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The Mind-Body Connection: Improving Overall Health

The Mind-Body Connection: Improving Overall Health

You may have heard the expression: “healthy mind, healthy body.”  But do you know what it really means?  For centuries, a connection has been theorized to exist between physical and mental health.  Modern science has now demonstrated that such a connection really does exist.

The role of a healthy diet, proper sleep, regular exercise, and other lifestyle practices in promoting better mental health is at the core of many behavioral health treatment regimens, whether for youth or adults.  Such practices may also play a role in preventing future mental health problems.

Conversely, physical health is dependent upon one’s state of mind, as the body responds to the ways in which each of us feels, thinks, and acts.  This fact is at the heart of the mind-body connection. Emotional or mental imbalance creates physical symptoms, from aches and pains to elevated blood pressure.  These in turn can lead to chronic health problems and disease.

Ideally, an individual should strive for a state of total wellness, one in which there is a sense of balance in the mental, physical, spiritual, and social elements of his or her life. Following wellness principles can help one achieve increased resiliency, greater longevity, and overall better physical and mental health.

The Role of the Mind upon the Body

Mental or emotional problems are associated with the development of physical disease. An estimated 95% of all illnesses can be caused or aggravated by stress. Individuals with high stress levels are even more likely to catch colds. It is not uncommon for individuals to develop hypertension or an ulcer after particularly stressful life events.

Depression has been linked to a range of disorders, including strokes, heart disease, and diabetes.  Other mood and emotional problems can also take a toll. In one study, people who had difficulty coping with anger were found to have a ten times greater risk for the development of heart arrhythmias.  Anger-prone physicians have been found to have higher risks of heart attacks than even smokers or individuals with high blood pressure.

The right attitude and social supports can affect health in more positive ways, however. The old saying, “Laughter is the best medicine” is true, as it has been found to reduce pain, speed healing, and increase creativity. Being active in a group—even something as simple as a bowling club—can actually increase one’s longevity, regardless of other health habits. Social networks also provide needed support. In one study of women with metastatic breast cancer, participation in support groups doubled survival rates.

Scientists have found that individuals with mental health or substance abuse problems have a life expectancy decades lower than the general population.  Taking care of one’s physical health is a critical part of the recovery process for those with behavioral health problems.

The Role of the Body upon the Mind

Research supports the role of physical activity in helping manage mental disorders. Active people have been found to be less depressed than inactive ones, and people with chronic depression are more like to go into remission with regular exercise.

Due to increased levels of oxygen and endorphins, individuals who exercise regularly feel more alert and have more energy, better memory retention, and a greater sense of wellbeing. As little as 20-30 minutes of vigorous physical activity daily is sufficient to achieve results.

Yoga, meditation, and other relaxation strategies have been found to ease stress, depression, and sleep problems. There is growing evidence that the practice of meditation can even slow cognitive decline in older adults.

Eating healthy foods in moderation can increase emotional well-being and reduce many of the physical problems often associated with mental illness, such as fatigue and obesity.

Getting approximately eight hours sleep per night is a goal few adults achieve, but the benefits are worth the effort.  Adequate sleep improves mood and concentration, as well as decreasing physical health risks.

By following these healthy lifestyle practices, individuals may significantly improve both their mental and physical health.