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Lindner Center of HOPE to Offer Adult Partial Hospitalization Program Starting May 7

Program will work to keep patients out of the hospital, while providing intensive mental health treatment in a safe setting

When an adult’s daily functioning is impaired by mental illness, yet criteria is not met for hospitalization, the Adult Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) provides intensive treatment in a safe and therapeutic environment, without full hospitalization. Partial hospitalization helps patients progress to the point where standard outpatient appointments can be effective. This program is also used as a step-down program from hospitalization, with the intent of gradually easing an adult back into their home environment.

The program will operate Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and enrollees attend 5 days per week for up to 4 weeks. The program offers some flexibility in design, so that the PHP treatment team and the enrollee can work together to create the right treatment plan for each individual.

The Adult Partial Hospitalization Program includes:

  • Group therapy
  • Supportive individual therapy
  • Pharmacotherapy and medication management
  • A psychiatrist’s evaluation of the individual patient
  • Lunch in Lindner Center of HOPE’s dining room

When should you consider partial hospitalization:

  • If you are transitioning from an acute inpatient stay.
  • If your outpatient appointments are not intensive, in-depth or frequent enough to keep you effectively functioning.
  • If you are unable to function socially, professionally or both.
  • If you need more intensive medication management and/or therapy.

Appropriate Patients

Who will benefit from Adult Partial Hospitalization?
The Adult Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) at Lindner Center of HOPE will benefit individuals, ages 18 and older, who are experiencing emotional or behavioral issues significant enough to affect daily functioning or quality of life. Patients may be suffering with diagnoses including, but not limited to:

  • Mood disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorder
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Adjustment disorders
  • Thought disorders not requiring hospitalization, such as paranoia and hallucinations

About Lindner Center of HOPE: A state-of-the-science, free-standing mental health center and charter member of the National Network of Depression Centers, the Center provides psychiatric hospitalization for individuals age 12-years-old and older, outpatient services for all ages, research, comprehensive assessment and residential services. The Center’s clinicians are ranked among the best providers locally, nationally and internationally.