak T, Nurnberger JI, O’Brien N, O’Connell KS, O’Donovan C, O’Donovan MC, Opel N, Ortiz A, Owen MJ, Pålsson E, Pato C, Pato MT, Pawlak J, Pfarr JK, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Rapaport MH, Reich-Erkelenz D, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Repple J, Richard-Lepouriel H, Rietschel M, Ringwald K, Roberts G, Rouleau G, Schaupp S, Scheftner WA, Schmitt S, Schofield PR, Schubert KO, Schulte EC, Schweizer B, Senner F, Severino G, Sharp S, Slaney C, Smeland OB, Sobell JL, Squassina A, Stopkova P, Strauss J, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Twarowska-Hauser J, Veldic M, Vieta E, Vincent JB, Xu W, Zai CC, Zandi PP; Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) Bipolar Disorder Working Group; International Consortium on Lithium Genetics (ConLiGen); Colombia-US Cross Disorder Collaboration in Psychiatric Genetics, Di Florio A, Smoller JW, Biernacka JM, McMahon FJ, Alda M, Müller-Myhsok B, Koutsouleris N, Falkai P, Freimer NB, Andlauer TFM, Schulze TG, Ophoff RA.Br J Psychiatry. 2021 Dec;219(6):659-669. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2021.102. PMID: 35048876

Overview: Studying phenotypic and genetic characteristics of age at onset (AAO) and polarity at onset (PAO) in bipolar disorder can provide new insights into disease pathology and facilitate the development of screening tools. Here, the genetic architecture of AAO and PAO and their association with bipolar disorder disease characteristics were examined.


Cardiometabolic risk markers during mood-stabilizing treatment: Correlation with drug-specific effects, depressive symptoms and treatment response.

Kuperberg M, Köhler-Forsberg O, Shannon AP, George N, Greenebaum S, Bowden CL, Calabrese JR, Thase M, Shelton RC, McInnis M, Deckersbach T, Tohen M, Kocsis JH, Ketter TA, Friedman ES, Iosifescu DV, Ostacher MJ, Sylvia LG, McElroy SL, Nierenberg AA. J Affect Disord. 2022 Mar 1;300:41-49. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.12.047. Epub 2021 Dec 21.PMID: 34952123

Overview: Patients with bipolar disorder have higher rates of cardiometabolic comorbidities and mortality. Although guidelines emphasize the importance of cardiovascular monitoring, few studies characterized the cardiometabolic risk profile during treatment and their relation to symptomatology and treatment response. Here, the data from comparative trials was analyzed and several cardiovascular risk scores calculated to compare four treatment arms via a multiple linear regression model.


Predictors of functional impairment in bipolar disorder: Results from 13 cohorts from seven countries by the global bipolar cohort collaborative.

Burdick KE, Millett CE, Yocum AK, Altimus CM, Andreassen OA, Aubin V, Belzeaux R, Berk M, Biernacka JM, Blumberg HP, Cleare AJ, Diaz-Byrd C, Dubertret C, Etain B, Eyler LT, Forester BP, Fullerton JM, Frye MA, Gard S, Godin O, Haffen E, Klaus F, Lagerberg TV, Leboyer M, Martinez-Aran A, McElroy S, Mitchell PB, Olie E, Olorunfemi P, Passerieux C, Peters AT, Pham DL, Polosan M, Potter JR, Sajatovic M, Samalin L, Schwan R, Shanahan M, Solé B, Strawbridge R, Stuart AL, Torres I, Ueland T, Vieta E, Williams LJ, Wrobel AL, Yatham LN, Young AH, Nierenberg AA, McInnis MG. Bipolar Disord. 2022 Mar 23. doi: 10.1111/bdi.13208. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35322518

Overview: Persistent functional impairment is common in bipolar disorder (BD) and is influenced by a number of demographic, clinical, and cognitive features. The goal of this project was to estimate and compare the influence of key factors on community function in multiple cohorts of well-characterized samples of individuals with BD.


 Clinical Phenotype of Tardive Dyskinesia in Bipolar Disorder.

Gardea-Resendez M, Taylor-Desir MJ, Romo-Nava F, Bond D, Vallender EJ, Cuellar-Barboza AB, Prieto ML, Nunez N, Veldic M, Ozerdem A, Singh B, Markota M, Colby CL, Coombes BJ, Biernacka JM, McElroy SL, Frye MA. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2022 Mar-Apr 01;42(2):159-162. doi: 10.1097/JCP.0000000000001532. PMID: 35230047

Overview: Recognizing the negative impact that antipsychotic-induced movement disorders have on the quality of life and treatment outcomes in bipolar disorder (BD), this study aimed to assess clinical correlates and antipsychotic use patterns of tardive dyskinesia (TD+) in BD.


Are personality disorders in bipolar patients more frequent in the US than Europe?

Post RM, Leverich GS, McElroy SL, Kupka R, Suppes T, Altshuler LL, Nolen WA, Frye MA, Keck PE, Grunze H, Rowe M. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2022 Feb 25;58:47-54. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2022.02.007. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35227977

Overview:  Bipolar patients in the United States (US) compared to those from the Netherlands and Germany (here abbrev. as “Europe”) have more Axis I comorbidities and more poor prognosis factors such as early onset and psychosocial adversity in childhood. We wished to examine whether these differences also extended to Axis II personality disorders (PDs).


Lithium plus antipsychotics or anticonvulsants for bipolar disorder: Comparing clinical response and metabolic changes.

Köhler-Forsberg O, Sylvia LG, Thase M, Calabrese JR, Tohen M, Bowden CL, McInnis M, Iosifescu DV, Kocsis JH, Friedman ES, Ketter TA, McElroy SL, Shelton RC, Fung V, Ostacher MJ, Nierenberg AA. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2022 Feb 15:48674221077619. doi: 10.1177/00048674221077619. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35164524

Overview: Patients with bipolar disorder treated with lithium often require additional antipsychotics or anticonvulsants. Here, the comparative effectiveness and safety of these agents as add-on to lithium was studied.

Publications in process

  • PROSPERO BED systematic review. LCOH-CHRONO-BE collaborators. In preparation
  • REAP-S in BD- Submitted
  • ADHD in BD- Submitted
  • Obesity and DM2 in BD Review- Submitted
  • Asthma in BD- In preparation


Comparison of Demographic and Clinical Features of Bipolar Disorder in Persons of African and European Ancestry.

Taylor-Desir MJ, Balls-Berry JE, McElroy SL, Bond DJ, Vallender EJ, Ladner M, Coombes BJ, Jackson L, Arceo D, Caples FV, Colby C, Patten CA, Biernacka JM, Frye MA. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2022 Jan 21. doi: 10.1007/s40615-022-01228-3. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35064520

Overview: This study quantified and compared demographic and clinical features of bipolar disorder in persons of African ancestry and European ancestry.


Characterisation of age and polarity at onset in bipolar disorder.

Kalman JL, Olde Loohuis LM, Vreeker A, McQuillin A, Stahl EA, Ruderfer D, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Panagiotaropoulou G, Ripke S, Bigdeli TB, Stein F, Meller T, Meinert S, Pelin H, Streit F, Papiol S, Adams MJ, Adolfsson R, Adorjan K, Agartz I, Aminoff SR, Anderson-Schmidt H, Andreassen OA, Ardau R, Aubry JM, Balaban C, Bass N, Baune BT, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Berrettini WH, Boks MP, Bromet EJ, Brosch K, Budde M, Byerley W, Cervantes P, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark SR, Comes AL, Corvin A, Coryell W, Craddock N, Craig DW, Croarkin PE, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dannlowski U, Degenhardt F, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Djurovic S, Edenberg HJ, Eissa MA, Elvsåshagen T, Etain B, Fanous AH, Fellendorf F, Fiorentino A, Forstner AJ, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gade K, Garnham J, Gershon E, Gill M, Goes FS, Gordon-Smith K, Grof P, Guzman-Parra J, Hahn T, Hasler R, Heilbronner M, Heilbronner U, Jamain S, Jimenez E, Jones I, Jones L, Jonsson L, Kahn RS, Kelsoe JR, Kennedy JL, Kircher T, Kirov G, Kittel-Schneider S, Klöhn-Saghatolislam F, Knowles JA, Kranz TM, Lagerberg TV, Landen M, Lawson WB, Leboyer M, Li QS, Maj M, Malaspina D, Manchia M, Mayoral F, McElroy SL, McInnis MG, McIntosh AM, Medeiros H, Melle I, Milanova V, Mitchell PB, Monteleone P, Monteleone AM, Nöthen MM, Novak T, Nurnberger JI, O’Brien N, O’Connell KS, O’Donovan C, O’Donovan MC, Opel N, Ortiz A, Owen MJ, Pålsson E, Pato C, Pato MT, Pawlak J, Pfarr JK, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Rapaport MH, Reich-Erkelenz D, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Repple J, Richard-Lepouriel H, Rietschel M, Ringwald K, Roberts G, Rouleau G, Schaupp S, Scheftner WA, Schmitt S, Schofield PR, Schubert KO, Schulte EC, Schweizer B, Senner F, Severino G, Sharp S, Slaney C, Smeland OB, Sobell JL, Squassina A, Stopkova P, Strauss J, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Twarowska-Hauser J, Veldic M, Vieta E, Vincent JB, Xu W, Zai CC, Zandi PP; Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) Bipolar Disorder Working Group; International Consortium on Lithium Genetics (ConLiGen); Colombia-US Cross Disorder Collaboration in Psychiatric Genetics, Di Florio A, Smoller JW, Biernacka JM, McMahon FJ, Alda M, Müller-Myhsok B, Koutsouleris N, Falkai P, Freimer NB, Andlauer TFM, Schulze TG, Ophoff RA. Br J Psychiatry. 2021 Dec;219(6):659-669. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2021.102. PMID: 35048876

Overview: Studying phenotypic and genetic characteristics of age at onset (AAO) and polarity at onset (PAO) in bipolar disorder can provide new insights into disease pathology and facilitate the development of screening tools. The aim of this study was to examine the genetic architecture of AAO and PAO and their association with bipolar disorder disease characteristics.


Study protocol and rationale for a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of solriamfetol to treat binge eating disorder. Guerdjikova AI, Romo-Nava F, Blom TJ, Mori N, McElroy SL. Contemp Clin Trials. 2021 Oct 2;110:106587. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2021.106587. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34610482

Overview: Binge eating disorder (BED) is an important public health problem associated with severe psychosocial and medical consequences for which treatment options are limited. The objective of the this study will be to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of the novel dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (DNRI) solriamfetol in the treatment of BED.



Response and remission rates during 24 weeks of mood-stabilizing treatment for bipolar depression depending on early non-response. Köhler-Forsberg O, Sloth KH, Sylvia LG, Thase M, Calabrese JR, Tohen M, Bowden CL, McInnis M, Kocsis JH, Friedman ES, Ketter TA,McElroy SL, Shelton RC, Iosifescu DV, Ostacher MJ, Nierenberg AA. Psychiatry Res. 2021 Aug 29;305:114194. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2021.114194. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34500184

Overview: This study evaluates the probability of bipolar depression treatment response at 24 weeks given initial non-response.


Hirschsprung Disease and Eating Disorders Anna I. Guerdjikova, Francisco Romo-Nava, Susan L. McElroy. In Hidden and Lesser-known Disordered Eating Behaviors in Medical and Psychiatric Conditions. Editors: Emilia ManzatoMassimo CuzzolaroLorenzo Maria Donini. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-81174-7

Overview: This chapter discusses the symptomatic overlap between the Hirschsprung disease and eating disorders conditions across the lifespan and will present some clinical considerations promoting their thorough diagnosis and treatment.


Revisiting the bipolar disorder with migraine phenotype: Clinical features and comorbidity.

Romo-Nava F, Blom T, Cuellar-Barboza AB, Awosika OO, Martens BE, Mori NN, Colby CL, Prieto ML, Veldic M, Singh B, Gardea-Resendez M, Nunez NA, Ozerdem A, Biernacka JM, Frye MA, McElroy SL.

J Affect Disord. 2021 Aug 23;295:156-162. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.08.026. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 34464877

Overview: We evaluate the prevalence and clinical correlates of lifetime migraine among a large sample of patients with bipolar disorder (BD). We found that Migraine prevalence is high in BD (29%) and is associated with a more severe clinical burden that includes increased comorbidity with pain and inflammatory conditions. Further study of the BD-migraine phenotype may provide insight into common underlying neurobiological mechanisms.


HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 genetic diversity modulates response to lithium in bipolar affective disorders. Le Clerc S, Lombardi L, Baune BT, Amare AT, Schubert KO, Hou L, Clark SR, Papiol S, Cearns M, Heilbronner U, Degenhardt F, Tekola-Ayele F, Hsu YH, Shekhtman T, Adli M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Brichant-Petitjean C, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dayer A, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Jamain S, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe JR, Kittel-Schneider S, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, König B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leckband SG, Tortorella A, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, Colom F, Millischer V, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, O’Donovan C, Ozaki N, Ösby U, Pfennig A, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Pisanu C, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Maj M, Turecki G, Vieta E, Veeh J, Witt SH, Wright A, Zandi PP, Mitchell PB, Bauer M, Alda M, Rietschel M, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Spadoni JL, Boukouaci W, Richard JR, Le Corvoisier P, Barrau C, Zagury JF, Leboyer M, Tamouza. R. Sci Rep. 2021 Sep 8;11(1):17823. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-97140-7.

PMID: 34497278 

Overview: The therapeutic response to Li in BD is heterogeneous and reliable biomarkers allowing patients stratification are still needed. A Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) performed by the International Consortium on Lithium Genetics (ConLiGen) recently identified genetic markers associated with treatment responses to Li in the human leukocyte antigens (HLA) region. To better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying this association, we have genetically imputed the classical alleles of the HLA region in the European patients of the ConLiGen cohort.


Response and remission rates during 24 weeks of mood-stabilizing treatment for bipolar depression depending on early non-response. Köhler-Forsberg O, Sloth KH, Sylvia LG, Thase M, Calabrese JR, Tohen M, Bowden CL, McInnis M, Kocsis JH, Friedman ES, Ketter TA, McElroy SL, Shelton RC, Iosifescu DV, Ostacher MJ, Nierenberg AA. Psychiatry Res. 2021 Aug 29;305:114194. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2021.114194. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34500184

 Overview: We aimed to study the probability of bipolar depression response at 24 weeks given initial non-response. Among patients with bipolar depression and non-response after 6 weeks treatment, representing an adequate bipolar depression trial, only one-third responded by 24 weeks. These results highlight the need for better treatment alternatives for non-responders to evidence-based treatments for bipolar depression.


Editorial: Neurobiological Underpinnings of Bipolar Disorder and Its Treatment. Singh, Balwinder, Romo-Nava, Francisco, & Cuellar-Barboza, Alfredo B. Frontiers in Psychiatry, (2021);12(1345): Aug, 6th, 2021. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.726362

Overview: We provide a brief overview of the contents and highlights of the special topic “Neurobiological Underpinnings of Bipolar Disorder and its Treatment” that contains a mix of focused review and original findings highlighting the neurobiology of BD, and the treatment options for BD.


The use of melatonin to mitigate the adverse metabolic side effects of antipsychotics.

Romo-Nava F, Buijs RM, McElroy SL. Handb Clin Neurol. 2021;179:371-382. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819975-6.00024-8.PMID: 34225976

Overview: An overview on the circadian system and its involvement in antipsychotic-induced adverse metabolic effects, as well as the potential beneficial effect of nightly melatonin administration to mitigate them is reviewed.


The Rapid Mood Screener: A Novel and Pragmatic Screener Tool for Bipolar I Disorder.

Montano CB, Patel M, Jain R, Masand PS, Harrington A, Gillard P, Sullivan K, McElroy SL, Brown TM, Nelson L, McIntyre RS.CNS Spectr. 2021 Apr;26(2):167-168. doi: 10.1017/S1092852920002709. PMID: 34127133

 Overview: A brief, pragmatic bipolar I disorder (BPD-I) screening tool was developed that not only screens for manic symptoms but also includes risk factors for BPD-I (eg, age of depression onset) to help clinicians reduce the misdiagnosis of BPD-I as MDD.


Illness stage and predominant polarity in bipolar disorder: Correlation with burden of illness and moderation of treatment outcome.

Kamali M, Pegg S, Janos JA, Bobo WV, Brody B, Gao K, Ketter TA, McElroy SL, McInnis MG, Rabideau DJ, Reilly-Harrington NA, Shelton RC, Sylvia LG, Tohen M, Nierenberg A.J Psychiatr Res. 2021 Jun 2;140:205-213. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.05.082. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34118638

 Overview: The associations between staging and predominant polarity with measures of illness burden and treatment outcome utilizing data from a six-month comparative effectiveness trial of lithium and quetiapine in bipolar disorder (Bipolar CHOICE) were examined.


  1. Nunez N, Coombes B, Romo-Nava F, Vande Vort J, Singh B, Croarkin P, Veldic, M., Resendez, M. G., Leibman, N., Cuellar-Barboza, A., Prieto, M., Colby, C., Betcher, H. K., Moore, K., McElroy, S.L., Biernacka, J., Frye, M.. Clinical phenotype and treatment outcomes of bipolar patients with comorbid attention deficit symptoms. Bipolar Disorders. 2021;23:51-.


  1. Resendez MG, Nunez N, Romo-Nava F, Singh B, Veldic M, Colby C, Betcher, H., Moore, K. M., McElroy, S. L., Biernacka, J. M., Frye, M. A., Prieto, M., Cuellar-Barboza, A. Phenotyping Bipolar Disorder in a Latin American Cohort of the Mayo Clinic Bipolar Biobank. Bipolar Disorders. 2021;23:64-.


  1. Resendez MG, Romo-Nava F, Winham SJ, Veldic M, Cabello AA, Cuellar-Barboza A, Singh, B., Nunez, N., Betcher, H., Moore, K. M., Blom, T., Prieto, M., Colby, C., Clark, M. M., Kelpin, S. S., Ozerdem, A., De Filippis, E., Biernacka, J. M., McElroy, S. L., Frye, M. A. Diet quality in bipolar disorder is associated with depressive symptoms and cardiometabolic burden. Bipolar Disorders. 2021;23:52-.


  1. Romo-Nava F, Blom T, Cuellar-Barboza A, Martens B, Mori N, Colby C, Prieto, M., Veldic, M., Singh, B., Gardea-Resendez, M., Nunez, N., Ozerdem, A., Biernacka, J., Frye, M., McElroy, S.L. Revisiting the bipolar disorder with migraine phenotype: Clinical features and comorbidity. Bipolar Disorders. 2021;23:60-.


Genome-wide association study of more than 40,000 bipolar disorder cases provides new insights into the underlying biology.

Mullins N, Forstner AJ, O’Connell KS, Coombes B, Coleman JRI, Qiao Z, Als TD, Bigdeli TB, Børte S, Bryois J, Charney AW, Drange OK, Gandal MJ, Hagenaars SP, Ikeda M, Kamitaki N, Kim M, Krebs K, Panagiotaropoulou G, Schilder BM, Sloofman LG, Steinberg S, Trubetskoy V, Winsvold BS, Won HH, Abramova L, Adorjan K, Agerbo E, Al Eissa M, Albani D, Alliey-Rodriguez N, Anjorin A, Antilla V, Antoniou A, Awasthi S, Baek JH, Bækvad-Hansen M, Bass N, Bauer M, Beins EC, Bergen SE, Birner A, Bøcker Pedersen C, Bøen E, Boks MP, Bosch R, Brum M, Brumpton BM, Brunkhorst-Kanaan N, Budde M, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Byerley W, Cairns M, Casas M, Cervantes P, Clarke TK, Cruceanu C, Cuellar-Barboza A, Cunningham J, Curtis D, Czerski PM, Dale AM, Dalkner N, David FS, Degenhardt F, Djurovic S, Dobbyn AL, Douzenis A, Elvsåshagen T, Escott-Price V, Ferrier IN, Fiorentino A, Foroud TM, Forty L, Frank J, Frei O, Freimer NB, Frisén L, Gade K, Garnham J, Gelernter J, Giørtz Pedersen M, Gizer IR, Gordon SD, Gordon-Smith K, Greenwood TA, Grove J, Guzman-Parra J, Ha K, Haraldsson M, Hautzinger M, Heilbronner U, Hellgren D, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Holmans PA, Huckins L, Jamain S, Johnson JS, Kalman JL, Kamatani Y, Kennedy JL, Kittel-Schneider S, Knowles JA, Kogevinas M, Koromina M, Kranz TM, Kranzler HR, Kubo M, Kupka R, Kushner SA, Lavebratt C, Lawrence J, Leber M, Lee HJ, Lee PH, Levy SE, Lewis C, Liao C, Lucae S, Lundberg M, MacIntyre DJ, Magnusson SH, Maier W, Maihofer A, Malaspina D, Maratou E, Martinsson L, Mattheisen M, McCarroll SA, McGregor NW, McGuffin P, McKay JD, Medeiros H, Medland SE, Millischer V, Montgomery GW, Moran JL, Morris DW, Mühleisen TW, O’Brien N, O’Donovan C, Olde Loohuis LM, Oruc L, Papiol S, Pardiñas AF, Perry A, Pfennig A, Porichi E, Potash JB, Quested D, Raj T, Rapaport MH, DePaulo JR, Regeer EJ, Rice JP, Rivas F, Rivera M, Roth J, Roussos P, Ruderfer DM, Sánchez-Mora C, Schulte EC, Senner F, Sharp S, Shilling PD, Sigurdsson E, Sirignano L, Slaney C, Smeland OB, Smith DJ, Sobell JL, Søholm Hansen C, Soler Artigas M, Spijker AT, Stein DJ, Strauss JS, Świątkowska B, Terao C, Thorgeirsson TE, Toma C, Tooney P, Tsermpini EE, Vawter MP, Vedder H, Walters JTR, Witt SH, Xi S, Xu W, Yang JMK, Young AH, Young H, Zandi PP, Zhou H, Zillich L; HUNT All-In Psychiatry, Adolfsson R, Agartz I, Alda M, Alfredsson L, Babadjanova G, Backlund L, Baune BT, Bellivier F, Bengesser S, Berrettini WH, Blackwood DHR, Boehnke M, Børglum AD, Breen G, Carr VJ, Catts S, Corvin A, Craddock N, Dannlowski U, Dikeos D, Esko T, Etain B, Ferentinos P, Frye M, Fullerton JM, Gawlik M, Gershon ES, Goes FS, Green MJ, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Hauser J, Henskens F, Hillert J, Hong KS, Hougaard DM, Hultman CM, Hveem K, Iwata N, Jablensky AV, Jones I, Jones LA, Kahn RS, Kelsoe JR, Kirov G, Landén M, Leboyer M, Lewis CM, Li QS, Lissowska J, Lochner C, Loughland C, Martin NG, Mathews CA, Mayoral F, McElroy SL, McIntosh AM, McMahon FJ, Melle I, Michie P, Milani L, Mitchell PB, Morken G, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Mowry B, Müller-Myhsok B, Myers RM, Neale BM, Nievergelt CM, Nordentoft M, Nöthen MM, O’Donovan MC, Oedegaard KJ, Olsson T, Owen MJ, Paciga SA, Pantelis C, Pato C, Pato MT, Patrinos GP, Perlis RH, Posthuma D, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Reif A, Reininghaus EZ, Ribasés M, Rietschel M, Ripke S, Rouleau GA, Saito T, Schall U, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schulze TG, Scott LJ, Scott RJ, Serretti A, Shannon Weickert C, Smoller JW, Stefansson H, Stefansson K, Stordal E, Streit F, Sullivan PF, Turecki G, Vaaler AE, Vieta E, Vincent JB, Waldman ID, Weickert TW, Werge T, Wray NR, Zwart JA, Biernacka JM, Nurnberger JI, Cichon S, Edenberg HJ, Stahl EA, McQuillin A, Di Florio A, Ophoff RA, Andreassen OA.Nat Genet. 2021 Jun;53(6):817-829. doi: 10.1038/s41588-021-00857-4. Epub 2021 May 17. PMID: 34002096


Bipolar disorder is a heritable mental illness with complex etiology. This study conducted a genome-wide association study of 41,917 bipolar disorder cases and 371,549 controls of European ancestry, which identified 64 associated genomic loci. Results advance our understanding of the biological etiology of bipolar disorder, identify novel therapeutic leads and prioritize genes for functional follow-up studies.


Real-world efficacy of deep TMS for obsessive-compulsive disorder: Post-marketing data collected from twenty-two clinical sites.

Roth Y, Tendler A, Arikan MK, Vidrine R, Kent D, Muir O, MacMillan C, Casuto L, Grammer G, Sauve W, Tolin K, Harvey S, Borst M, Rifkin R, Sheth M, Cornejo B, Rodriguez R, Shakir S, Porter T, Kim D, Peterson B, Swofford J, Roe B, Sinclair R, Harmelech T, Zangen A.J Psychiatr Res. 2021 May;137:667-672. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2020.11.009. Epub 2020 Nov 4. PMID: 33183769


This study evaluated the efficacy of deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (dTMS) for OCD in real world practices.  in real-world clinical practice, the majority of OCD patients benefitted from dTMS, and the onset of improvement usually occurs within 20 sessions. Extending the treatment course beyond 29 sessions results in continued reduction of OCD symptoms, raising the prospect of value for extended treatment protocols in non-responders.


25 Years of the International Bipolar Collaborative Network (BCN).

Post RM, Altshuler LL, Kupka R, McElroy SL, Frye MA, Grunze H, Suppes T, Keck PE Jr, Nolen WA. Int J Bipolar Disord. 2021 Apr 2;9(1):13. doi: 10.1186/s40345-020-00218-w. PMID: 33811284


On the 25th year anniversary of The Stanley Foundation Bipolar Treatment Outcome Network founding, this is a brief summary of some of the major findings. Important insights into the course and treatment of adult outpatients with bipolar disorder were revealed and some methodological issues and lessons learned will be discussed.


Sex-Dependent Shared and Nonshared Genetic Architecture Across Mood and Psychotic Disorders.

Blokland GAM, Grove J, Chen CY, Cotsapas C, Tobet S, Handa R; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, St Clair D, Lencz T, Mowry BJ, Periyasamy S, Cairns MJ, Tooney PA, Wu JQ, Kelly B, Kirov G, Sullivan PF, Corvin A, Riley BP, Esko T, Milani L, Jönsson EG, Palotie A, Ehrenreich H, Begemann M, Steixner-Kumar A, Sham PC, Iwata N, Weinberger DR, Gejman PV, Sanders AR, Buxbaum JD, Rujescu D, Giegling I, Konte B, Hartmann AM, Bramon E, Murray RM, Pato MT, Lee J, Melle I, Molden E, Ophoff RA, McQuillin A, Bass NJ, Adolfsson R, Malhotra AK; Bipolar Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Martin NG, Fullerton JM, Mitchell PB, Schofield PR, Forstner AJ, Degenhardt F, Schaupp S, Comes AL, Kogevinas M, Guzman-Parra J, Reif A, Streit F, Sirignano L, Cichon S, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Hauser J, Lissowska J, Mayoral F, Müller-Myhsok B, Świątkowska B, Schulze TG, Nöthen MM, Rietschel M, Kelsoe J, Leboyer M, Jamain S, Etain B, Bellivier F, Vincent JB, Alda M, O’Donovan C, Cervantes P, Biernacka JM, Frye M, McElroy SL, Scott LJ, Stahl EA, Landén M, Hamshere ML, Smeland OB, Djurovic S, Vaaler AE, Andreassen OA; Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Baune BT, Air T, Preisig M, Uher R, Levinson DF, Weissman MM, Potash JB, Shi J, Knowles JA, Perlis RH, Lucae S, Boomsma DI, Penninx BWJH, Hottenga JJ, de Geus EJC, Willemsen G, Milaneschi Y, Tiemeier H, Grabe HJ, Teumer A, Van der Auwera S, Völker U, Hamilton SP, Magnusson PKE, Viktorin A, Mehta D, Mullins N, Adams MJ, Breen G, McIntosh AM, Lewis CM; Sex Differences Cross-Disorder Analysis Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; iPSYCH, Hougaard DM, Nordentoft M, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Werge T, Als TD, Børglum AD, Petryshen TL, Smoller JW, Goldstein JM.Biol Psychiatry. 2021 Mar 23:S0006-3223(21)01139-2. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.02.972. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34099189


Sex differences in incidence and/or presentation of schizophrenia (SCZ), major depressive disorder (MDD), and bipolar disorder (BIP) are pervasive. Previous evidence for shared genetic risk and sex differences in brain abnormalities across disorders suggest possible shared sex-dependent genetic risk. This study shows that there was substantial genetic overlap between the sexes. However, significant sex-dependent effects were enriched for genes related to neuronal development and immune and vascular functions across and within SCZ, BIP, and MDD at the variant, gene, and pathway levels.


Development of a Patient-Centered Software System to Facilitate Effective Management of Bipolar Disorder.

Bowden CL, Priesmeyer R, Tohen M, Singh V, Calabrese JR, Ketter T, Nierenberg A, Thase ME, Siegel G, Siegel LH, Mintz J, El-Mallakh RS, McElroy SL, Martinez M.Psychopharmacol Bull. 2021 Mar 16;51(2):8-19. PMID: 34092819 


A Self-management of bipolar disorder (BD) is an important component of treatment. In this study, a patient-centered computational software system based on concepts from nonlinear systems (chaos) theory with mobile access to assist in managing BD known as KIOS was developed. Results show that the KIOS focus on change illuminates problems in the same way that humans experience them, implying that the future state will be consequent to changes made to impact the current state.


Diagnosing and Treating Major Depressive Episodes that Lie Along the Mood Disorders Spectrum: Focus on Depression with Mixed Features.

McElroy SL, Guerdjikova AI, Romo-Nava F. CNS Spectr. 2021 Mar 15:1-25. doi: 10.1017/S1092852921000262. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33715657


Long-term lithium therapy and risk of chronic kidney disease in bipolar disorder: A historical cohort study.

Pahwa M, Joseph B, Nunez NA, Jenkins GD, Colby CL, Kashani KB, Marin Veldic, Moore KM, Betcher HK, Ozerdem A, Cuellar-Barboza AB, McElroy SL, Biernacka JM, Frye MA, Singh B. Bipolar Disord. 2021 Feb 6. doi: 10.1111/bdi.13052. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33548063


A feasibility study evaluating lisdexamfetamine dimesylate for the treatment of adults with bulimia nervosa.

Keshen AR, Dixon L, Ali SI, Helson T, Nunes A, Milliken H, Gamberg S, Sadek J, Kaplan A, McElroy SL. Int J Eat Disord. 2021 Feb 3. doi: 10.1002/eat.23480. Online ahead of print.


The Rapid Mood Screener (RMS): a novel and pragmatic screener for bipolar I disorder.

McIntyre RS, Patel MD, Masand PS, Harrington A, Gillard P, McElroy SL, Sullivan K, Montano CB, Brown TM, Nelson L, Jain R. Curr Med Res Opin. 2021 Jan;37(1):135-144. doi: 10.1080/03007995.2020.1860358. Epub 2021 Jan 6.


Dissecting clinical heterogeneity of bipolar disorder using multiple polygenic risk scores.

Coombes BJ, Markota M, Mann JJ, Colby C, Stahl E, Talati A, Pathak J, Weissman MM, McElroy SL, Frye MA, Biernacka JM.Transl Psychiatry. 2020 Sep 18;10(1):314. doi: 10.1038/s41398-020-00996-y.


The relative influence of individual risk factors for attempted suicide in patients with bipolar I versus bipolar II disorder

Susan L. McElroy, MD

We conducted an analysis of data from 1465 enrollees in the Mayo Clinic Bipolar Disorder Biobank.  Demographic and clinical variables and history of attempted suicide were ascertained using standardized questionnaires.

Source:  www.elsevier.com/locate/jad


Progress in Developing Pharmacologic Agents to Treat Bulimia Nervosa

Susan L. McElroy, MD

This paper reviews past and current progress in developing pharmacologic agents for the treatment of individuals with bulimia nervosa.

Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs40263-018-0594-5


Comorbid anxiety in bipolar CHOICE: Insights from the bipolar inventory of symptoms scale.

Susan L. McElroy, MD

Approximately 86-89% of patients with bipolar disorder (BD) have a comorbid anxiety disorder associated with poor quality of life and reduced likelihood of recovery from an acute mood episode. The purpose of this study is to assess the prevalence and impact of comorbid anxiety in patients with BD who participated in a 6-month pragmatic trial.

Source:  J Affect Disord. 2018 Dec 18;246:126-131. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2018.12.039. [Epub ahead of print]


Racial disparities in bipolar disorder treatment and research: a call to action

Bipolar disorder is the sixth leading cause of disability worldwide, and its early onset and chronic nature underscore its cumulative illness burden and the importance of early intervention and optimal disease management strategies.

Source: Journal of Affective Disorders

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Comorbid anxiety in bipolar CHOICE: Insights from the bipolar inventory of symptoms scale

Approximately 86–89% of patients with BD have a comorbid anxiety disorder associated with poor quality of life and reduced likelihood of recovery from an acute mood episode.

Source: Journal of Affective Disorders

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Progress in Developing Pharmacologic Agents to Treat Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa (BN), characterized by recurrent bingeeating episodes and regular inappropriate compensatory weight loss behaviors, is an important public health problem.

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The relative influence of individual risk factors for attempted suicide in patients with bipolar I versus bipolar II disorder

Susan L. McElroy, MD

Rates of attempted suicide are strikingly high in patients with bipolar disorders.

Source: Journal of Affective Disorders

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Mixed Depression in Bipolar Disorder: Prevalence Rate and Clinical Correlates During Naturalistic Follow-Up in the Stanley Bipolar Network.

Susan L. McElroy, MD

Relatively little is known about the co-occurrence of bipolar and eating disorders. We therefore assessed the prevalence and clinical correlates of eating disorders in 875 patients with bipolar disorder.

Source: Journal of Affective Disorders

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Prevalence and correlates of eating disorders in 875 patients with bipolar disorder

Susan L. McElroy, MD

Relatively little is known about the co-occurrence of bipolar and eating disorders. We therefore assessed the prevalence and clinical correlates of eating disorders in 875 patients with bipolar disorder.

Source: Journal of Affective Disorders

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A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Quetiapine and Paroxetine as Monotherapy in Adults With Bipolar Depression (EMBOLDEN II)

Susan L. McElroy, MD; Richard H. Weisler, MD; William Chang, PhD; Bengt Olausson, MD; Björn Paulsson, MD; Martin Brecher, MD; Vasavan Agambaram, MD;…

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of quetiapine and paroxetine monotherapy for major depression and bipolar disorder.

Source: psychiatrist.com

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Sodium Oxybate in the Treatment of Binge Eating Disorder: An Open-Label, Prospective Study

Susan L. McElroy, MD, Anna I. Guerdjikova, PhD, Erin L. Winstanley, PhD, Anne M. O’Melia, MD, Nicole Mori, CNP, Paul E. Keck Jr., MD James I. Hudson, MD, ScD

To assess preliminarily the effectiveness of sodium oxybate in binge eating disorder.

Source: International Journal of Eating Disorders

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Role of Antiepileptic Drugs in the Management of Eating Disorders

Susan L. McElroy, Anna I. Guerdjikova, Brian Martens, Paul E. Keck Jr, Harrison G. Pope and James I. Hudson

Growing evidence suggests that antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) may be useful in managing some eating disorders. In the present paper, we provide a brief overview of eating disorders, the rationale for using AEDs in the treatment of these disorders and review the data supporting the effectiveness of specific AEDs in the treatment of patients with eating disorders. In addition, the potential mechanisms of action of AEDs in these conditions are discussed.

Source: CNS Drugs

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Obesity in Patients With Severe Mental Illness: Overview and Management Susan L. McElroy, MD

Obesity and overweight are growing health concerns for the general population and a rapidly increasing concern for clinical populations, particularly patients with severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Source: psychiatrist.com

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Binge Eating Disorder Pharmacotherapy Clinical Trails—Who Is Left Out?

Anna I. Guerdjikova & Susan L. McElroy

This report examined the characteristics of subjects interested in binge eating disorder (BED) pharmacotherapy trails who were ineligible for participation.

Source: Wiley InterScience

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Olanzapine in the Treatment of Pathological Gambling: A Negative Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial

Susan L. McElroy, M.D.; Erik B. Nelson, M.D.; Jeffrey A. Welge, Ph.D.; Laura Kaehler, B.A.; and Paul E. Keck, Jr., M.D.

Pathological gambling is associated with bipolar disorder and dopamine dysfunction. Olanzapine is a second-generation antipsychotic with mood-stabilizing properties and antagonistic activity at several dopamine receptors. The purpose of this study was to evaluate olanzapine in the treatment of pathological gambling.

Source: psychiatrist.com

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Lindner Center of HOPE is affiliated with the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cincinnati and presents a unique opportunity to work within a community-based setting, committed to the integration of research and treatment. Not only does this bridge between treatment and research enhance treatment options for patients, it also creates an exciting environment for researchers eager to see their findings more immediately benefit patients and validate the work.

Researchers at Lindner Center of HOPE are members of an interdisciplinary team of clinicians and clinician-scientists who are interested in advancing psychiatric practice. Lindner Center of HOPE researchers will have an academic appointment in the Department of Psychiatry and, as may be appropriate, a joint appointment in the Institute for the Study of Health or the Department of Public Health Sciences.

Research Institute at Lindner Center of HOPE

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