Mental Health Treatment Admissions
We're ready to help.
513-536-4673 or 1-888-536-4673
Lindner Center of HOPE offers a continuum of mental health care services to meet individuals where they are in their treatment journey. Learn more about mental health treatment admissions criteria and contact us for admission.
If you or a loved one is experiencing suicidal thoughts, thoughts of violence, tremendous fear, anxiety, or is unable to function as a result of mental health issues, let Lindner Center of HOPE be the first call you make.
Adult Inpatient Admission Criteria
For individuals needing the highest level of care and crisis intervention delivered with compassion and respect, Lindner Center of HOPE has 48 private rooms for acute inpatient psychiatric hospitalization.
Following a diagnostic evaluation to gain a thorough understanding of the specific needs of each patient, inpatient psychiatric hospitalization focuses on quickly resolving serious and life-threatening symptoms.
All hospital admission decisions at Lindner Center of HOPE are made on a case-by-case basis. However, there are certain criteria that each patient must meet prior to admission.
It is the policy of the Adult Inpatient Psychiatric units of the Lindner Center of HOPE to accept for admission those individuals whose mental health status warrants treatment in a locked inpatient setting.
Patients admitted to the Adult Inpatient Psychiatric unit will meet the following criteria:
- Persons seeking or requiring treatment for a mental illness will have a primary diagnosis recognized by the current edition of the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders;
- Persons seeking admission will preferably be admitted on a voluntary basis, although involuntary admissions will be accepted;
- Persons are able to participate in the therapeutic process;
- There is reasonable expectation that the presenting symptoms can be reduced or controlled;
- There is a degree of medical stability that does not require ongoing, significant active or invasive medical treatment for management.
Exclusion Criteria:
Patients admitted to the Adult Inpatient Psychiatric units will not be admitted if the following are present:
- The person has significant active or invasive medical treatment needs;
- The person is under a criminal court order for treatment;
- The person is in need of a forensic treatment setting;
- The person has a history of sexually perpetrating or is a registered sexual offender;
- The person is actually in need of a long-term treatment setting;
- The person’s primary diagnosis (or diagnoses) is/are: substance abuse, substance dependence, dementia, mental retardation, malingering and/or antisocial personality disorder.
Financial Obligations
At Lindner Center of HOPE and Lindner Center of HOPE Professional Associates (collectively referred to as Lindner Center), we understand that dealing with the financial implications of mental illness can be difficult. That is why we are here to help. Together we can work through your financial obligations, insurance questions and payment options.
What insurance plans do you accept?
Insurance for hospitalization and other hospital-based services:
Insurance coverage can vary widely, and specific services covered are stipulated by each individual’s benefits plan. We strongly encourage individuals and/or families to call their carrier and verify coverage prior to receiving care at Lindner Center of HOPE.
In general, Lindner Center of HOPE accepts payment from major insurance carriers for hospitalization. Some other services, depending upon the patient’s coverage, may also be covered. A partial listing of insurance programs accepted at Lindner Center of HOPE for hospitalization and other inpatient services are listed here. Questions about your insurance can be directed to a Lindner Center of HOPE representative when you inquire about care at 513-536-HOPE (4673).
- Anthem
- Humana (Behavioral) (Includes Humana Choice/Gold Medicare Products)
- Medicare
- Medical Mutual
- Ohio Medicaid (ages 11 to 21 and 65 and over)
- Ohio PPO Connect/Ohio Health Choice
- United Behavioral Health (Includes Secure Horizons & AARP Medicare Products)
- Out of Network with all Marketplace plans**
- Regarding financial obligations for adolescent services provided by Cincinnati Children’s at Lindner Center of HOPE, most major insurance programs cover treatment services offered, with limited availability for non-Ohio Medicaid. Financial service representatives at Cincinnati Children’s are available to answer questions and assist families in obtaining insurance authorization or applying for financial aid programs. For questions regarding financial services, please call: 513-636-4427 and press option 9.
Insurance for Outpatient Services:
Lindner Center of HOPE Professional Associates accepts the following insurance plans:
- Anthem
- Humana (Behavioral) (Includes Humana Choice/Gold Medicare Products)
- Medicare
- Medical Mutual
- Ohio PPO Connect/Ohio Health Choice
- United Behavioral Health (Includes Secure Horizons & AARP Medicare Products)
- Out of Network with all Marketplace plans**
Registration staff will verify whether your insurance plan is in or out of network. Co-insurance, co-pays, deductibles, out-of-network balances, and fees for services not covered by insurance or elected as self-pay will be collected at the point of service. Fees vary by clinician and specialty. Please call 513-536-HOPE (4673).
Financing Options
Lindner Center of HOPE understands that financing options may be useful to patients and families as they consider how to manage diagnostic and treatment expenses. To that end, Lindner Center of HOPE evaluated some financing options that may be able to assist patients and families. Below are two lending companies, that have experience in assisting families in need of mental healthcare and addictions services. Lindner Center of HOPE provides information about each company, strictly as a resource for patients and families and is not affiliated with and/or endorsing either company.
Prosper Healthcare Lending
Prosper HealthCare Lending is the premier financing company in the behavioral health industry. With over $3 Billion borrowed and over 250,000 people empowered, this is a name and a program you can trust.
Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive with a loan from ProsperHealthcareLending:
- Immediate decisions for loans under $35,000
- Longer terms for lower monthly payments
- No collateral required
- No prepayment penalties
- Fast & easy loan inquiry process
- 100% Confidential
* Please note that Lindner Center of HOPE Professional Associates (LCOHPA) does not work with Prosper Healthcare Lending.
M-Lend Financial
M-Lend Financial has served the Medical Community for 20 years.
Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive with a loan from M-Lend:
- 0% APR for at least 12 months for qualified applicants
- No required payoff or back accrued interest charges
- Financing up to $50,000
- No pre-payment penalties
- Pay off your balance at any time
- Keep other credit lines available for emergencies or other important expenses
Apply online at:
Call: 888-474-6231
Financial Assistance
Lindner Center of HOPE (LCOH) recognizes that some patients requiring emergent services have limited financial resources. To help ease the burden of these healthcare expenses, Lindner Center will extend a discount off billed charges up to 100% to uninsured or underinsured patients for inpatient services who have –
- Provided proof of residency in the state of Ohio;
- Made a good faith effort to obtain insurance coverage if affordable coverage is available to them or apply for any government sponsored insurance programs they may qualify for; and
- Demonstrated financial need due to limited income based on the most recently published Federal Income Poverty Guide (FPG) and total resources.
For patients requiring emergent services not meeting the criteria above, Lindner Center will extend a discount off billed charges. The amount of this discount will be determined annually based on Amounts Generally Billed to Insurance and Medicare. The current discount is 50% for medically necessary hospital services and 41% for medically necessary physician services for Ohio residents. Patients residing outside of Ohio, but in the United States, will receive a 25% discount on billed charges for medically necessary services.
Physicians providing services at Lindner Center, but not employed by Lindner Center are not covered under this policy. This includes physicians from University of Cincinnati Physicians, Children’s Hospital Medical Center and Compunet Lab Services Corp.
- Income
- Amount of Charges Discounted
- Income less than or equal of 200% of FPG
- 100%
2025 Household Size Federal Income Poverty Guideline Lindner Center of HOPE Guideline
Family Size | Federal Poverty Levels 2025 | Discounted 100% - 200% |
1 | $15,650 | $0 - $31,300 |
2 | $21,150 | $0 - $42,300 |
3 | $26,650 | $0 - $53,300 |
4 | $32,150 | $0 - $64,300 |
5 | $37,650 | $0 - $75,300 |
6 | $43,150 | $0 - $86,300 |
7 | $48,650 | $0 - $97,300 |
8 | $54,150 | $0 - $108,300 |
Add Each Additional | $5,500 |
Note: A dependent is defined as the patient’s spouse (regardless of whether they live in the home), and all of the patient’s children, natural, adoptive, or step, under the age of eighteen whose primary residence is the patient’s home. If the patient is under the age of eighteen, the “family” shall include the patient, the patient’s natural or adoptive parents (regardless of whether they live in the home), and the parents’ children, natural or adoptive under the age of eighteen who live in the home.
Income verification must accompany the application. Please provide proof of gross income for the last pay periods for each employer in the current year and a copy of page 1 of the most recent 1040 federal return. If you receive income from another source, such as child support, alimony, social security, pension, etc., please provide documentation of the amount and frequency of payment.
Click here for Financial Assistance Application. Spanish Version
If you meet the requirements stated above, and wish to apply for financial assistance, please print and fully complete the Financial Assistance Application.
Eligibility will be determined when the application and all supporting documents are received. LCOH will make a determination within 21 calendar days and will notify the patient by mail of their acceptance or denial. Incomplete applications will be automatically denied after 45 calendar days. Patients can resubmit a complete application at any time.
Our Financial Counselors are available to discuss the Lindner Center of HOPE Financial Assistance Program from 8am to 6pm Monday through Friday by calling (513) 536-0224.
This completed application along with income verification should be sent to the following address for processing:
Lindner Center of HOPE
4075 Old Western Row Road
Mason, OH 45040
Attention: Financial Counselor
Visitor Guidelines
The staff and employees of Lindner Center of HOPE sincerely welcome visitors to our facility. Providing the highest quality care and a safe environment for visitors and patients are our highest priorities. Please take a few moments to read this brochure and familiarize yourself with our visitation guidelines.
Your agreement to honor these guidelines while you support your loved one is essential to the treatment and recovery process. We have developed this brochure to help you feel more at ease while you are visiting Lindner Center of HOPE. If you have additional questions, please inquire at the Welcome Center or call (513) 536-HOPE (4673).
It is part of our mission to assure that families and other supportive people are an integral part of the treatment and recovery process. To make visitation easier for patients and families, visiting hours at Lindner Center of HOPE are flexible. We encourage you to discuss the best visitation times with the members of the treatment team so that you can coordinate visits that work best for you and your loved one. Recommended visiting hours are between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
What insurance plans do you accept?
Insurance coverage can vary widely, and specific services covered are stipulated by each individual’s benefits plan. We strongly encourage individuals and/or families to call their carrier and verify coverage prior to receiving care at Lindner Center of HOPE.
Visitation Procedure
In order to ensure confidentiality of our patients, we use a system that requires visitors and callers to provide a 4-digit access code that is determined by the patient. This assures that only those visitors approved by the patient can contact them. Upon arrival at the Center, all visitors check in at the Welcome Center where you must provide the access code. Access will not be granted without the code.
Once you have signed in, you will be given a visitor badge and be provided with a secure locker to store purses , backpacks or other personal items. You can then proceed to the hospital unit where your loved one is staying and check in at the unit desk. Staff on the unit will assist you and will approve any items you brought with you. For the safety of everyone on the unit, items that are brought into the Center are subject to security clearance.
Telephones are available to patients for general calls from 7 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Telephones are not available during scheduled therapeutic activities. For the courtesy of all patients, calls are limited to 10 minutes. To reach a patient on an inpatient unit, please call (513) 536 HOPE (4673).
Items Not Permitted on the Premises
The following items are not permitted on the patient care units due to concerns of safety, health, or confidentiality.
- Alcohol, drugs and drug paraphernalia
- Weapons including knives, guns and ammunition
- Matches, lighters, smoking materials, tobacco products and smokeless tobacco products including E-Cigarettes
- Office/school supplies
- Sharps and needles of any kind including scissors, tweezers, knives, razors, nail clippers or metal nail files, safety/stick
pins, knitting needles, tacks, keys or paper clips - Any item with glass or made of glass
- Inappropriate clothing or clothing with strings or straps, including purses and bags
- Electrical appliances with cords and/or heat, such as blow dryers, curling irons, straighteners. Center provides a blow dryer for patient use
- Cellular phones
- Personal hygiene/grooming items
- Items containing Alcohol (including mouthwash)
- Latex balloons and gloves
- External food, beverages and gum except hard candy (requires a physician order)
- Plastic bags
- Candles, incense, or electric air fresheners
- Reading or viewing materials with a rating higher than PG-13
- Aerosol cans
- Luffa Sponges
- Make-up items are limited to five total and must not be glass
- String or elastic bands
- Medications
- Credit Cards, Money and/or other Valuables – will be secured by Protective Services
- Metal or wire hangers
- Sporting equipment/items
- Clothing/hamper bag
- Bedding from outside the Center unless there is a medical need, stuffed items such as toy animals.**
**Exceptions must be vetted by the treatment team. A physician order is required for these exceptions.
Click here for a printable detailed version.
Lindner Center of HOPE hospital and outpatient areas are tobacco-free environments. There is no tobacco use permitted including the buildings, parking areas, or driveway.
Service Animals
If you are accompanied by a service animal, please let the receptionist know. All visitors with service animals are responsible for the animal’s behavior. Service animals may be restricted if they are disruptive and/or pose a direct threat to the health and safety of others.
Frequently Asked Questions About Admissions
What are admission criteria for acute inpatient care/hospitalization?
How long will I have to stay?
What should I pack for my stay?
What’s the difference between inpatient care and residential care?
When will I know my diagnosis?
What will my schedule look like?
What can I expect during a group therapy session?
What can I expect after discharge?
How much experience do staff members have in dealing with my issue?
What access will I have to family and friends?
How long can visitors stay?
What are meals like?
Are visitors able to eat with me?
Can I smoke?
Will someone introduce me to other patients?
How much free time will I have?
Can I contact my friends and family by phone?
How am I discharged?
Once I am home, what do I do to stay well?
What are admission criteria for acute inpatient care/hospitalization?
An individual admitted to a Lindner Center of HOPE patient care unit will have a principal diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder, excluding sex offender, criminal court, end-stage dementia, mental retardation, or sole substance abuse disorder. In addition, patients will meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Demonstrates a danger to self, others or property.
- Manifest major impairment in activities of daily living and in occupational functioning.
- Demonstrates continued decline in functioning manifested by impairment in ability to provide for his/her basic physical needs.
- Condition prevents him/her from benefiting from less intensive levels of care.
How long will I have to stay?
There are many factors unique to each patient that determine how long an individual is hospitalized on an acute unit. The goal is to make sure patients are discharged once they are stable and ready to transition either back home or to another appropriate treatment setting.
What should I pack for my stay?
For safety reasons, please pack only essential items including:
- Three to five changes of casual, comfortable clothing (Laundry facilities are available for use.)
- Three to five changes of undergarments and socks
- Shoes (including a pair of gym shoes)
- Pajamas, slippers and robe
- Sweater
- Grooming items
What’s the difference between inpatient care and residential care?
Inpatient Care: An individual admitted to a Lindner Center of HOPE inpatient acute care unit will have a principal diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder, excluding sex offender, criminal court, end-stage dementia, mental retardation, or sole substance abuse disorder. In addition, patients will meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Demonstrates a danger to self, others or property.
- Manifest major impairment in activities of daily living and in occupational functioning.
- Demonstrates continued decline in functioning manifested by impairment in ability to provide for his/her basic physical needs.
- Condition prevents him/her from benefiting from less intensive levels of care.
For the patient’s safety, the unit is kept locked and patients are closely monitored by staff at all times. The goal of inpatient care is stabilization and a return to basic functioning. Most insurance companies offer some coverage for acute inpatient care.
Residential Care, like Sibcy House: Residential Care as provided by Sibcy House at Lindner Center of HOPE provides a private and therapeutic environment for the diagnosis and treatment of persons with mental illness and those with mental health and addiction-related issues. The unit treats persons over the age of 18 who have the ability to provide financial resources for their stay. Private pay for this kind of care eliminates restrictions sometimes placed on care by third-party payers. The first step is a comprehensive diagnostic assessment, unrestricted by a third-party payer, that enables the treatment team to generate a very individualized and tailored treatment plan for the individual. Once treatment begins, patients can discuss their individual treatment stay with their treatment team and determine appropriate next steps.
Sibcy House is an open treatment environment and patients are voluntary and do not need acute services or stabilization. The expected length of stay for the intensive diagnosis is 6 days and the longer residential stay is 28 days.
When will I know my diagnosis?
You will receive ongoing feedback from your treatment team as it becomes available. Before discharge, we will give you a comprehensive explanation of your diagnosis and treatment plan. You are encouraged to ask questions at any time during your stay.
What will my schedule look like?
Your daily schedule will vary but will typically include individual and group sessions. Sessions may include cognitive and dialectical behavioral therapies as well as nutrition, substance abuse, anxiety, trauma, living skills, relapse prevention and spiritual enrichment. Since maintaining a regular exercise program is important to well-being, fitness activities will be offered as a part of your schedule.
What can I expect during a group therapy session?
In group therapy, most often led by psychologists, you will have the opportunity to support other guests in a confidential environment. Many find it comforting to hear that others are facing similar difficulties or have already worked through problems you may be experiencing.
You should feel free to contribute but will not be pressured to do so. During group therapy you’ll learn many new skills that will be beneficial to you after you leave.
What can I expect after discharge?
Every patient has a unique life experience related to their struggle with mental illness and they come to our program at various points in their personal journey. As such, clinicians approach each person individually, offering the most appropriate diagnostic tools and treatments. During your stay, you will begin to implement your treatment including medication management, individual and group therapies. Our goal is for you to leave with an accurate diagnosis and the tools you need to live a successful and enjoyable life.
How much experience do staff members have in dealing with my issue?
An extensive search was conducted to hire clinical care providers on the units. Each staff member has the experience and the compassion to work with every patient and their individual needs and circumstances.
What access will I have to family and friends?
Family and friends are welcome to visit. Recommended visiting hours are between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Visitors will be asked to check-in at the Welcome Center where they must provide an access code that you provide to them. Visitors will be asked to put purses or handbags in a secure locker provided for them. Once on the unit, they will need to check in with the main desk to have any items they’ve brought with them approved.
How long can visitors stay?
A visit of longer than two hours should be discussed in advance with the treatment team. Visitors should be kept to a number that does not disturb others. If the visit is moved into a patient’s room, the number of visitors should be kept to four or less, and we require that the door to the room be kept open. At times it may be necessary to limit visitation to maintain unit safety. Visitors under 18 will be supervised by a responsible adult. This includes being within view, and in listening distance, of all conversations.
What are meals like?
You will enjoy your meals in the dining room although there may be times that you will eat in the common area on the unit. You’ll make your own selections from our chef-prepared menu items. A dietitian is available to assist you with specific dietary requirements or requests. Snacks are available at the nurses’ station but food cannot be eaten or stored in your room. Food or drinks brought into the unit must be approved by a treatment team member.
Are visitors able to eat with me?
Yes, as long as it is deemed appropriate by your treatment team. Visitors may purchase meals from the dining room to eat with you.
Can I smoke?
Lindner Center of HOPE is smoke-free. If you would be interested in initiating a smoking cessation program during your stay we would be glad to assist you.
Will someone introduce me to other patients?
Yes, you will be introduced to other patients. You will also get to know them during group sessions and meals. We find that Lindner Center of HOPE patients are very supportive of one another.
How much free time will I have?
Prepare to be busy. The goal is to assist you in stabilization and prepare you to transition back home or to another appropriate treatment setting.
Can I contact my friends and family by phone?
As approved by unit staff, you will be able to talk to loved ones by phone.
How am I discharged?
When it is time for you to return home, your treatment team will provide you with a discharge plan including instructions for ongoing care. If you do not have a psychiatrist, therapist and support group in place, we will help you with this and make certain all of your appointments are scheduled before you leave. We will also make certain that the treatment plan started at Lindner Center of HOPE will be continued in the outpatient setting. Before you leave we will also give you any needed prescriptions.
Once I am home, what do I do to stay well?
We want you to leave feeling you have the skills to remain well and to live a fulfilling and productive life. While being treated at Lindner Center of HOPE, you will learn relapse prevention techniques, including medical management and coping skills, to help you prepare for returning home. Please feel free to call us, if you have any questions or concerns.
Adolescent Inpatient Admission Criteria
When a young person is facing a mental illness, behavioral addiction, and/or substance use disorder, significant pain, suffering and fear can grip the entire family. Cincinnati Children’s at Lindner Center of HOPE, supported by Lindner Center of HOPE clinical experts, provides stabilization for struggling adolescents age 12 to 17 on the 16-bed adolescent unit.
It is the policy of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry to accept for admission those individuals whose mental health status warrants treatment in an inpatient hospital setting.
Criteria for Adolescent Patient Admission to the Inpatient Unit:
Admissions for children and adolescents will ordinarily be limited to those who are of the ages of 12 – 17 years old.
Adolescents appropriate for psychiatric inpatient admission will demonstrate at a minimum one of the following criteria:
- Imminent risk for self-injury, with an inability to manage or develop safety plan.
- Imminent risk for injury to others.
- Acute and serious deterioration from the patient’s baseline ability to fulfill age-appropriate responsibility and management of activities of daily living (ADL’s)
- The patient can benefit from psychiatric intervention/ treatment, the structure and milieu therapy to decrease or manage presenting psychiatric symptoms.
- Imminent risk for acute medical status deterioration due to the present and/or treatment of an active psychiatric symptom.
- Weight loss to a point that the patient is 15% below ideal weight or failure to make expected weight gain during a period of growth.
Exclusionary criteria for patients seeking psychiatric hospitalization:
- Patients presenting with symptoms or complaints of substance abuse only.
- Patients primary need is of a forensic treatment setting.
- Patients who can be safely treated in a less restrictive environment
- Patients who are unable to be medically managed within the capacity of the Division of Psychiatry
The information provided here reflects only Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center policies, not those of Lindner Center of HOPE.
Residential Admissions Criteria
When mental health or addiction issues persist even after outpatient or inpatient care, a more structured, supportive, and safe residential treatment program can provide answers. Sibcy House and Williams House at Lindner Center of HOPE offer an elevated level of assessment and psychiatric care within a comfortable, home-like setting. If you’re unsure if residential treatment is the right option, you can find more information here.
What to bring for a residential stay:
Below is a general list of items to bring and to leave at home. If there are items not included on the list that your loved one wants to bring, ask the admissions staff or social worker.
Please pack essential items including:
Personal toiletries: At the Sibcy House, we offer travel-size toiletries, but encourage each client to bring their favorite personal hygiene products such as shampoo, toothpaste and deodorant.
Comfortable clothing: Clients are encouraged to pack and wear comfortable clothing. Please be mindful of the expectation to wear appropriate clothing, i.e. nothing graphic, offensive or revealing. A 7 to 10-day supply of clothing is recommended. You also should pack clothes and shoes appropriate to wear while using our exercise room and gym.
Cell phones: Clients may have cell phones, however, cell phone use is permitted during select times as to not interfere in treatment and will be placed in a secure charging cabinet when not in use.
Personal electronics: Tablets, laptop computers, E-Readers, MP3 players, and iPods are allowed. Use of internet-connected devices are permitted during select times. During all other times, personal electronic devices must be locked in the charging cabinet. TVs are not permitted in client rooms. TVs are available in community rooms. Desktop computers are not permitted.
Don’t over pack: Keep in mind that storage space is limited to one closet for each client. Please limit personal items to those that can be stored in a bedroom (with one dresser and one desk).
What NOT to Bring:
Furniture: Rooms are fully furnished, and there is little room for extra pieces.
Cash and Valuables: Small amounts of cash can be secured on their person (no more than $20 each week you plan on staying with us). Valuable jewelry, other items of value and large amounts of cash should not be brought to the Lindner Center of HOPE.
Alcohol and Drugs: Clients are not allowed to have alcohol, street or non-prescription drugs in their possession (this includes cannabis and any derivatives) on Lindner Center of HOPE property.
E-cigarettes or any other vape products: All vapes, e-cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco are prohibited.
Prescriptions, OTC Medicines & Supplements: Please bring your current medication list. All medications or supplements must be approved by our psychiatrist and administered by the RN. This includes over-the-counter medication, vitamins, prescription medication, eye drops, ear drops, and ointments.
Weapons: Weapons of all types including firearms are not permitted anywhere on Lindner Center of HOPE property or in Lindner Center of HOPE vehicles.
Linens: Lindner Center of HOPE provides towels and sheets. Clients may choose to use their own bed linens if they prefer. Our beds are queen size.
Appliances: Space heaters, coffee makers, hot plates, microwaves, toaster ovens, and other kitchen or cooking appliances are not permitted.
More About…
Laundry: We provide washers, dryers and detergent for residential client use. Clients are responsible for washing their own clothes. Laundry baskets are provided. Fresh linens are provided for clients to change their bedding.
Smoking: Sibcy House and Williams House have a designated outdoor area for smoking and tobacco use. If bringing cigarettes, the package must be new and sealed. Please bring adequate supplies for length of stay. Only cigarettes are permitted on Sibcy and Williams House. All vapes, e-cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, etc. are prohibited.
At Lindner Center of HOPE your comfort is important to us. Though you should feel free to call us with any specific questions you may have, we hope the following helps you prepare for your first few hours.
Our 36-acre, private wooded-setting is located in Mason, Ohio just outside of Cincinnati. To enter our campus, you will proceed down a half-mile drive across open fields with majestic, tree-lined paths. Lindner Center of HOPE will soon come into view, a lodge-like building nestled in a rolling terrain. Turn right and follow signs to the Sibcy House entrance.
The admissions coordinator will meet you in the lobby and escort you to your room. Staff will assist you with luggage. Depending on the time of your arrival, we’ll ask you to make your lunch or dinner selections. Family members are welcome to stay or may leave at this time. If you have any medications with you, please give them to your family to take with them. We’ll provide all of your medication needs during your stay and make sure you leave with any needed prescriptions.
Once you’ve settled in, a staff member will review our patient handbook with you. You’ll be asked to sign a patient consent form which will allow the staff to begin your diagnostic testing and treatment. Your photograph will be taken (for our identification purposes only) and will be worn on a wristband for the duration of your stay. Your individualized treatment will begin with a private conversation with a member of the treatment team. During this initial conversation, which should take about 40 minutes, we’ll discuss your symptoms and treatment goals. A nurse will continue the admission process by taking your vital signs (blood pressure, temperature, respiration, height and weight) and initiating lab work.
During your assessment, a mental health specialist will review the contents of your luggage. Some grooming items, especially lotions or gels in glass containers, may be kept for you by the staff. You may check them out as you need them each day. After you have been at the Center for about 24 hours, you may talk to the treatment team about keeping certain items and belongings in your room. If a diagnostic test or treatment is not scheduled, you are free to watch television, read in the library, get to know others in the community area, or unwind in your room.
Local Amenities
Whether you arrive for treatment early or family members need convenient accommodations while you are in treatment, this information offers a basic guide for accommodations, dining, and entertainment choices in the Greater Cincinnati area. Most of these suggestions are located within approximately three miles of Lindner Center of HOPE (Exit 19 off of I-71).
Frequently Asked Questions About Admissions
What should I pack for my stay?
What takes place during the Comprehensive Diagnostic Assessment, if that is part of my stay?
Is there a passing or failing grade?
When will I know my diagnosis?
What will my schedule look like?
What can I expect during a group therapy session?
How often do I see the psychiatrist and have therapy?
Do I have therapy with other patients in other parts of the Center?
What can I expect after my stay?
How much experience do the psychiatrists have in dealing with my issue?
What access will I have to family and friends?
How long can visitors stay?
Will I be able to leave for a few hours in the evening?
May I receive mail?
What are meals like?
Can I contact my friends and family by phone?
Are visitors able to eat with me?
What about smoking?
Will someone introduce me to the other patients?
How much free time will I have?
Can I watch my favorite TV shows, contact my friends, and talk on the phone?
What happens if I need to leave early?
What happens if I need to stay longer?
How am I discharged?
Once I’m home, what do I do to stay well?
What should I pack for my stay?
Please pack essential items including:
- Five to seven changes of casual, comfortable clothing (Laundry facilities are available for use.)
- Five to seven changes of undergarments and socks
- Shoes (including a pair of gym shoes)
- Pajamas, slippers and robe
- Sweater
- Grooming items
Items that are not permitted include:
- Any items restricted by law including weapons and ammunition
- Items containing alcohol, resembling alcoholic beverages or which advertise alcohol as well as mood-altering chemicals or controlled substances
- Clothing that is torn, revealing or imprinted with inappropriate messages related to drugs or alcohol, or that contains words or graphics that could be considered offensive
- Inappropriate reading material or videos with ratings higher than PG-13
- Candles or lanterns that would have open flame
- Vapes, e-cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco
What should I do with personal items?
- Glasses and hearing aids should be kept in a case when not being worn. Please put your name on your case and keep it in your desk.
- Dentures and other dental appliances should be stored in a plastic cup or case and kept in the bathroom when not in use. Please do not place them on bed linens or on a food service tray.
- Valuables such as jewelry, watches, money and credit cards should be sent home or secured in the hospital safe.
What takes place during the Comprehensive Diagnostic Assessment, if that is part of my stay?
Diagnostic testing, which typically takes place during the first 7-10 days, includes a full battery of psychological and neurological tests. Determining your diagnosis is a highly individualized process. A mental health diagnosis is complex and takes a team approach. In addition to the nurse, psychiatrist, psychologist and social worker there are other professionals who may, as needed, be involved in your assessment including a neuropsychologist, neurologist, addictions specialist, and eating disorder specialist. A medical assessment will also be administered by an internist and will include a full lab work-up.
Is there a passing or failing grade?
There are no correct or incorrect answers to any of the tests you will be taking. All test results, along with all other information regarding your diagnosis and treatment, will be shared with you and kept strictly confidential.
When will I know my diagnosis?
You will receive ongoing feedback from your treatment team as it becomes available. Before discharge, we will give you a comprehensive explanation of your diagnosis and treatment plan. You are encouraged to ask questions at any time during your stay.
What will my schedule look like?
Your daily schedule will vary but will typically include individual and group sessions which run from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. Your weekly schedule will include cognitive and dialectical behavioral therapies as well as group sessions that cover nutrition, substance abuse, anxiety, trauma, living skills, relapse prevention and spiritual enrichment. Since maintaining a regular exercise program is important to well-being, fitness activities (including yoga) will be offered as a part of your schedule.
What can I expect during a group therapy session?
In group therapy, most often led by psychologists, you will have the opportunity to support other guests in a confidential environment. Many find it comforting to hear that others are facing similar difficulties or have already worked through problems you may be experiencing.
You should feel free to contribute but will not be pressured to do so. During group therapy you’ll learn many new skills that will be beneficial to you after you leave.
How often do I see the psychiatrist and have therapy?
You will meet the members of your multi-disciplinary treatment team, including a psychiatrist and a therapist during your first few days. After an initial assessment, you will typically see a psychiatrist a minimum of 2 times a week at the start of the stay, but as your stay extends it will be determined by clinical need. During the first 10 days, you will also receive three sessions with an individual therapist. Based on your diagnosis, you will also have access to consultations with specialists representing various areas of expertise.
Do I have therapy with other patients in other parts of the Center?
No, all of your group therapies will take place on unit.
What can I expect after my stay?
Every guest has a unique life experience related to their struggle with mental illness and they come to our program at various points in their personal journey. As such, our clinicians approach each person individually, offering the newest and most promising diagnostic tools and treatments. The results of your comprehensive diagnostic assessment will be factored into a highly individualized treatment plan. During your stay, you will begin to implement your treatment including medication management, individual and group therapies. Our goal is for you to leave with the tools you need to progress to the next level of care.
How much experience do the psychiatrists have in dealing with my issue?
A nationwide search was conducted to hire psychiatrists, psychologists and other treatment team members who have national and international reputations in their individual fields. You will be working with these outstanding clinicians.
What access will I have to family and friends?
Family and friends are welcome to visit. Recommended visiting hours are between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Visitors will be asked to check in at the Welcome Center where they must provide an access code that you provide to them. Visitors will be asked to put purses or handbags in a secure locker provided for them. Once on the unit, they will need to check in with the main desk to have any items they’ve brought with them approved.
How long can visitors stay?
A visit of longer than two hours should be discussed in advance with the treatment team. Visitors should be kept to a number that does not disturb others. If the visit is moved into a patient’s room, the number of visitors should be kept to four or less, and we require that the door to the room be kept open. At times it may be necessary to limit visitation to maintain unit safety. Visitors under 18 will be supervised by a responsible adult. This includes being within view, and in listening distance, of all conversations.
Will I be able to leave for a few hours in the evening?
You are permitted to leave the facility but please discuss your plans in advance with a treatment team member to make certain it won’t interfere with your schedule. You will be given an access card for your return.
May I receive mail?
Mail is distributed on the patient care unit daily: Monday through Friday. Packages and special delivery items will be delivered to you as quickly as possible. Please address mail to:
Lindner Center of HOPE
(Unit Name)
(Patient Name)
4075 Old Western Row Road
Mason, Ohio 45040
What are meals like?
You’ll make your own selections from our menu items. A dietician is available to assist you with specific dietary requirements or requests. Snacks are available but food cannot be eaten or stored in your room. Food or drinks brought into the units must be approved by a treatment team member.
Can I contact my friends and family by phone?
As approved by unit staff, you will be able to talk to loved ones by phone.
Are visitors able to eat with me?
Yes. Visitors may eat with you.
What about smoking?
Guests may smoke in a designated area which we will show you upon request. If you would be interested in initiating a smoking cessation program during your stay we would be glad to assist you. Only cigarettes are permitted on Sibcy and Williams House. All vapes, e-cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, etc. are prohibited.
Will someone introduce me to the other patients?
Yes, we will introduce you to our other guests. You will also get to know them during group sessions and meals. We find that the guests are very supportive of one another.
How much free time will I have?
Prepare to be busy. Your daily schedule will include five to 10 minute breaks between therapies. The bulk of your free time will occur in the evening; after your last therapy of the day when you will have time for visiting with friends and family (on and off the unit), journaling, working on homework assignments and exercising in the gym. Weekends provide more free time and opportunities or therapeutic leave. While participating in other activities, guests are encouraged to practice the skills they have learned while in treatment.
Can I watch my favorite TV shows, contact my friends, and talk on the phone?
We will make every effort to make your favorite shows available. You will also be able to talk privately on our guest phone. You may keep your cell phone at our main desk for your use when needed. Phone use, including texting, should be limited to break times and evenings. Taking photographs or videos with your cell phone is strictly prohibited.
What happens if I need to leave early?
Your stay will be most effective if you complete diagnostic assessment and have a treatment plan in place. If you need to leave early, please discuss this with your treatment team.
What happens if I need to stay longer?
If you stay longer, you will have more time to dedicate to individual and group therapies. Regardless of your length of stay, if you feel a longer stay would be beneficial, we will work with you to determine if an extended stay is needed, appropriate and possible.
How am I discharged?
When it is time for you to return home, your treatment team will provide you with a discharge plan including instructions for ongoing care. If you do not have a psychiatrist, therapist and support group in place, we will help you with this and make certain all of your appointments are scheduled before you leave. We will also make certain that the treatment plan started here will be continued in the outpatient setting. Before you leave we will also give you any needed prescriptions.
Once I’m home, what do I do to stay well?
We want you to leave here feeling you have the skills to remain well and to live a fulfilling and productive life. While being treated here, you will learn relapse prevention techniques, including medical management and coping skills, to help you prepare for moving to the next level of care or returning home. Please feel free to call us, if you have any questions or concerns.
- Download the referral letter here
- Download the Sibcy House Admission Contract here
- Download the Sibcy House Extension Contract here
- Download the Williams House Admission Contract here
- Download the Williams House Extension Contract here
- Download the OCD Admission and Extension Contract here
- Download the Psychological Testing Contract
- Download the OCD with TMS Admission and Extension Contract here Adm and Ext Contract
- Download the Major Depressive Disorder with TMS Admission and Extension Contract here
- Download the referral packet here
Financing Options
Lindner Center of HOPE understands that financing options may be useful to patients and families as they consider how to manage diagnostic and treatment expenses. To that end, Lindner Center of HOPE evaluated some financing options that may be able to assist patients and families. Below are two lending companies, that have experience in assisting families in need of mental healthcare and addictions services. Lindner Center of HOPE provides information about each company, strictly as a resource for patients and families and is not affiliated with and/or endorsing either company.
Prosper Healthcare Lending
Prosper HealthCare Lending is the premier financing company in the behavioral health industry. With over $3 Billion borrowed and over 250,000 people empowered, this is a name and a program you can trust.
Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive with a loan from ProsperHealthcareLending:
- Immediate decisions for loans under $35,000
- Longer terms for lower monthly payments
- No collateral required
- No prepayment penalties
- Fast & easy loan inquiry process
- 100% Confidential
* Please note that Lindner Center of HOPE Professional Associates (LCOHPA) does not work with Prosper Healthcare Lending.
M-Lend Financial
M-Lend Financial has served the Medical Community for 20 years.
Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive with a loan from ProsperHealthcareLending:
- 0% APR for at least 12 months for qualified applicants
- No required payoff or back accrued interest charges
- Financing up to $50,000
- No pre-payment penalties
- Pay off your balance at any time
- Keep other credit lines available for emergencies or other important expenses
Apply online at:
Call: 888-474-6231
Not sure if residential treatment is right for you or your loved one? View our Guide to Residential Mental Health to find out more information.
Outpatient Admissions Criteria
For individuals who are struggling with moderate symptoms of depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, outpatient care and treatment is often appropriate. At Lindner Center of HOPE, outpatient care is available for children as young as two years old, adolescents, adults and seniors.
Treating any mental illness starts with assessment. Office-based outpatient consultations, care and treatment are available through Lindner Center of HOPE Professional Associates (LCOHPA). We are currently offering in-person, telehealth video, and phone appointments.
Financial Obligations
At Lindner Center of HOPE and Lindner Center of HOPE Professional Associates (collectively referred to as Lindner Center), we understand that dealing with the financial implications of mental illness can be difficult. That is why we are here to help. Together we can work through your financial obligations, insurance questions and payment options.
What insurance plans do you accept?
Insurance for hospitalization and other hospital-based services:
Insurance coverage can vary widely, and specific services covered are stipulated by each individual’s benefits plan. We strongly encourage individuals and/or families to call their carrier and verify coverage prior to receiving care at Lindner Center of HOPE.
In general, Lindner Center of HOPE accepts payment from major insurance carriers for hospitalization. Some other services, depending upon the patient’s coverage, may also be covered. A partial listing of insurance programs accepted at Lindner Center of HOPE for hospitalization and other inpatient services are listed here. Questions about your insurance can be directed to a Lindner Center of HOPE representative when you inquire about care at 513-536-HOPE (4673).
- Anthem
- Humana (Behavioral) (Includes Humana Choice/Gold Medicare Products)
- Medicare
- Medical Mutual
- Ohio Medicaid (ages 11 to 21 and 65 and over)
- Ohio PPO Connect/Ohio Health Choice
- United Behavioral Health (Includes Secure Horizons & AARP Medicare Products)
- Out of Network with all Marketplace plans**
- Regarding financial obligations for adolescent services provided by Cincinnati Children’s at Lindner Center of HOPE, most major insurance programs cover treatment services offered, with limited availability for non-Ohio Medicaid. Financial service representatives at Cincinnati Children’s are available to answer questions and assist families in obtaining insurance authorization or applying for financial aid programs. For questions regarding financial services, please call: 513-636-4427 and press option 9.
Insurance for Outpatient Services:
Lindner Center of HOPE Professional Associates accepts the following insurance plans:
- Anthem
- Humana (Behavioral) (Includes Humana Choice/Gold Medicare Products)
- Medicare
- Medical Mutual
- Ohio PPO Connect/Ohio Health Choice
- United Behavioral Health (Includes Secure Horizons & AARP Medicare Products)
- Out of Network with all Marketplace plans**
Registration staff will verify whether your insurance plan is in or out of network. Co-insurance, co-pays, deductibles, out-of-network balances, and fees for services not covered by insurance or elected as self-pay will be collected at the point of service. Fees vary by clinician and specialty. Please call 513-536-HOPE (4673).
Financing Options
Lindner Center of HOPE understands that financing options may be useful to patients and families as they consider how to manage diagnostic and treatment expenses. To that end, Lindner Center of HOPE evaluated some financing options that may be able to assist patients and families. Below are two lending companies, that have experience in assisting families in need of mental healthcare and addictions services. Lindner Center of HOPE provides information about each company, strictly as a resource for patients and families and is not affiliated with and/or endorsing either company.
Prosper Healthcare Lending
Prosper HealthCare Lending is the premier financing company in the behavioral health industry. With over $3 Billion borrowed and over 250,000 people empowered, this is a name and a program you can trust.
Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive with a loan from ProsperHealthcareLending:
- Immediate decisions for loans under $35,000
- Longer terms for lower monthly payments
- No collateral required
- No prepayment penalties
- Fast & easy loan inquiry process
- 100% Confidential
* Please note that Lindner Center of HOPE Professional Associates (LCOHPA) does not work with Prosper Healthcare Lending.
M-Lend Financial
M-Lend Financial has served the Medical Community for 20 years.
Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive with a loan from M-Lend:
- 0% APR for at least 12 months for qualified applicants
- No required payoff or back accrued interest charges
- Financing up to $50,000
- No pre-payment penalties
- Pay off your balance at any time
- Keep other credit lines available for emergencies or other important expenses
Apply online at:
Call: 888-474-6231
Financial Assistance
Lindner Center of HOPE (LCOH) recognizes that some patients requiring emergent services have limited financial resources. To help ease the burden of these healthcare expenses, Lindner Center will extend a discount off billed charges up to 100% to uninsured or underinsured patients for inpatient services who have –
- Provided proof of residency in the state of Ohio;
- Made a good faith effort to obtain insurance coverage if affordable coverage is available to them or apply for any government sponsored insurance programs they may qualify for; and
- Demonstrated financial need due to limited income based on the most recently published Federal Income Poverty Guide (FPG) and total resources.
For patients requiring emergent services not meeting the criteria above, Lindner Center will extend a discount off billed charges. The amount of this discount will be determined annually based on Amounts Generally Billed to Insurance and Medicare. The current discount is 50% for medically necessary hospital services and 41% for medically necessary physician services for Ohio residents. Patients residing outside of Ohio, but in the United States, will receive a 25% discount on billed charges for medically necessary services.
Physicians providing services at Lindner Center, but not employed by Lindner Center are not covered under this policy. This includes physicians from University of Cincinnati Physicians, Children’s Hospital Medical Center and Compunet Lab Services Corp.
- Income
- Amount of Charges Discounted
- Income less than or equal of 200% of FPG
- 100%
2025 Household Size Federal Income Poverty Guideline Lindner Center of HOPE Guideline
Family Size | Federal Poverty Levels 2025 | Discounted 100% - 200% |
1 | $15,650 | $0 - $31,300 |
2 | $21,150 | $0 - $42,300 |
3 | $26,650 | $0 - $53,300 |
4 | $32,150 | $0 - $64,300 |
5 | $37,650 | $0 - $75,300 |
6 | $43,150 | $0 - $86,300 |
7 | $48,650 | $0 - $97,300 |
8 | $54,150 | $0 - $108,300 |
Add Each Additional | $5,500 |
Note: A dependent is defined as the patient’s spouse (regardless of whether they live in the home), and all of the patient’s children, natural, adoptive, or step, under the age of eighteen whose primary residence is the patient’s home. If the patient is under the age of eighteen, the “family” shall include the patient, the patient’s natural or adoptive parents (regardless of whether they live in the home), and the parents’ children, natural or adoptive under the age of eighteen who live in the home.
Income verification must accompany the application. Please provide proof of gross income for the last pay periods for each employer in the current year and a copy of page 1 of the most recent 1040 federal return. If you receive income from another source, such as child support, alimony, social security, pension, etc., please provide documentation of the amount and frequency of payment.
Click here for Financial Assistance Application. Spanish Version
If you meet the requirements stated above, and wish to apply for financial assistance, please print and fully complete the Financial Assistance Application.
Eligibility will be determined when the application and all supporting documents are received. LCOH will make a determination within 21 calendar days and will notify the patient by mail of their acceptance or denial. Incomplete applications will be automatically denied after 45 calendar days. Patients can resubmit a complete application at any time.
Our Financial Counselors are available to discuss the Lindner Center of HOPE Financial Assistance Program from 8am to 6pm Monday through Friday by calling (513) 536-0224.
This completed application along with income verification should be sent to the following address for processing:
Lindner Center of HOPE
4075 Old Western Row Road
Mason, OH 45040
Attention: Financial Counselor