Community Events
Date(s) - June 20, 2024
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Depression is a journey and there are others walking along the same path with you. In HOPE, group members join together to support and inspire one another as each person finds their unique path forward. The group will explore the connection between thoughts, emotions, bodily reactions, and behaviors. Individuals will learn to identify thoughts that are contributing to their depression and how to develop more balanced and adaptive thoughts. Members share about their faith and the way it guides their lives and draw close to one another to discuss the importance of :
- PLACE for
Participants will:
- Discuss the classic symptoms of depression
- Identify their signs of growth and improvement
- Replace negative thoughts with positive principles found in Scripture
- Set and achieve personal goals
- Plan enjoyable activities into their schedule
- Learn skills to decrease anxiety including deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and acceptance of challenging situations
- Journal their expressions of gratitude , find healing through forgiveness, and discover core beliefs about themselves
- Gather together to discuss the prevention of suicide
- Explore effective ways to improve their sleep
Location : Via Zoom
Dates and Times : 3:00 – 4:00 ; Thursdays
Intended For: Adults desiring to gain Christian Cognitive Behavioral skills for Depression
Contact: Kelly Bernens- 513-536-0634 or E-mail- [email protected]