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Date(s) - January 11, 2021
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm


Learn to be less critical towards oneself in this 10-week group focusing on strategies and skills to increase self-compassion.

• Adults (age 18 or above). Willing to consider mature adolescents as well.
• Those who struggle with low self-worth, negative self-talk, and/or perfectionism
• Not imminently a threat to self or others.
• Engaged in outpatient treatment at least monthly.
• Clinician agrees to this referral and to maintain treatment throughout group.

• This group is developed out of the work of Kristin Neff and applies Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques towards self-compassion.

• Mondays from 3:30-5 once a sufficient number of patients have committed.

Via Zoom as still approved during COVID19 pandemic. If telepsychology no longer approved, Bechtold Board Room at LCOH.

• Can accept most insurance.

How to join:
• Discuss with your treatment provider. Contact Kelly Bernens (513-536-0634) to schedule an initial session with group leader to talk about the group, commitment to the group, and to provide initial assessment
forms. You will then be contacted once group is ready to begin!

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