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Intensive Outpatient Program

Lindner Center of HOPE Offers Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for Substance Abuse and Co-occurring Disorders

Approximately 1 in 11 people suffer with an addiction to alcohol or drugs, or roughly 22 million Americans. For many, addiction is fueled by a co-occurring mental health issue. In fact, 60 percent of those with substance use disorders also have another psychiatric disorder. Statistics indicate that 35 to 56 percent of persons with psychiatric disorders also exhibit a drug/alcohol use disorder. To overcome addiction, the pain and loss that is caused by addiction must be replaced by lasting sobriety. To bring about real sober living, underlying issues like mental health disorders must be simultaneously addressed and coping skills and strategies must be exercised to prevent relapse.

Intensive Outpatient Program for Adults with Substance Abuse

The Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) at Lindner Center of HOPE is an intensive treatment option for adults experiencing challenges with substance abuse and/or co-occurring disorders. The IOP program provides a therapeutic and supportive environment for patients struggling with substance use problems and abstinence. The IOP at Lindner Center of HOPE is unique in its ability to work with patients struggling with dual diagnosis or multiple diagnoses. The program can also accommodate patients on medication, including Suboxone.

Structure of Intensive Outpatient Program for Substance Abuse

The structure of the IOP program relies on the participation of a group of individuals all of whom are experiencing difficulty resulting from substance use, and are in need of treatment at a moderately high level of care. This program can serve as a step down from residential or a step up from individual therapy. Participants attend virtually from 6 to 9 p.m., three evenings per week – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. The program duration is customizable to individual need, but in most cases will last 12 weeks.

Lindner Center of HOPE has built a reputation of excellence and clinical success in the diagnosis and short-term residential treatment of addictions and co-occurring disorders in its adult residential units. The IOP offers an expansion of the continuum of care of addiction and co-occurring disorders services offered at Lindner Center of HOPE.

Evidence-based Programming for Intensive Outpatient Program for Substance Abuse

Lindner Center of HOPE’s IOP program is evidence-based utilizing Motivational Enhancement Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Community Support Facilitation treatment models. Psycho education, group psychotherapy, didactic lectures, individual counseling sessions and homework assignments also are incorporated. Both 12 Step and non-12 Step community support groups are also offered on site at Lindner Center of HOPE for the benefit of IOP participants. Participants will learn about the disease of addiction, as well as other co-occurring disorders and how to treat the disease with therapy, life style changes and behavioral changes. Included in the program are consultation sessions for family members and significant others, as well as convenient access to other supports.

Call (513) 536-4673 and ask for IOP admissions. To download the referral form, Click here. For IOP program information call (513) 536-4673 and ask to speak to the clinical director of outpatient addiction services for more information.

Patients Appropriate for Intensive Outpatient Program for Substance Abuse

  • Adults ages 18 and older.
  • Individuals experiencing problems with addiction and/or co-occurring disorders significant enough to affect daily functioning or quality of life, problems maintaining sobriety but not severe enough to need detoxification, hospitalization or residential services.
  • Individuals needing to step down from residential treatment or step up from individual therapy.
  • Individuals with a current substance related diagnosis included in the most current edition of the DSM. Individuals with a secondary diagnosis related to mental health issues may also be present.

How to Refer to Intensive Outpatient Program for Substance Abuse:

  • Call (513) 536-4673 and ask for IOP program admissions to schedule your assessment. If you need program specific information, please ask to speak to the supervisor of outpatient addiction services.
  • Referrals from other providers are encouraged. Whether it is an adjunct to a current course of treatment or a need for transitioning to another level of service, collaborative information from other providers is vital to conducting a comprehensive assessment and coordinating care. A referral form is available (Download from here) regarding the patient. This form can be faxed to (513) 204-3476.
  • If referred by a provider, prospective patients will be contacted by admissions staff to answer questions, gather benefit information, and schedule the full intake assessment. With informed consent by the patient, referring parties will be notified of any recommendations forthcoming as a result of the assessment and ultimately provided course of treatment summaries and any recommendations for follow up care.

Call (513) 536-4673 and ask for IOP admissions. To download the referral form, Click Here. For program information call (513) 536-4673 and ask to speak to the supervisor of outpatient addiction services for more information.

Intensive Outpatient Program for Substance Abuse Facts

  • The program operates virtually Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Programming starts promptly at 6 p.m.
  • Patients and referrers will work with admission professionals by phone to be admitted to the IOP program.
  • Program lasts a total of 3 hours a day and participants attend 3 days per week, for a total minimum of 9 hours per week.
  • Each participant must also be receiving individual therapy that addresses alcohol or drug related issues at Lindner Center of HOPE or another qualified provider.
  • The duration of the program is 12 weeks, however, duration may be extended if deemed to be therapeutically necessary.
  • The program is group based, however, supports individual therapy at Lindner Center of HOPE or elsewhere, family therapy, and community support groups.
  • Many insurance plans will reimburse for IOP. The patient will be responsible for the payment of all services not covered by the patient’s insurance.

Call (513) 536-4673 and ask for IOP admissions. To download the referral form,Click here. For program information call (513) 536-4673 and ask to speak to the supervisor of outpatient addiction services for more information.

What are the financial obligations associated with Adult IOP Program?

At Lindner Center of HOPE, we understand that dealing with the financial implications of mental illness can be difficult. That is why we are here to help. Together we can work through your financial obligations and insurance questions.

Many insurance plans will reimburse for IOP.  IOP is in network with Medicare. The patient will be responsible for the payment of all services not covered by the patient’s insurance.

Patients without insurance coverage can qualify for the self-pay rate: $350/day.

Call (513) 536-4673 and ask for intake for IOP admissions. For program information call (513) 536-4673 and ask to speak to the supervisor of outpatient addiction services for more information.

Call (513) 536-4673 and ask for IOP admissions. To download the referral form, Click here. For program information call (513) 536-4673 and ask to speak to the supervisor of outpatient addiction services for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions About Adult Intensive Outpatient Program for Substance Abuse


Will my insurance cover IOP?

Many insurance plans will reimburse for IOP. The patient will be responsible for the payment of all services not covered by the patient’s insurance. IOP is in network with Medicare.

What is the referral/admission process?

  • Patients may be referred by outpatient provider or call for admission without a referral.
  • A referral form is available ( Click here to download form). This form can be faxed directly to (513) 204-3476.
  • Or, be prepared to give demographic and brief clinical information to staff when calling (513) 536-4673.
  • Patients will then be contacted by staff to discuss benefits and to schedule the full intake assessment with the program coordinator.
  • With informed consent by the patient, referring parties will be notified of admission and any forthcoming recommendations.

Do you accept Medicaid?

Currently the Lindner Center of HOPE is not a Medicaid provider for adults.


How many IOP enrollees can be in the program at once?

The program can accommodate 12 enrollees at one time. The duration of the program is 6 weeks.

If the program is full, can I get on a waitlist?

Yes, we will provide a screening assessment, verify insurance coverage, record the request for services, and place you on a waiting list.

What criteria must a patient meet to be admitted to IOP?

Patients admitted to the Intensive Outpatient Program will meet the following criteria:

  • The person will have a primary addiction related diagnosis recognized by the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.
  • The person will have at least one of the following criteria:
    • Manifests impairment in activities of daily living and in occupational functioning as outlined in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.
    • Demonstrates impairment in functioning manifested by a difficulty to provide for his/her needs.
    • Fails lesser level(s) of treatment.
  • The person is seeking admission on a voluntary basis.
  • The person is able to participate in the therapeutic process.
  • There is reasonable expectation that the presenting symptoms can be reduced or controlled.
  • When appropriate, the use of ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) criteria for appropriate level of care will be utilized for admission.

What exclusion criteria exists for IOP?

Patients referred to the Intensive Outpatient Program will not be admitted if the following are present:

  • The person is in need of an inpatient treatment setting or medical detox services.
  • The person has significant active or invasive medical treatment needs.
  • The person is under a criminal court order for treatment.
  • The person has a history of sexually perpetrating or is a registered sexual offender.
  • It is acceptable for participants to be taking prescribed medication to address psychiatric and drug/alcohol issues (i.e., naltrexone, buprenorphine, methadone, antidepressants).