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Current Paid Research Studies and Clinical Trials

Research studies at the Research Institute at Lindner Center of HOPE are currently being conducted for Bipolar Disorder, Major Depression and Eating Disorders.

The Research Institute at Lindner Center of HOPE conducts research regarding the biological causes and treatments for mood and eating disorders. Currently Dr. Susan McElroy is recruiting people for studies on bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression), major depression, eating disorders (binge eating disorder), and smoking cessation.

For more information about the Research Institute, contact (513) 536-0716 or click here.

If you would like to fill out a short pre-screen questionnaire for one of our research studies in Cincinnati, please click below:

MYDAYIS®  for Bipolar Depression

Obesity study:  the role of the circadian system in binge eating disorder

Binge eating disorder study using investigational medication

ENGAGE Binge Eating Disorder research study

Do You Have Bipolar Disorder?

In partnership with the Mayo Clinic, LCOH seeks participants for Bipolar Biobank to provide samples of blood, complete an interview and questionnaires.

Adults 18 to 80 years old who have been diagnosed with BP I, BP II or schizoaffective disorder (bipolar type) may be eligible to participate.

Participants will be reimbursed $50 for their time spent completing the entire study.

If you would like to fill out a short pre-screen questionnaire, please click here.

For more information call 513-536-0707 or email georgi.georgiev@lindnercenter.org 

Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder And Overweight?

The purpose of this placebo controlled research study is to gather information about the effects of investigational medication on weight loss in individuals with stable Bipolar Disorder.

18-65 years old men and women diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder who are obese or overweight and interested in weight loss. Must be on a stable regimen of medication for Bipolar Disorder for at least 3 months.

Study-related evaluations, tests and medication without charge. Eligible participants will be compensated $50 per visit for their time and travel.

If you would like to fill out a short pre-screen questionnaire for our weight loss in stable bipolar disorder study, please click here.

For more information about the Research Institute, contact (513) 536-0710 or email Anna Guerdjikova at Anna.Guerdjikova@LindnerCenter.org

Bipolar Disorder Depression Study

Do You Have Bipolar Disorder and Are Currently Depressed?

The purpose of this research is to see if Mydayis will improve mood in patients with bipolar disorder and currently suffering from depression.  Participants will be randomly assigned to take Mydayis or a placebo (a fake pill with no active ingredient).

Adults, age 18-65 who are currently experiencing depression and diagnosed with bipolar disorder.  Participants must be on a mood stabilizer prescribed by their doctor.

Eligible participants will be compensated up to $390 for their time, effort and travel.

For more information, please contact us at 513-536-0707 or fill out a pre-screen questionnaire here

For more information about the Research Institute, contact (513) 536-0710 or email Anna Guerdjikova at Anna.Guerdjikova@LindnerCenter.org.

Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder And Overweight?

The purpose of this placebo controlled research study is to gather information about the effects of investigational medication on weight loss in individuals with stable Bipolar Disorder.

18-65 years old men and women diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder who are obese or overweight and interested in weight loss. Must be on a stable regimen of medication for Bipolar Disorder for at least 3 months.

Study-related evaluations, tests and medication without charge. Eligible participants will be compensated $50 per visit for their time and travel.

If you would like to fill out a short pre-screen questionnaire for our weight loss in stable bipolar disorder study, please click here.

For more information about the Research Institute, contact (513) 536-0710 or email Anna Guerdjikova at Anna.Guerdjikova@LindnerCenter.org

Bipolar Disorder Depression Study

Do You Have Bipolar Disorder and Are Currently Depressed?

The purpose of this research is to see if Mydayis will improve mood in patients with bipolar disorder and currently suffering from depression.  Participants will be randomly assigned to take Mydayis or a placebo (a fake pill with no active ingredient).

Adults, age 18-65 who are currently experiencing depression and diagnosed with bipolar disorder.  Participants must be on a mood stabilizer prescribed by their doctor.

Eligible participants will be compensated up to $390 for their time, effort and travel.

For more information, please contact us at 513-536-0707 or fill out a pre-screen questionnaire here

For more information about the Research Institute, contact (513) 536-0710 or email Anna Guerdjikova at Anna.Guerdjikova@LindnerCenter.org.

ENGAGE Binge Eating Disorder research study

Lindner Center of HOPE, located at 4075 Old Wester Row Road, Mason, Ohio 45040.

A twelve week Randomized Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study assessing Efficacy and Safety of Solriamfetol for binge eating disorder.

This study involves a placebo; there is a chance that you will receive the placebo instead of solriamfetol.

Adults aged 18-55 years of age with binge eating disorder.

The participant will be paid up to $700 for completion of this study.

Lead Doctor:
Susan L. McElroy, MD

Phone number for study coordinator:  513-536-0268.  Available Monday through Friday during regular business hours.

If you would like to fill out a short pre-screen questionnaire for this study please click here 

For more information contact Anna at (513) 536-0710 or email Anna.Guerdjikova@LindnerCenter.org

Binge Eating Disorder Study Using Investigational Medication


A twelve week study assessing an investigational medication for binge eating disorder.

Adults aged 18-65 years of age with binge eating disorder.

All study visits, tests, procedures, and medication will be provided at no cost to participants. Eligible participants will be compensated $50 per visit for their time and travel.

If you would like to fill out a short pre-screen questionnaire for this study please click here.

For more information contact Anna at (513) 536-0710 or email Anna.Guerdjikova@LindnerCenter.org


Participants with Obesity and Binge Eating Disorder

The purpose of this study is to learn more about binge eating disorder (BED).  Participants will be asked to come in for 8 visits over approximately 6 weeks.  Participants will be randomly assigned to a study intervention or sham/placebo in the final four weeks of the study.

Adults age 18-50, currently with obesity and experiencing binge eating disorder symptoms.

Eligible participants will be compensated up to $440 for their time and travel.

For more information, contact George at (513) 536-0707 or fill out a pre-screen questionnaire here.

Non-Invasive Spinal Cord Stimulation Study

The purpose of this study is to evaluate if a small electrical current applied through the skin at different doses can change signals from the body to the brain in adults with depression. The study will last approximately 6 weeks and involves 5 visits at the research center.

Adults 18 to 60 years old, who have been diagnosed with depression, and are currently taking medication to treat it.

Participants will be paid up to $450 for your time and travel costs related to taking part in this study.

For more information please contact us at: 513 536-0707 or e-mail at: georgi.georgiev@lindnercenter.org or fill out a pre-screen questionnaire here.

Obesity Study

Participants with obesity

The purpose of this study is to learn more about the role of the circadian system in binge eating disorder (BED).  Participants will be asked to come in for 4 visits over approximately 2 weeks.

Adults age 18-50, currently with obesity that do not have current or lifetime history of binge eating disorder or bulimia nervosa.

Eligible participants will be compensated up to $215 for their time and travel.

For more information, contact George at (513) 536-0707 or fill out a pre-screen questionnaire here.