Trevor Steinhauser’s struggle with mental illness began at an early age, but thanks to receiving early help and support for his symptoms, Trevor is feeling better and is now four years sober.

Trevor and Tracy Cummings, MD, Medical Director of Inpatient and Partial Hospital Program Services at Lindner Center of HOPE, spoke with Local 12’s Liz Bonis about mental illness warning signs to watch for in children, such as anxiety and panic attacks.

Trevor credits the Lindner Center of HOPE for helping him overcome his own issues with mental illness and substance abuse. By employing a team approach and giving him a voice in his own treatment, Trevor says the Center was the first to help him learn coping skills for lifelong problems, such as depression and anxiety.

According to Dr. Cummings, behaviors that lead to addiction often present in a person’s youth.

“The reality is that, in any given year, one in five of us are experiencing mental illness. About half of those cases started before age 14, so a lot of people have been having symptoms for a long time. They’ve just figured out ways to either adapt to those or not talk about those,” Dr. Cummings said.

Lindner Center of HOPE has a comprehensive program that treats both substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders. Learn more about our Intensive Outpatient program here.



Watch the full story from Trevor and Dr. Cummings’ sit down with Liz Bonis interview on


Jennifer L. Farley, PsyD
Lindner Center of HOPE, Staff Psychologist

When horrible things happen, things that we didn’t want or expect, they can have a significant – and sometimes devastating – effect on our lives. This is especially the case when the horrible event was perceived as a risk to our life or the life of someone we care about. A traumatic event can be shocking, scary, and/or dangerous. It can affect the way we perceive our environment, it can lead us to do things we would not normally do, and it can affect the quality of our relationships. Hence, a trauma can negatively impact many aspects of our well-being.

When someone experiences a trauma, the effects of it can depend on a variety of factors such as the age when the trauma occurred, the duration of which the the trauma occurred, and the intensity of the negative effects of the trauma. These factors do not mean, for example, that one who experienced a one-time traumatic event “should” have a better mental health outcome than someone who experienced a repeated trauma; rather, it is helpful to understand the nature of the trauma and how individuals can be affected.

When a traumatic experience occurs, the limbic system in the brain is activated and initiates the “fight, flight, or freeze” response to protect the person from harm. Interested in touring Sometimes these responses are so strong that a person may do something they would not have imagined was possible. Imagine being able to move something very heavy to protect a child from harm’s way or to run fast away from danger. Other responses can lead one to experience “shock” to where one cannot process their environment in a way to elicit any response. During this “fight, flight, or freeze” response, the individual is not focused on problem-solving or rational thought process, which are functions elicited by the frontal lobe of the brain (the “executive” center, if you will). Instead, the person is focused on survival and protection.

Feeling afraid is natural during and after a traumatic experience. Also,most people recover from initial symptoms they may have after a trauma. However, there are some people who may experience anxiety long after the traumatic experience, even when they are no longer in danger. Some of these individuals may develop symptoms associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). People may experience flashbacks that triggers them to feeling the same intensity of fear they had during the trauma. People may develop a strong mistrust of others.

They may also develop feelings of guilt, as if they were responsible for the traumatic event. Some people may avoid certain places or things associated with the trauma. Nightmares may be common. People may also develop very unhealthy ways to cope with their symptoms of PTSD, for example, by “numbing” their feelings with alcohol and/or drugs or with self-harm behaviors. It is estimated that 7 or 8 out of every 100 people will experience PTSD at some point in their lives. When a traumatic event is experienced in a child, the negative effects upon that child’s social and emotional development can be even more profound. The attachment that child has to his or her loved ones can be severely impacted. They struggle to form healthy relationships with others. Their academic performances can be hindered, especially if they become focused on their worries instead of their school work.

For these reasons, seeking psychological treatment as soon after a traumatic is experienced is highly recommended. Psychotherapy can help a person become more empowered over their fears through cognitive and behavioral strategies. Medication also can be indicated for people with PTSD, especially to help regulate sleep, reduce anxiety, and minimize depression. The goal for treatment would be to help the individual function better in several ways (e.g., socially, emotionally, and behaviorally) and to reduce the long-term impact that a trauma might have.

People may experience a traumatic event, but the symptoms associated with experiencing the trauma can be overcome.

Several suicides among local high school students has the Cincinnati community mourning these losses and searching for answers. WCPO’s Tanya O’Rourke spoke with Lindner Center of HOPE Medical Director of Inpatient and Partial Hospital Program Services Dr. Tracy Cummings about what families need to know about suicide prevention for themselves and their children.

According to Dr. Cummings, suicide has become more prevalent in recent years. “It’s striking actually – up to almost 30% increase since 1999.” This may be a conservative estimate due to stigma discouraging people from self-reporting suicide attempts.

Cummings cites risk factors that correlate with suicide attempts, including a family history of suicide, previous attempts, or a recent loss among close relatives or friends. Dr. Cummings also refers to a “contagion effect,” where one suicide within a community may trigger additional attempts by people who are suffering.

Social media use can also affect teens. Suggestions are offered on how parents can approach their kids on the topic of self-harm. Parents should not worry about “implanting” thoughts into their children’s minds by asking them directly about suicide. Rather, it is imperative that parents start a direct conversation with their children.




Watch both parts of Dr. Cummings’ two-segment interview on WCPO’s YouTube Page

Part 1


Part 2

Services, resources and research unmatched in Midwest

Mental illness is a condition that affects one in five Americans[i]. While more celebrities are revealing their own struggles, and research has led to new understanding and treatments, mental illness remains shrouded in stigma. Many barriers prevent access to treatment as well, including cost.

Communities across the country are stepping up to confront these challenges. Cincinnati is increasingly being recognized as one of the leaders.

When Frances and Craig Lindner founded Lindner Center of HOPE, their dream was to build the nation’s leading mental healthcare facility. That was in 2008.

Today, Lindner Center of HOPE is a nonprofit renowned regionally and nationally for the depth and breadth of services offered in one location. Mental health researchers around the world look to Lindner Center’s research team for the latest findings in the field.

How did the Lindner Center of HOPE earn its distinguished reputation? And what does this mean for tri-state residents and families looking for help with mental illness?

Lindner Center of HOPE is a Leading-Edge Care Center

It starts by staying on top of emerging trends in mental healthcare. The Lindner Center has launched programs to meet needs for current issues like Internet and gaming addiction[ii] and substance abuse detoxification[iii], while continuing to treat a comprehensive list of mental disorders.

Having the right people and partnerships in place is also vital. Since 1996, Lindner Center president and CEO Paul E. Keck, MD, has been among the world’s top 10 most cited scientists in the field of psychiatry and psychology. Susan L. McElroy, MD, chief research officer, was the eighth most cited in the same period.

In the decade since the Lindner Center of HOPE opened its doors, it has cared for more than 37,000 patients from all 50 states and 10 countries. Its multidisciplinary, team approach provides continuous personalized care for each individual.

Local Collaboration Leads to Better Treatment

Partnerships between the Lindner Center, UC Health and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital mean each of these world-class healthcare providers connect seamlessly to give local patients access to the latest treatments available, and a broad array of specialized medical services.

Together with the University of Cincinnati, the Lindner Center was among the initial members that established a national network of mental health centers similar to those established for cancer and cardiac care. A founder of the National Network of Depression Centers, Lindner Center has conducted more than 100 studies with renowned health research organizations like Mayo Clinic and Cincinnati Children’s. This work has brought new, effective treatments first to members of the local community who have lost hope for a better life.

This level of collaboration between world-leading institutions, and the breadth of services offered at Lindner Center is unmatched in the Midwest and among the best nationally.

As one patient’s parents said, “Without the Center, it’s doubtful (our son) would be alive today and certainly not the productive young man he is now.”

Continuing the Fight

We have never had better evidenced-based treatment and achievable recovery for psychiatric disorders than we do now. Yet, the scale of the problem is growing.

Americans are now 2.5 times[iv] more likely to suffer from a major psychiatric disorder in their lifetime than cancer, heart disease and diabetes combined. Fewer than half of the people who need care receive help, often due to stigmas associated with the disease. Insurance reimbursement for mental healthcare in Cincinnati is among the lowest in the U.S.

The Lindner Center of HOPE is uniquely positioned to fight this crisis. In addition to new and ongoing programs, community leaders Linda and Harry Fath, and Frances and Craig Lindner, pledged $75 million[v] to the Center to further enhance treatment and reduce stigma.

As a non-profit, the Lindner Center depends on financial support to meet the high demand for essential services. Philanthropic gifts have enabled the Center’s clinicians to enhance thousands of lives, while expanding our community education and critical research programs.

There is no better time than now to help others who are suffering. A recent combined $75 million donation from Cincinnati humanitarians Linda and Harry Fath and Frances and Craig Lindner is the foundation of the Center’s Challenge Of Hope campaign, with the goal of raising an additional $50 million.

Your donation will help make unprecedented strides in removing barriers for people taking needed steps toward mental wellness.

To share your gift of HOPE today, please go to:

About the Lindner Center of HOPE

Lindner Center of HOPE, located in Mason, OH, is a comprehensive mental health center providing patient-centered, scientifically advanced care for individuals suffering with mental illness. Learn more at

# #  #

[i] National Alliance on Mental Illness. Mental Health by the Numbers.

[ii] Borter G. (2019, Jan. 27). The digital drug: Internet addiction spawns U.S. treatment programs.

[iii] Lindner Center of HOPE. 10-Day Substance Use Disorder Detox and Evaluation.

[iv] Reuben, A. (2017, July 14). Mental Illness Is Far More Common Than We Knew.

[v] Lindner Center of HOPE. (2017, Dec. 18). Lindner Center of HOPE Receives Commitments Totaling $75 Million from Community Leaders Linda and Harry Fath, and Frances and S. Craig Lindner.



A New Way to Balance Digital Usage

It’s a concern for parents across the country.

Teenagers are consumed by countless digital distractions. Smart phones, gaming consoles, or any number of devices connected to the Internet compete for their attention.

Concerns over growing and habitual media use are nothing new, but the broad availability of portable devices seem to have “leveled up” the problem. Now, more children are becoming addicted to online content and gaming.

Popular video games like Fortnite are played by more than 200 million people. Some teens spend as much as 12 hours or more[i] a day playing online, while others spend the same amount of time engaged in social networks. This obsession can affect health as well as school and work performance.

A 2012 study estimated In 2018, The World Health Organization even classified video game addiction[iii] as a mental health disorder.

But how do you know when a habit has crossed over into an addiction? And what do you do when it is clear your son or daughter is addicted?

For children who show signs of internet addiction, a recent study[iv] suggests each child needs to be evaluated in context of their own unique situation. Personality traits, type of game(s) played, life situations and cultural expectations can all explain excessive gaming. For example, if the habit is used to replace real-life social interactions or escape from life traumas and stress, an Internet or gaming addiction may be in play.

“Today’s society is dependent upon technology, mobile devices, social media, and the Internet,” says Dr. Chris J. Tuell, clinical director of addiction services at Lindner Center of HOPE. “However, when dependence crosses over to an addiction, it’s time to take steps to regain control.”

Several habitual behaviors can indicate Internet and gaming addiction. “The three C’s of addiction also apply to Internet addiction,” says Dr. Tuell. “If someone exhibits a loss of control, a compulsion/obsession to be online, irritability when offline, or continues to use technology despite negative consequences, they may be suffering from Internet addiction.”

The Reboot Program

To combat Internet and gaming addiction, and provide a resource for families who need help, Lindner Center of HOPE has introduced a new program called “Reboot.” The first two weeks of the Reboot program involve a comprehensive assessment of the teenager to draft a course of treatment. The second two weeks focus on developing better habits with technology.

“For those struggling with self-control, this program helps them re-center their lives and avoid additional complications,” said Dr. Tuell.

According to Mental Health America[v], the nation’s leading non-profit mental health advocacy organization,  children with Internet addiction often struggle with other mental health problems like alcohol and substance use, depression, and/or aggression.

Addiction experts at Lindner Center of HOPE assess if patients are suffering from one or more co-occurring disorders, like depression. Identifying underlying mental health conditions helps to personalize treatment plans for each “Reboot” patient – increasing their odds of winning the battle with internet and gaming addiction.

Addictions Expertise

In addition to internet and gaming addictions, Lindner Center of HOPE treats most substance and behavioral addictions, including heroin, morphine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, amphetamine, methamphetamine, LSD, alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and tobacco, gambling and pornography. Plans may include medication-assisted treatment, therapy or support groups, and screenings for underlying issues like depression and anxiety.

About Lindner Center of HOPE

Lindner Center of HOPE, located in Mason, OH, is a comprehensive mental health center providing patient-centered, scientifically advanced care for individuals suffering with mental illness. Learn more at

# #  #

[i] Feely, J. & Palmeri, C. (2018, Nov. 27). Fortnite Addiction Is Forcing Kids Into Video-Game Rehab.

[ii] Cash, H., Rae, C. D., Steel, A. H., & Winkler, A. (2012). Internet Addiction: A Brief Summary of Research and Practice. Current psychiatry reviews8(4), 292-298.

[iii] Price, L. & Snider, M. (2018, June 19). Video game addiction is a mental health disorder, WHO says, but some health experts don’t agree.

[iv] Kuss D. J. (2013). Internet gaming addiction: current perspectives. Psychology research and behavior management6, 125-37. doi:10.2147/PRBM.S39476

[v] Mental Health America. Risky Business: Internet Addiction.



Reuters featured the success story of a teenager who found help with Internet and gaming addiction through a new treatment program at the Lindner Center of HOPE. The story explains why more medical professionals are taking Internet addiction seriously and how the Lindner Center has pioneered a program to meet this modern condition.

A 2012 study estimates that between 1.5 percent and 8.2 percent of people in the U.S. and Europe experience “problematic computer use.” In 2018, The World Health Organization even classified video game addiction as a mental health disorder.

To combat Internet and gaming addiction, and provide a resource for families who need help, Lindner Center of HOPE has introduced a new program, called “Reboot.”

“This program helps those struggling with a loss of control to re-center their lives to avoid additional complications,” said Dr. Chris J. Tuell, Lindner Center of HOPE Clinical Director of Addiction Services.

Your donation will help more people like Danny recover from mental illness and return to feeling more like themselves. Donate here:



Read more:


Lindner Center of HOPE Clinical Director of Addiction Services Dr. Chris J. Tuell joined Fox & Friends on January 28, 2019 to talk about a new program at the Lindner Center designed to identify and treat Internet addiction.

“This program helps those struggling with a loss of control to re-center their lives to avoid additional complications,” said Dr. Tuell.

According to Mental Health America, children with Internet addiction often struggle with other mental health problems like alcohol and substance use, depression, and/or aggression.

Addiction experts at the Lindner Center of HOPE assess if patients are suffering from one or more co-occurring disorders, like depression, in addition to unhealthy Internet habits. Studies have suggested pre-existing depression or anxiety could lead to a gaming addiction. Identifying underlying mental health conditions can help personalize treatment plans for each “Reboot” patient.

Your donation can help the Lindner Center of HOPE continue similar services to help patients find help on their road to wellness. Donate here:




Watch more:

Dr. Nicole Bosse appeared on FOX19’s Morning Show (Cincinnati) to talk about Seasonal Affective Disorder and how local residents can recognize the signs of SAD in themselves and others, help themselves avoid seasonal depression and find help through treatment at the Lindner Center of HOPE.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression triggered by a change in seasons.

In fact, more than half a million people in the U.S. suffer from SAD.  In fact, 4 in 5 people who suffer from SAD are women.

“It is important to not think of seasonal depression as a minor case of the “winter blues,” said Nicole Bosse, PsyD, staff psychologist and member of the OCD and anxiety team at the Lindner Center of HOPE. “SAD is a type of depression and needs to be treated seriously. We urge people to seek professional help if they feel their mood is atypical this time of year.”

Your donation can help the Lindner Center continue state-of-the-science research and treatment to help patients get the care they need for a number of conditions, including SAD. Donate here:


Watch more:


Angela Couch, RN, MSN, PMHNP-BC
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Lindner Center of HOPE
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine


Suspected side effects are one of the most frequent barriers to medication compliance.Therapists are likely meeting with
the patient more frequently than the prescriber, and in some cases, may have better rapport with that patient. Sometimes the patient is more likely to open up to their therapist about problems with their meds, rather than the prescriber, particularly if they are afraid of disappointing the prescriber. Therefore, this puts therapists in an important position to be able to intervene in a constructive way.Symptoms that occur after the start of a medication may or may not relate to the medication. Several possibilities should be considered before attribution of symptoms is determined (Goldberg and Ernst, 2012). The natural course of illness may be responsible for symptoms; often symptoms of mental disorders may overlap with potential side effects of medications. Discontinuation symptoms may present upon stopping the previous drug, and may complicate the picture. Discontinuation symptoms may also occur when a patient’s compliance is spotty. Interactions between multiple drugs may be responsible
for an effect, versus an independent effect of a single medication. Medical comorbidities, substance use and compliance issues may also be implicated. Timing of onset of symptoms in relation to when the medication trial started is also important to evaluate. It requires careful assessment on the part of the prescribing clinician to determine whether an adverse effect is occurring, and what, if any, change to make.Many side effects may be adequately managed by simple changes to the regimen. A dose decrease may result in reduced negative effects but still maintain efficacy of treatment.Interested in touring Changing the schedule of administration can have significant impacts on side effects.

For instance, moving the dose from morning to evening or vice versa, or moving the dose in relation to meals could both
be helpful. Changing the schedule in relation to when another medication is given might be helpful.

Other medication side effects may require more complicated changes. These may include stopping the medication, changing to another medication, or adding a medication that may counteract the negative effects while allowing the patient to make use of the positive benefits. Much discussion may need to occur in cases in which many previous medication trials have been unsuccessful, or resulted in other more bothersome side effects. In those cases, the benefits of the drug may outweigh the level of discomfort from the side effects.

How can you as the therapist help?

Ask your patient about compliance with each medication at each appointment. Poor compliance can often cause, or
be caused by, side effects.

Encourage your patient to talk to his/her prescriber if they have questions or concerns about their medications.

Remind your patient that most medications take several weeks of regular administration before they start exerting positive effects, and that dose changes MAY be required, so it is important to continue taking the medication even
if he/she is not seeing results, and communicate with his/her prescriber before making changes.

Contact your patient’s prescriber directly at any time if you have specific concerns or questions about the patient’s medication regimen, or you have a specific suggestion regarding the medication regimen.

Do Not:
Suggest to your patient that you believe they are on the wrong medication or make specific suggestions regarding medication changes directly to the patient. This can cast doubt on the prescriber’s ability and possibly impede their therapeutic relationship. Suggest to your patient that other patients have had bad experiences with a particular
medication. Instruct your patient to change the dosing of the medication.

In summary, patients benefit from good collaboration between prescribers and therapists, and the therapist can have a positive impact on a patient’s chance of success on medication. Reference: Goldberg, J.F., & Ernst, C.L. (2012) Managing the side effects of psychotropic medications. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.



November is Family Caregivers Month.

A growing number of Americans are taking roles as caregivers for loved ones suffering with a variety of illnesses and disabilities. At least 60 million have a caregiving role – most caregivers are middle-aged adults.

Caregivers can be anyone doing a broad range of tasks for loved ones who are unable to perform everyday duties like picking up groceries, getting dressed in the morning, or driving to medical appointments. These caregivers are often unpaid and untrained.

By giving so much for others, it is easy to neglect self-care and caregivers often suffer burnout that leads to higher rates of mental illness like depression and anxiety. Exhaustion and fatigue can lead to more serious health issues. Recent studies show 40-70 percent of caregivers have clinically significant symptoms of depression and anxiety due to chronic stress associated with providing care

Some self-care strategies can include:

  • Eating right, exercising and getting enough sleep (7-8 hours) is always important
  • Make a self-care calendar and share that plan with someone else
  • Don’t base your identity on your care for others. Caring is acting, not being
  • Be mindful: Recognize how an activity reenergizes you and fully participate in it
  • Keep a victory journal
  • For more tips, view:

The Lindner Center of HOPE has some of the nation’s leading physicians experienced in depression treatment and self-care. If caregivers are experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety, they can schedule an evaluation at the Lindner Center of HOPE Rapid Access Service, which is an outpatient service for patients 18 and older, open Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 12:30 pm to 4 pm. This service enables patients in need to have a scheduled appointment, within days of the call. The appointment includes a thorough outpatient assessment with a psychiatrist and social worker, a care plan, recommendations with referrals and a written after-visit summary. Call 513-536-0639 to schedule.