Written by Paul E. Keck Jr., M.D.,  president and CEO of Lindner Center of HOPE and a professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

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Abraham Lincoln, Virginia Woolf, Eugene O’Neill, Leo Tolstoy, Tennessee Williams, Winston Churchill, Charles Dickens, Carrie Fisher, Mike Wallace, Patty Duke, Demi Lovato, Catherine Zeta-Jones – all talented and gifted individuals, each has made unique contributions to society, are heroes to many and all have touched our lives in one way or another.

Is it surprising that these individuals have experienced a mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and/or personality disorder? It shouldn’t be. Mental illness affects one in four individuals, and five of the top 10 causes of disability worldwide are due to psychiatric illness. They strike men and women in almost equal proportions and affect people of all ages, ethnic groups and socioeconomic levels.

Although we have never had better evidence-based treatment and more achievable recovery for most psychiatric disorders, substantial stigma still exists and creates barriers for people needing and seeking treatment. Massive improvement is also needed in reimbursement for mental health care. Though these illnesses are as devastating for families as cancer and heart disease, society perpetuates disparities in support for individuals and families faced with mental illness.

Through research, great advancements in genetics, diagnosis and treatments have been made. In addition, we continue to increase awareness about the nature of suicide and the co-occurrence of mental illness and addiction.

Mental illness can be an uncomfortable topic, but when people share their stories, awareness grows and compassion is cultivated. We have an opportunity, in our community, to be leaders in improving access to high-quality mental health services, not only for humanitarian reasons, but based on economic imperatives.

Enhancing the health and well-being of our communities depends on a collective effort. No one organization, business or advocate can do it alone. I commend the nationally well-known individuals who share their stories of hope and also thank the everyday heroes in our communities who also face the effects of mental illness.

In 1990, informal movements driven by consumers began in an effort to change the perceived problems in mental health services and to promote better communication between the provider and the patient.  A mental health “consumer” is considered a person who is undergoing treatment for a psychiatric disorder.   The term suggests that individuals have a choice in their treatment and that without them mental health providers would not exist.  Today, the word mental health consumer has expanded in the popular usage of consumers themselves to include anyone who has received mental health services in the past, anyone who has a behavioral health diagnosis, or simply anyone with a mental or behavioral disorder.

In some health care circles the movement to refer to patients as “consumers of healthcare” is being debated along with issues pertaining to “customer” service.  Some practitioners believe calling individuals “consumers” sends the message that we are “selling” them a product and that it’s an impersonal term.  And only a handful of residency programs incorporate customer service into their clinical training.  What are the implications to providers and patients?  In addition to clinical training, do we also need to learn customer service techniques?

Dr. Paul E. Keck, Jr.:

As defined by traditional terms, a patient is a person who is under medical care or treatment. And if we elaborate from a position of compassion and understanding we would add that this is someone suffering in some way and needs some form of help and HOPE. However, this should come in the form of a partnership, working together with patient and family to create improvements in quality of life, alleviate suffering and save lives.

When I think about what I do-what we do as providers of mental healthcare, I recognize that my position in this partnership is as a provider and my goal is to help patients achieve good health and lasting wellness. Do I consider them “consumers?” I think the better question here is, as a mental healthcare provider how am I delivering care? What is my customer’s perception and how is my expertise and clinical knowledge helping them achieve their goals? It’s critical to ask what patients are trying to achieve. What they are willing to contribute to achieve their goals and what can I do to support them as they work toward that outcome?

Customer service is one of the most important functions of the health care industry. We are witnessing an ever-changing healthcare environment, one in which the “customer” is better educated about their health and one in which they recognize they have many choices. Incorporating compassion, responsiveness and attention into the patient experience can set one apart from the many options available. The Journal of Healthcare Management reports that patients who receive good customer service report better health outcomes and higher levels of satisfaction with their overall healthcare.  I believe as we continue to meet the heavy demands and ever increasing needs of those seeking mental health services, we need to remember to deliver a customer service experience in line with one we would hope to receive as we visit our own healthcare provider.

C. Stephen Edwards, Director, Adolescent Psychiatry, Lindner Center of HOPE

Teen depression is a serious problem in the United States.  One in eight teens is likely to experience depression.  Teen depression is much more than just bad moods, growing pains or even feeling down.  Depression will impact every aspect of a teenager’s life.  It can lead to problems at school and at home, drug abuse, self-loathing, and even suicide or homicide.  As a caregiver, it is vital for you to understand the warning signs of teen depression.

Here is a quick guide to the behavioral changes of which you should be aware:

  • Sadness or Hopelessness
  • Irritability, Anger or Hostility
  • Frequent Crying
  • Loss of Interest in Favorite Activities
  • Changes in Sleeping or Eating Patterns
  • Restlessness or Agitation
  • Feelings of Worthlessness or Guilt
  • Fatigue or Lack of Energy
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Thoughts of Death or Suicide

When evaluating your teen or a teenager you love, consider how long these symptoms have been present, how severe the symptoms are and how much the teen’s behavior changed.

Do not assume your teen will show the same depression symptoms as an adult, as this mental illness will present itself in very different ways depending upon the age of the sufferer.  Teens are more likely to show irritability or anger instead of sadness, and may become grumpy or easily frustrated.  Teen depression can also manifest with unexplained aches and pains.   Be aware of any headaches or stomachaches that are not able to be attributed to a physical ailment.  Depressed teens will show an extreme sensitivity to criticism.  They have feelings of worthlessness, which makes them more vulnerable to criticism, rejection and failure.

If you know a teen who is exhibiting these symptoms, you can help them find treatment.  Start by talking with the teen.  Express your concerns in a comforting, non-judgmental way.  Talk about specific behaviors and why those behaviors are concerning to you.  Visit a doctor and have your teen screened for depression.  This screening will include a physical exam and blood test to rule out any medical reasons that the teen may be experiencing symptoms of depression.

If there are no physical reasons for the symptoms, ask the doctor to refer you to a specialist.  Make sure you get the teen’s input.  Your teen is an important part of this decision.  He or she needs to feel comfortable with the specialist and the treatment setting or it will not help the recovery process.  It is imperative to find someone with whom your teen can connect.  Don’t be afraid to explore a variety of treatment options – from one-on-one therapy or group therapy to medication – until you find what works best.

Never be afraid to talk with your teen about depression!  In many cases, families are unaware of the symptoms of depression and they can easily miss the subtle signs.  Many parents and caregivers can mistakenly assume their teen will show the same symptoms as an adult.  Instead, learn the unique signs and symptoms of teen depression – it could mean the difference between life and death!


C. Stephen Edwards, Director, Adolescent Psychiatry, Lindner Center of Hope is the author of this article on mental health clinics, teen depression and mood disorders.  Dr. Edwards is board certified in general psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry and board eligible in pediatrics. As Director, Adolescent Psychiatry at Lindner Center of HOPE he oversees the adolescent inpatient and outpatient programs. He specializes in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and abuse prevention. The Lindner Center of Hope offers a level of service to patients, families and referring physicians not typically found in health care today.  The unique infrastructure provides access to cutting edge treatments years before they become widely available.

From stress-related issues to a more acute mental illness such as bipolar disorder, psychological problems are wide-ranging in their symptoms and severity levels.

When determining which treatment route that an individual struggling with mental health problems should take, the first step should be a psychiatric evaluation conducted by a mental health professional. Once the problem is pinpointed, usually some level of “talk therapy” will ensue.

Depending on the severity of the condition, a combination of psychotherapy and medication are often central to a patient’s treatment plan.

If medications are deemed necessary, a patient might have to try several different types before finding one that adequately treats and stabilizes their symptoms.

Research and case studies have proven that medications can be a vital component in improving a patient’s mental well-being. But the importance of an experienced therapist who can guide a patient toward an improved mental outlook cannot be overstated.

Why Psychotherapy?

For many of us, it is difficult to understand how the person who seemingly has it all —

looks, intelligence and some level of “success” — can be so anguished on the inside. There could be several reasons as to why this anguish has developed, such as a phobia, major traumatic experience or genetic predisposition to a mental illness.

How Treatment Helps

One benefit some individuals who have participated in psychotherapy treatment have experienced is an increased self-awareness of their mental health problems. By having an enhanced understanding of the reason or source of their mental anguish, patients are often able to better process their thoughts, feelings and perceptions.

A good psychotherapist can lead a patient toward perspective and help them achieve a sense of peace in their lives by confronting the issues responsible for the fear, anxiety and self-doubt in question.

Each year, Lindner Center of HOPE joins together with advocacy groups and providers to help raise awareness about mental health and mental illness.  This annual monthly observance began in 1949 through Mental Health America, formerly Mental Health Association.  This national effort helps to combat bias and stigma associated with mental illness and mental health issues. Our educational efforts are designed to increase awareness about the needs of individuals and families facing mental health issues and also help shed a light on the importance of treatment.