Understanding the Importance of Mental Health Treatment

There are benefits to exploring the option of a mental health treatment center. These centers offer individuals a safe and contained environment where they can focus solely on their recovery. Struggling with mental health disorders can feel very lonely; however, isolation is only an illusion. More than one in five Americans struggle with a mental health disorder.

It can be overwhelming and scary to acknowledge a mental health disorder and seek treatment. Shame, social stigma, and fear stop individuals from seeking the treatment they need. In recent years, the increase in violent crimes and suicides attributed to mental health disorders has led to broader support for mental health treatments.

We are here to help you better understand the options available, so that you, or your loved one, can get the treatment needed.

What is Residential Mental Health Treatment?

Residential Mental Health Treatment is a specialized form of treatment in which a patient is under 24-hour care in a dedicated facility. These facilities provide patients with a safe home-like environment where they can focus their energy on their treatment.

Residential treatment facilities also offer community. Patients can participate in group activities, therapy, and cultivate a sense of community. These treatment programs foster peer support that helps patients build life skills and healthy routines to reach their best potential when they leave the facility.

Residential Treatment vs. Inpatient Treatment

What is the difference between residential treatment and inpatient treatment? Inpatient treatment is intended for individuals suffering from an acute mental health crisis requiring immediate stabilization.  This treatment is often administered in a hospital environment. A patient may transition from inpatient treatment to residential treatment as suggested by their healthcare provider.

Residential Treatment vs. Outpatient Mental Health Treatment

Residential mental health treatment provides patients with 24/7 care removed from the stresses of everyday life. Patients receiving outpatient mental health treatment are not under 24-hour care and are living in a home environment.  Outpatient mental health treatment can be crucial for a patient’s long-term success.

When Is Residential Treatment Necessary?

There are many paths to residential treatment. Sometimes a patient moves to residential treatment after acute inpatient treatment to ease into everyday life more gradually.  Other times residential treatment is a step up in a patient’s treatment plan.

You may wish to consider residential treatment for yourself if any of the following is true:

  • Your current treatment plan has decreased in effectiveness
  • You haven’t seen results from your current treatment plan
  • You are experiencing an intense life event that is exasperating your symptoms
  • You are seeking a bridge from acute inpatient care to everyday life
  • Your symptoms interfere with living your everyday life

These are just a few reasons why an individual may seek residential treatment. Early intervention can increase the effectiveness of treatment and prevent the escalation of symptoms and their impact on an individual.  Lack of treatment can impact every aspect of a person’s life – including relationships, and the ability to be financially independent, among others.  If you, or a loved one, are even considering residential treatment, don’t hesitate to contact your healthcare provider. Early intervention can help a patient access the most effective treatment possible.

The Benefits of Residential Mental Health Treatment

Residential treatment can be a great option for a variety of mental health disorders. Lindner Center of HOPE offers treatment for many different mental health disorders. This includes addictive disorders, anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, and eating disorders.  Lindner Center of HOPE’s eating disorder program was featured in an article in Venue Magazine.

In a residential treatment facility patients can receive specialized and focused care. Care teams work with patients to create individualized plans for a variety of disorders. Each patient, and their care needs, are unique. Through talk therapy, medications, holistic approaches, and lifestyle changes, patients focus on building the skills needed for their continued recovery. The structured and focused environment of a residential mental health treatment facility helps patients focus all their energy on themselves and their recovery.

How To Choose the Right Residential Mental Health Facility

Choosing the right residential mental health facility for you or your loved one can be a daunting task. There are some factors to consider and questions to ask yourself and your doctor before making any decisions.

  • Does this mental health facility specialize in the disorder I need treatment for?
  • Do I want a larger or smaller environment?
  • What types of treatment does this facility specialize in?
  • Does this treatment program align with my budget?
  • Can I see myself, or my loved one, thriving in this environment?

If you’re unsure about a facility, consult with your doctor and reach out to the facility. Lindner Center of HOPE offers a virtual tour to help individuals get a better feel for the facilities and what it has to offer.

About Lindner Center of HOPE

Lindner Center of HOPE is a nationally recognized and leading institution in the treatment of mental health disorders. Our facility is located on 36 acres in a beautiful and secluded area that allows our residential patients to concentrate on their healing free of distraction. We’ve helped more than 50,000 patients with our comprehensive patient-centric approach. Contact us today to learn more about our programs.

Taking The First Steps

Dealing with a mental health disorder can feel like being in a battle. Remember that you can’t win a battle all by yourself.  Residential mental health treatment helps patients build skills, focus on their mental health outside of everyday stress, and move forward with well-managed symptoms.

Millions of individuals battle mental health disorders every day. Over half of all adults in America suffering from a mental illness do not seek treatment. If you found this page, you’ve already taken the first step to seek help. We’re here to help you continue this transformational journey.  Contact us today and take on your battle with an army to support you.