Stories of HOPE
“The first thing I noticed in the call here was how kind and patient people were on the phone.
I was so depressed I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t drink, I couldn’t sleep, I could barely walk. I was totally undone.
From the moment I got in the door I felt like a person.
Everyone seems to be truly interested in my health and rehabilitation.
It’s like all the staff works in a cell around you to produce the good help you need.
There is so much communication between the patient, the doctor, the social worker and everybody involved.
The doctor has been so helpful in diagnosis and treatment. They have been so good about getting me to participate in treatment. They have thoroughly explained my medications.
I’ve been in places that I call the “drug and drool joints”. Those places provide no help. It’s just keeping people quiet. Here they want to hear you. You’re encouraged to talk and participate. I believe an important part of healing is talking to other people. You start bonding with each other and encouraging each other.
(Lindner Center of HOPE) is unique. It’s all encompassing, healing body, soul and spirit. You can’t just treat one part and get better.
It’s been such a blessing. I have felt comfortable since I was here. Sometimes I was even treated like a princess.
Now I have goals and plans and I know how to recognize signs of relapse. This has been a very positive and healing experience. Both my pastors came to visit me.”