The Treasure of Ordinary Psychotherapy 5-Part Series
The Treasure of Ordinary Psychotherapy
Five Virtual Sessions
Wednesdays: February 19th / March 5th and 19th / April 2nd and 16th, 2025
12:00noon-1:00pm ET / 11:00am-12:00noon CT / 9:00am-10:00am PT
1 Continuing Education Credit awarded for each session
Live Presentations via Zoom
In the ever-expanding creation of evidence-based psychotherapies, we can become so involved in learning specific techniques, that it becomes possible to lose contact with who we are as individual healers. This program series will emphasize the importance of a therapist’s unique personality and self, with a question of how to embrace this and bring these characteristics to the healing environment. Common factors in psychotherapy are so critically important, though rarely taught or emphasized. Most patients search to find a “person” who they experience as a match in some way – someone with whom they have a sense of resonance. This five-week program will delve into this idea with an emphasis on how we as therapists can retain our sense of being real people, to ourselves and for our patients.
Session / Date / Title / Presenter/ Educational Objectives
As a result of participating in this activity, learners should be able to:
1) Wed February 19: The Therapist’s Life (Jon Allen, PhD) – Describe an attachment perspective on therapists’ development.
2) Wed March 5: Play Capacity (Jeff Katzman, MD) – Demonstrate the importance of play in the therapeutic relationship.
3) Wed March 19: The Art of Holding (Ross Ellenhorn, PhD) – Describe the complex act of holding another.
4) Wed April 2: The Process and Challenge of Containing (Robin Kissell, MD) – Explain the link between containment and mentalization.
Wed April 16: Being Let In: The Gentle Art of Inviting, Inquiring, and Influencing (Michael Groat, PhD) – Describe the significance of trust in influencing others and in fostering learning.
60-Minute Session Includes:
30-minute presentation Group discussion Q&A No cost CE (each session approved for 1.0 hour) |
Target Audience Includes:
* Psychiatrists * Psychologists * Social Workers * Therapists * Primary Care Physicians * Nurses * Anyone training or practicing in the field of mental health |
Presented By:
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