Community Events
Date(s) - February 24, 2022
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
The Harold C. Schott Foundation Eating Disorders Program at Lindner Center of HOPE invites you to a FREE virtual viewing of the documentary Behind the Before and After: Intuitive Eating and Body Image in honor of Eating Disorders Awareness Week.
Many people in larger bodies face discrimination and are recommended to diet and lose weight. However, dieting has not been shown to be sustainable, necessary, or effective for the vast majority of people. While being in a larger body is often assumed to be unhealthy, yo-yo dieting and weight fluctuations over time actually account for a great deal of the relationship between being at a higher weight and various health problems. Dieting can lead to weight loss in the short term; however, more often than not, it ends up leading to greater weight gain in the long term.
Join the Harold C. Schott Foundation Eating Disorder Program for a viewing of the documentary Behind the Before and After. A discussion facilitated by our clinicians will follow to deconstruct the pressure to diet and discuss how to pursue more attainable physical and psychological health.
This event will be run virtually through Zoom (details sent with RSVP email confirmation).
Thursday, February 24, 2022
at 6:00PM EST.
Presented by the Harold C. Schott Eating Disorders Program.
by Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Any questions, contact Pricila Gran at 513-536-0318 or