Center’s Fundraising Auxiliary Features National Speaker and Mental Health Advocate

Pete Earley photoPete Earley, American journalist and author of CRAZY: A Father’s Search Through America’s Mental Health Madness, will be the keynote speaker at A Night of High Hopes, dinner and auction, on Thursday, April 14, 2016.  A cocktail reception and silent auction will begin at 6:00 p.m., followed by dinner and a speech by Pete Earley at 7:00 p.m. at the Manor House in Mason.

Mr. Earley is a writer, journalist, storyteller, and mental health advocate. After a 14-year-long career in journalism, including six years with The Washington Post, he became a full-time author with the purpose to share and expose stories that entertain and enlighten.  Earley has published 17 books including 4 New York Times bestsellers, including 2007 Pulitzer Prize finalist CRAZY: A Father’s Search Through America’s Mental Health Madness.  When his life was unraveled by the events recounted in his book Crazy, he joined the National Alliance on Mental Illness to advocate for strong mental health public awareness, and ultimately, reform.  His new mission has compelled him to travel to 48 states and multiple countries around the globe delivering speeches to rally around mental health sufferers.

Mr. Earley will talk about his son’s breakdown, his experiences in the Miami Dade County Jail, creative ways to end the jailing of persons with mental illnesses, and his son’s recovery.

A Night of High Hopes is the 8th annual spring fundraiser presented by High Hopes, Lindner Center of HOPE’s fundraising auxiliary. Proceeds from the event will benefit bipolar and mood disorders research at the Center.  Research aids those suffering with bipolar and mood disorders worldwide. Mr. Earley’s book will be for sale at the event, where he will be available for signing.

Event co-chairs Dianne Brown and Ruthie Keefe encourage those interested in attending the event to register by going to  Reservations are $75 per individual, or $750 for a patron table of 10. For more information, call Kathy Bechtold at 513-791-8133, or email Kathy at: [email protected]

For more than two decades, Screening for Mental Health has developed programs to educate, raise awareness, and screen individuals for common behavioral and mental health disorders and suicide.The vision is a world where mental health is viewed and treated with the same gravity as physical health, and the public’s participation in National Depression Screening Day helps make that vision a reality.

National Depression Screening Day, held annually on the Thursday of the first full week in October, is an education and screening event conducted by hospitals, clinics, colleges, and community groups nationwide. Much like the medical community screens for diabetes and high blood pressure, the goal is to offer large-scale mood disorder screenings for the public. The program provides free, anonymous screenings for depression, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder, as well as referral to treatment resources if warranted.

This year, October 8th, will mark 25 years of this revolutionary event.

Please participate in this milestone National Depression Screening Day and help spread the word to increase awareness of mental health. Take a screening now at and encourage your family, friends and colleagues to do the same.

Facts About Depression


  • Up to 80 percent of those treated for depression show an improvement in their symptoms generally within four to six weeks of beginning treatment. (NIH)


  • According to the World Health Organization, depression is projected to become the second leading contributor to the global burden of disease by 2020
  • Depression is a common mental disorder. Globally, more than 350 million people of all ages suffer from depression. (WHO)

United States

  • One in five 18 to 25 year olds experienced a mental illness in the past year
  • An Estimated 1 in 10 U.S. Adults Report Depression (CDC)
  • Major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. for ages 15-44. (World Health Organization, 2004)

Physical & Mental Health Connection

  • One-third of individuals with a chronic illness experience symptoms of depression
  • People with depression are 4 times as likely to develop a heart attack than those without the illness.
  • Many conditions may coexist with depression. Depression may increase the risk for another illness, and dealing with an illness may lead to depression. In fact, according to the NIMH, depression affects:
  • More than 40 percent of those with post-traumatic stress disorder
    • 25 percent of those who have cancer
    • 27 percent of those with substance abuse problems
    • 50 percent of those with Parkinson’s disease
    • 50 to 75 percent of those who have an eating disorder
    • 33 percent of those who’ve had a heart attack
  • Depression is a prevalent and increasingly recognized risk factor for both the development of and the outcome from coronary artery disease (CAD). (National Institute of Health)

Signs and Symptoms

Depression is a treatable mental health disorder that causes persistent sadness and loss of interest. Some of the most common signs and symptoms include:

  • Changes in sleep and appetite
  • Poor Concentration
  • Loss of energy
  • Loss of interest in usual activities
  • Low self-esteem
  • Hopelessness or guilt
  • Recurring thoughts of death or suicide

For a complete list visit:

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a treatable illness defined by extreme changes in mood, thought, energy and behavior. These changes are categorized into manic (high) and depressive (low) episodes, ranging from bursts of energy to deep despair. Some of the most common symptoms include:

Mania Symptoms

  • Heightened mood, exaggerated optimism and self-confidence
  • Excessive irritability, aggressive behavior
  • Decreased need for sleep without experiencing fatigue
  • Racing speech, racing thoughts, flight of ideas
  • Impulsiveness, poor judgment, easily distracted
  • Reckless behavior

Depressive Symptoms

  • Changes in sleep and appetite
  • Poor Concentration
  • Loss of energy
  • Loss of interest in usual activities
  • Low self-esteem
  • Hopelessness or guilt
  • Recurring thoughts of death or suicide

For a complete list visit:

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is an anxiety disorder that involves chronic worrying, nervousness, and tension. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Feeling like your anxiety is uncontrollable; there is nothing you can do to stop the worrying
  • A pervasive feeling of apprehension or dread
  • Inability to relax, enjoy quiet time, or be by yourself
  • Difficulty concentrating or focusing on things
  • Avoiding situations that make you anxious
  • Feeling tense; having muscle tightness or body aches
  • Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep because your mind won’t quit
  • Feeling edgy, restless, or jumpy

For a complete list visit:

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that’s triggered by witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. Some common symptoms include:

  • Intrusive, upsetting memories of the event
  • Flashbacks (acting or feeling like the event is happening again)
  • Nightmares (either of the event or of other frightening things)
  • Avoiding activities, places, thoughts, or feelings that remind you of the trauma
  • Feeling detached from others and emotionally numb
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Irritability or outbursts of anger
  • Hypervigilance (on constant “red alert”)

For a complete list visit:

On June 23, 2015 a strategic alliance agreement between LINDNER CENTER OF HOPE in Mason, Ohio and CLÍNICA SAN JOSÉ CENTRO DE SALUD MENTAL in Chile was signed.

This agreement permits, among others, the creation and development of: (a) a mental health international research network; (b) professional exchange programs, in order to promote the cooperation between both institutions in medical, academic and business matters; and (c) patient programs, that will give patients of both institutions the opportunity to access new and innovative treatment alternatives.

LINDNER CENTER OF HOPE and CLÍNICA SAN JOSÉ CENTRO DE SALUD MENTAL are leader health institutions with vast trajectory in the provision of patient-centered, scientifically advanced care for individuals suffering with mental illness.

LINDNER CENTER OF HOPE was represented by Wood & Lamping and CLÍNICA SAN JOSÉ CENTRO DE SALUD MENTAL was assisted by Pérez Videla Abogados.

Lindner Center of HOPE  provides excellent, patient-centered, scientifically-advanced care for individuals suffering with mental illness. A state-of-the-science, mental health center and charter member of the National Network of Depression Centers, the Center provides psychiatric hospitalization and partial hospitalization for individuals age 12-years-old and older, outpatient services for all ages, diagnostic and short-term residential services for adults and adolescents, intensive outpatient program for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders for adults and research. The Center is enhanced by its partnership with UC Health as its clinicians are ranked among the best providers locally, nationally and internationally. Together Lindner Center of HOPE and UC Health offer a true system of mental health care in the Greater Cincinnati area and across the country. The Center is also affiliated with the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine.

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By mid-August Lindner Center of HOPE researchers anticipate recruiting for a new medication trial that could impact the treatment of Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED). IED, characterized by an inability to resist aggressive urges and explosive outbursts, affects six percent of the general population with no designated medications currently available for treatment.

The exploratory Phase II study, expected to begin in mid to late August, has been designed to examine the efficacy, safety and tolerability profile of the novel V1a vasopressin antagonist (SRX246) against placebo, in adults meeting the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) criteria for IED. A large body of translational research indicates that blocking the vasopressin (V1a) receptor might be a plausible form of treatment. Studies have found that vasopressin (V1a) has an established role in signaling social and emotional behavior, including aggression.

DSM-5 criteria for IED defines it as recurrent behavioral outbursts representing a failure to control aggressive impulses as manifested by either:

  • Verbal aggression or physical aggression toward property, animals or other individuals, occurring, on average, twice weekly for a period of three months. The physical aggression does not result in damage or destruction of property and does not result in physical injury to animals or other individuals.
  • Three behavioral outbursts involving damage or destruction of property and/or physical assault with physical injury against animals or other individuals occurring within a 12-month period.

The behavior is distressing for the individual and is not premeditated and not due to another psychiatric illness.

“This disorder comes with lots of complications,” according to Dr. Susan McElroy, Chief Research Officer, Lindner Center of HOPE. “Often we see individuals struggling with IED facing legal problems, social issues, marital difficulties, child abuse concerns, medical problems from injuries sustained during the physical outbursts, significant distress, severe psychosocial complications and even loss of employment.”

“The potential for gaining control over IED with medication would be incredibly beneficial for those struggling.”

The clinical trial is seeking to recruit males and females age 18 to 55 with moderate IED. Candidates with substance abuse disorders, compromised medical health or currently taking psychotropic medications will not be eligible to participate. Those meeting criteria should expect to participate in 8 weeks of treatment.

If interested in participating in the trial, contact 513-536-0710.


Husband to ride bike from Lindner Center of HOPE to Yellowstone National Park to Memorialize Wife’s Struggle with Depression

Kathy Klausing was loyal and devoted to her family. Sadly, her struggles with depression plagued her until her death in November 2014. Kathy’s husband of 28 years, Jack, misses her every day and wanted to do something to memorialize Kathy. In his mind, a plaque in her honor just wasn’t enough.

“We wanted to do something that would help give hope to others,” said Jack Klausing.

BikeNBagsIIA cycling enthusiast, Jack has decided to ride his bike from Cincinnati, Ohio to Yellowstone National Park, about 2000 miles. Taking it a step farther, Jack has established a fundraiser for Lindner Center of HOPE’s mood disorders research efforts. Kathy spent two-and-a-half weeks at Lindner Center of HOPE in 2013 where she had a positive experience.

Jack and his family believe that raising money to advance the field’s understanding of depression will be a great legacy for Kathy and ideally benefit others who are struggling.

“There is a great deal of misunderstanding about depression. The common thought is people with depression should just get over it. People are afraid to talk about it when someone they know suffers from depression. That person is avoided. This only feeds the sufferer’s negative thoughts,” said Klausing.

Jack and his family have already raised nearly $16,500. Donations can be made directly to Lindner Center of HOPE by mail or online giving at or through Crowdrise at

Jack plans to depart on his journey from Lindner Center of HOPE, 4075 Old Western Row Rd., Mason, on Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 9 a.m. The Center is planning a sendoff for him. Jack has established a website and Facebook page so those interested can follow his journey. He also hopes others will be willing to start the conversation about depression and share their journeys.

Media interviews can be arranged with Jack Klausing by coordinating with Jennifer Pierson at 513-536-0316, please call to make arrangements.

Lindner Center of HOPE provides excellent, patient-centered, scientifically-advanced care for individuals suffering with mental illness. A state-of-the-science, mental health center and charter member of the National Network of Depression Centers, the Center provides psychiatric hospitalization and partial hospitalization for individuals age 12-years-old and older, outpatient services for all ages, diagnostic and short-term residential services for adults and adolescents, intensive outpatient program for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders for adults and research. The Center is enhanced by its partnership with UC Health as its clinicians are ranked among the best providers locally, nationally and internationally. Together Lindner Center of HOPE and UC Health offer a true system of mental health care in the Greater Cincinnati area and across the country. The Center is also affiliated with the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine.

Addressing Mental Health #B4Stage4

Addressing mental health before Stage 4—this year’s theme for May is Mental Health Month—calls attention to the importance addressing mental health symptoms early, identifying potential underlying diseases, and planning an appropriate course of action on a path towards overall health. Mental health conditions should be treated long before they reach the most critical points in the disease process—efore Stage 4.

“When we think about cancer, heart disease, or diabetes, we don’t wait years to treat them,” said Paul E. Keck, Jr., MD, President and CEO of Lindner Center of HOPE. “We start before Stage 4—we begin with prevention. So why don’t we do the same for individuals who are dealing with potentially serious mental illness?

“This Mental Health Month, we are encouraging everyone to learn the signs, ask for help if needed, address symptoms early, and plan an appropriate course of action on a path towards overall health.”

One of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition is to take a mental health screening. Mental Health America has online screening tools for depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder at MHA’s goal is to get every American screened and aware of their mental health, so they can address it #B4Stage4.

MHA has also developed a series of fact sheets available on its website ( on realizing the critical importance of addressing mental health early, recognizing the risk factors and signs of mental illness and how and where to get help when needed.

May is Mental Health Month was started 66 years ago by  Mental Health America, to raise awareness about mental health conditions and the importance of good mental health for everyone.

“When feelings and emotions get overwhelming, it’s hard to know what to do,” Dr. Keck said. “Sometimes, these early symptoms might not ever become serious. Like a cough, they often go away on their own, and are nothing to fear. But sometimes, they are a sign of something more severe and shouldn’t be ignored. Taking a screening is the first step to protect your mental health, and addressing mental illness before Stage 4.”

Research shows that by ignoring symptoms, we lose ten years in which we could intervene in order to change people’s lives for the better. During most of these years most people still have supports that allow them to succeed—home, family, friends, school, and work. Intervening effectively during early stages of mental illness can save lives and change the trajectories of people living with mental illnesses.

“Prevention, early identification and intervention, and integrated services work,” concluded Dr. Keck. “When you address symptoms before Stage 4, people can often recover quickly, and live full and productive lives.”

For more information on May is Mental Health Month, visit Mental Health America’s website at


Proclamation result of City of Mason’s commitment to culture of health, mental wellness

City leaders were joined by leaders from the Lindner Center of HOPE and Assurex Health, both significant contributors to research, innovation, education and health care delivery in the field of mental health, at the April 13 City Council Meeting to commemorate national Mental Health Month (May) and Community Mental Health Education Day (May 3). The City issued proclamations acknowledging both events.

The City of Mason has partnered with the Lindner Center of HOPE, one of the premier mental health centers in the nation, and Assurex Health, a rapidly-growing, innovative precision medicine company, to support their ongoing growth and development. This partnership is a result of the City of Mason’s commitment to fostering a culture of physical and mental health and well-being – from the people who work and live in the city, to the companies in Mason’s thriving Innovation and Biohealth corridor.

The Lindner Center of HOPE is hosting an Education Day on May 3

The proclamation for May 3 being Community Mental Health Education Day coincides with the Lindner Center of HOPE hosting an Education Day event on May 3. This half-day event is a community workshop that will focus on mental illness and addiction. Community-wide education is critical to the mission of giving hope and restoration to those who suffer from mental health issues, as well as their family and caregivers. Providing an Education Day on May 3 to the Greater Cincinnati population is a collaborative effort to enhance awareness of mental illness and addiction, and break down cultural stigma. Registration information is available at or by contacting Kelly Hines at [email protected]; 513-536-0328.


Singer and Actress Mackenzie Phillips to Open Half-Day Workshop with Keynote Address

Lindner Center of HOPE employees raised funds this past fall and winter to be able to offer the community an Education Day on Sunday, May 3, 2015. As education is the key to understanding, the half-day workshop will enhance awareness of mental illness and addiction and ultimately, help reduce stigma surrounding these conditions.

The Education Day will be held at Manor House, 7440 Mason-Montgomery Rd. in Mason from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Registration and an information fair opens at 11 a.m. with buffet brunch opening at 11:30 a.m. Lindner Center of HOPE President and CEO, Paul E. Keck, Jr., MD, will welcome the community at noon and introduce the keynote speaker, Mackenzie Phillips, actress and singer. Phillips’ presentation will conclude at 1 p.m. with three hours of breakout sessions following. Guests will be able to customize their afternoons with sessions that will most benefit them, as at least four topics will be available for each of three breakout session timeslots. Topics include eating disorders, addiction, mood disorders, anxiety, adolescent mental health, obsessive compulsive disorder and more.

Registration and the full schedule are available at or by contacting Kelly at [email protected] or 513-536-0328.

Event partners include: Assurex Health, Prestige and City of Mason.

MACK HIGH RESMackenzie Phillips is an actress and singer best known for her roles in American Graffiti and as a rebellious teenager on the well-known sitcom One Day at a Time. As a troubled teen star, Phillips struggled with addiction and depression. Now she serves as a Recovery and Treatment Advocate.

Mason, OH, November 13, 2014 – Lindner Center of HOPE is recognized by The Joint Commission as a Top Performer on Key Quality Measures® for achieving excellence in performance on its accountability measures during 2013 for Hospital-Based Inpatient Psychiatry. The Lindner Center of HOPE was also recognized in 2012.

Lindner Center of HOPE is one of 1,224 hospitals to meet or exceed the target rates of performance for 2013. The ratings are based on an aggregation of accountability measure data reported to The Joint Commission during the 2013 calendar year.

Key_set_with_words_2013  Lindner Center of HOPE and each of the hospitals that were named as a Top Performer on Key Quality Measures must: 1) achieve cumulative performance of 95 percent or above across all reported accountability measures; 2) achieve performance of 95 percent or above on each and every reported accountability measure where there are at least 30 denominator cases; and 3) have at least one core measure set that has a composite rate of 95 percent or above, and within that measure set all applicable individual accountability measure have a performance rate of 95 percent or above. A 95 percent score means a hospital provided an evidence-based practice 95 times out of 100 opportunities. Each accountability measure represents an evidence-based practice.

Specific measures that Lindner Center of HOPE was evaluated on included:

  • Completing Nursing and SW assessments timely and thoroughly
  • Continued low rates of restraints
  • Physicians documenting the justification of discharging patients on multiple antipsychotics greatly improved
  • Nursing providing patients and/or families with list of discharge medications with doses and indications
  • Social workers securing discharge plans with external providers and obtaining appropriate authorizations for disclosure
  • Timely completion of discharge summaries
  • HIM facilitating the process of forwarding copies of discharge summaries to appropriate external providers for continuity of care

“We understand that what matters most to patients at Lindner Center of HOPE is safe, effective mental health care. That’s why Lindner Center of HOPE has made a commitment to accreditation and to positive patient outcomes through evidence-based care processes. Lindner Center of HOPE is proud to receive this distinction of being a Joint Commission Top Performer on Key Quality Measures for the second year in a row, says Dr. Paul Keck, President and CEO.

In addition to being included in The Joint Commission’s “Improving America’s Hospitals” annual report, Lindner Center of HOPE will be recognized on The Joint Commission’s Quality check website,

Lindner Center of HOPE provides excellent, patient-centered, scientifically-advanced care for individuals suffering with mental illness. A state-of-the-science, mental health center and charter member of the National Network of Depression Centers, the Center provides psychiatric hospitalization and partial hospitalization for individuals age 12-years-old and older, outpatient services for all ages, diagnostic and short-term residential services for adults and adolescents, intensive outpatient program for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders for adults and research. The Center is enhanced by its partnership with UC Health as its clinicians are ranked among the best providers locally, nationally and internationally. Together Lindner Center of HOPE and UC Health offer a true system of mental health care in the Greater Cincinnati area and across the country. The Center is also affiliated with the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine.


Lindner Center of HOPE Co-Founder and Board Chairman, S. Craig Lindner provided the keynote address at Mount St. Joseph University’s Duffey Conway Ethical Leadership Series, “Lessons in Leadership:  Health, Wellness and Our Community” on Thursday, November 6, 2014. Mr. Lindner, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Co-President and Director, American Financial Group, Inc., presented, “The Story of HOPE and Our Community” during which Mr. Lindner shared how Lindner Center of HOPE came to be and challenged the audience to engage in securing the future of healthcare quality and accessibility in the Greater Cincinnati community.

Click here to read Cincinnati Business Courier’s coverage.