Lindner Center of HOPE Professional Development Recognition

Lindner Center of HOPE has a Professional Development Staff Reward Program to recognize those employees (within patient care units, the Access and Referral Center, Partial Hospitalization Program and/or Neuromodulation Center) who exhibit performance and behaviors that meet and exceed criteria established for staff development. Criteria for the acknowledgement falls within the four categories of:  customer service, professional development, creativity and innovation, and teamwork. Points are awarded for criteria met within each of the categories. Based on the number of points accumulated by an employee, there are four tiers for designation. Tier IV is the highest level of designation. Rewards are given based on tier designation.

Recently, Nikki Giesel-MHS received Tier IV designation.

Amy Luncan-RN received Tier III designation.

Congratulations to these employees on their achievement.

Nikki Giesel-MHS