OCD Essentials: Diagnosing and Treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Over 150 people joined the Hopewell and Lindner Center of HOPE January Summit to learn
about the basics of OCD. Join us for the upcoming summits, traveling deeper into OCD topics.
Whether you are a seasoned treatment veteran, new to the mental health field, or want to learn
more, this series aims to lift the veil of OCD.
Clinicians from Hopewell Therapeutic Community and Lindner Center of HOPE will partner
with Dr. Charles Brady to discuss the essentials of OCD. Dr. Brady is a nationally recognized
board-certified clinical psychologist who worked as an associate professor at University of
Cincinnati’s Department of Psychiatry, served as the Director of the OCD and Anxiety Services
program at Lindner, helped to launch OCD Mid-West, and was instrumental in developing the OCD
treatment program at Hopewell.
This training will be conducted as a Zoom webinar; however, participants should be prepared to
engage in discussion, activities, and breakout groups. Video and microphone availability will be
needed to fully engage in the training.
Ohio CSWMFT Board approved for 2 FREE CEUs (for each summit) for counselors and social workers.
Please email Tim Bitting at tbitting@hopewell.cc if you have any questions.
Friday, February 17, 1:00-3:30 pm EST
Friday, March 17, 1:00-3:30 pm EST
Friday, April 21, 1:00-3:30 pm EST
Visit HERE to register for Zoom link.