Sadness is a normal emotion that can be caused by negative or painful circumstances. Occasional periods of unhappiness are a part of life, and most people are able to eventually process their feelings of melancholy and forge ahead. But when sadness lingers or becomes a state in which there seems to be no escape, it is very likely that some type of depression exists.

The Symptoms of Depression

Depression can come in many forms, from relatively mild to severe. Some of the causes can be biological, environmental or genetic in nature. Grief, illness and addictions can be other factors.

On the mild side, symptoms can range from irritability, a lack of interest in activities once enjoyed, disrupted sleep patterns and difficulty focusing and concentrating. More severe symptoms include hopelessness, despair, extreme fatigue and suicidal thoughts. Some depression symptoms are rather complex and can be a part of other mood disorders, eating disorders, substance abuse problems or some other mental health issue.

Depression Treatment

Everyone responds differently to various treatment methods. But treatment for clinical depression usually begins with some form of “talk therapy” with a mental health professional. From there, the best course of action may involve medications and additional levels of therapy such as cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic therapies.

In some cases of major depression, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT therapy) or transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy (TMS therapy) are used where all other approaches to treatment have failed. Although depression treatment techniques continue to evolve, many of the methods in place today have proven to be successful in helping those suffering with this illness get back on their feet and live productive and satisfying lives.



This blog is written and published by Lindner Center of HOPE.

Eating disorders come in many forms and can affect people regardless of their age, gender or background. Food and eating-related disorders can stem from various causes, including a distorted body image, societal pressures and other existing mental health issues.

Although binge eating may not receive the same publicity as eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia, it is prevalent within our society, affecting millions of Americans across a wide demographic.

Binge Eating Disorder Causes

Just about everyone overeats now and then. The holidays are notorious for heaping platefuls of food and second helpings, and people who experience trauma in their lives sometimes turn to food for comfort.

But binge eating crosses over into the territory of a “disorder” or “mental illness” when an individual feels powerless to stop binging episodes. The exact causes of this condition are not always clear. But underlying issues with anxiety, depression or an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) are often contributing factors. Binge eating is also a symptom of bulimia.

Binge Eating Disorders Treatment

If left untreated, it is likely the psychological aspects of this disorder will worsen. Additionally, the physical health of the binge eater may eventually be in jeopardy as the risk factors are high for conditions such as obesity and diabetes. The fact that sufferers of this disorder often hide it from those around them may also complicate matters and delay them from getting help.

The approach to binge eating treatment is similar to depression treatment. Because every case is different, treatment is tailored to meet the needs of a particular individual.

Talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are most often part of the treatment picture. These methods attempt to lay bare the origins of the binge eater’s behavior, address and change destructive behavior patterns and teach healthy coping skills. Anti-depressant medications may also come into play within a comprehensive strategy to help those with binge eating disorders move forward with their lives and develop a healthier outlook.



This blog is written and published by Lindner Center of HOPE.

During the course of our lives, we are affected by various occurrences and circumstances which cause us to become angry, fearful, bewildered, joyful and sad. It is normal and expected that we will experience each of these emotions from time to time. It is not unusual for us to go through an entire range of emotions within the same day.

But when any of these emotions linger for an inordinate amount of time or appear to have become inescapable, there is a good chance that a potentially serious mental health issue exists.

Depression is the most common mental illness, affecting millions of people around the world. It is a condition that carries symptoms such as prolonged sadness, an inability to concentrate and feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and despair that are at times intense.

Fortunately, approaches to depression treatment have become more refined over the years, helping many get back on their feet and live productive, fulfilling lives. But conventional treatment such as medications and talk therapy do not necessarily work for everyone, especially those suffering with severe depression.

TMS: An Effective Alternative

Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a treatment technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). This relatively new form of treatment is non-invasive and requires no medication. The patient sits comfortably in a specially-made chair while a device is placed over their head. This device creates a magnetic field which is targeted toward the prefrontal cortex; the mood-regulating area of the brain. TMS treatment stimulates activity in this area and decreases activity in surrounding regions of the brain.

After having undergone a series of TMS therapy treatments, many patients have shown marked improvement and a significant diminishment of their depression symptoms. The long-term effectiveness of TMS is not yet known. However in the short run, it has proven to be successful where other treatment methods have failed.

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This blog is written and published by Lindner Center of HOPE.

Millions of Americans suffer with mental illness. These come in various forms; from mood disorders and severe addictions to eating disorders. Unfortunately, there is no definitive cure or “silver bullet” for most of these illnesses. However, mental health professionals now have a better understanding than ever before regarding the treatment of mental disorders. As a result, increasingly effective methods of psychotherapy are continually being developed.

Case-by-Case Treatment Plans

When an individual reaches a point where they feel the need to seek help, the realization that there is a problem is a positive first step in the healing process. The next step is for that individual to be thoroughly evaluated and diagnosed by a therapist.

The circumstances surrounding an individual’s mental health issues are as diverse as fingerprints. Each patient is very different and influenced socially by distinct environments and effected biologically by genetic makeup.

Although many therapeutic techniques may fit into categories such as “talk” therapy, behavioral therapy and cognitive therapy, treatments for depression, bipolar disorder treatment, ADHD treatment and addiction treatment are all approached differently. Treatment plans for these and other conditions are constructed in a way that best suit a particular patient.

Unfortunately, many individuals who struggle with mental health problems never pursue treatment. Reasons for this often include a fear of being stigmatized or a lack of convenient access to care. But in this country, numerous mental health centers are located in close proximity to every major city. These facilities offer experienced mental health professionals to patients who require expert care in order to begin their journey toward productive and fulfilling lives.

Addictions come in many forms. But those suffering with develop an uncontrollable urge to revisit a substance, activity or behavior in order to satisfy a need or desire. An addiction may fill a void in one’s life, or act as a salve for a festering emotional wound.

Those at the mercy of their addictive behaviors often experience gradually increasing levels of emotional pain and deteriorating mental or physical health. Another byproduct of serious addiction is the tendency to eschew responsibilities and neglect important aspects within one’s life, such as friends, family, school and career. Many suffering with addictions are also prone to struggles with depression.

Treating Addictive Disorders

Addictive personality disorder is a condition where an individual carries traits making them more susceptible to addictive behaviors. However, anyone at any stage or walk of life can develop an addiction.

People can become addicted to eating, gambling, smoking, exercise and countless other activities that offer comfort or what they determine to be an “escape.” But the most pervasive and widely-publicized addiction in our society involves alcohol and drugs.

Alcoholism and drug addiction are serious health problems in the U.S. and around the world. Those who become dependent on alcohol and drugs subject themselves to a life full of difficulties ranging from relationship and legal problems to homelessness and destitution.

Addiction recovery is often a long-term and sometimes arduous process. But with proper medical care and support from friends and family, addiction treatment can be successful.

Inpatient addiction centers such as Cincinnati, Ohio’s Lindner Center of Hope and Sibcy House are examples of facilities providing environments conducive to success in treating addictive disorders. Using a team of experienced mental health specialists and an intensive, cutting-edge treatment plan focusing on detoxification and stabilization, Lindner Center of Hope sets the standard for addiction treatment. Its reputation for helping those with addictive disorders go on to live fulfilling, productive lives continues to grow.


 Mental health problems are the leading cause of disability in the U.S., costing our society countless hours of productivity each year.

The types of mental illnesses are wide-ranging and are classified according to symptoms and characteristics.  It is not always easy to pinpoint a specific mental disorder. This is in part due to similarities between some of the symptoms of various illnesses. Although many established treatment methods have proven to be effective, approaches to treatment are continuously evolving and depend upon circumstances and contributing factors that are unique to each individual.

The Most Prevalent Types of Mental Disorders

Nearly nine percent of Americans suffer from some form of depression, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Depression falls into the “mood disorders” category and can range from relatively mild depression to potentially debilitating “major depression.”

Other mood disorders include manias and manic disorders — which are indicated by abnormally elevated moods and elation — and bipolar disorders, which carry symptoms such as fluctuations between mania and depression or “mood swings.”

Personality disorders are another common category of mental illness. These are indicated by unstable and socially abnormal behavior patterns and include disorders such as schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Mental illnesses such as OCD and various phobias are often also categorized as anxiety disorders.

The statistics on mental illness in our society are sobering. But the good news is that expertise in the areas of OCD treatment, depression treatment and overall mental health treatment continues to advance. Innovations in research, medications, psychotherapy, behavior modification techniques and the advent of technology such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS treatment) are resulting in increasingly positive results in the treatment of a wide spectrum of mental disorders.

It’s normal to occasionally become melancholy or to feel “down.” But when feelings of sadness or “emptiness” persist, there is a good chance deeper issues exist.

Depression in its various forms affects roughly one in 10 Americans, according to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statistics. The number of people suffering from this sometimes debilitating mental health condition has been on a steady incline in recent years.

Why the Increase?

There are many factors that can be linked to the increase of depression cases in the U.S. These include financial struggles resulting from the recent economic downturn; the burdens on homeowners and their families due to the housing crisis; and the difficulty for many to find work in an extremely tight job market.

Depression Treatment Increasingly Effective

Depression can range from mild to severe. But the good news is that treatment has become more refined and has proven to be successful at every level. After thorough diagnosis, a treatment plan is tailored toward the individual and usually includes a combination of psychotherapy and antidepressant medications.

For milder forms of depression, counseling may be all that is required to get a patient back on their feet. But severe depression may take extensive therapy and a combination of medications to effectively treat. There are also other treatment options for severe depression, such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or “TMS therapy,” which stimulates areas within the brain responsible for regulating moods.

As mental health professionals become more experienced in caring for those with depression, treatment methods continue to evolve. As a result, despite the troubling statistics, the light shines ever brighter at the end of the tunnel for depression sufferers.

Stress is a normal reaction to situations and frustrations that we occasionally experience during the course of our lives. Career concerns, deadlines, financial troubles and kid-related issues can all cause us moments of worry and degrees of anxiety. Normal stress can also be beneficial to us in some ways. For instance, it heightens our awareness in dangerous situations and boosts our ability to perform in an athletic endeavor.

But when feelings of apprehension and distress become perpetual, and there aren’t many moments in a day when we’re not feeling stressed or anxious, it can eventually wear us down and have a negative impact on our health. Stress can affect us both physically and mentally. Some of the physical manifestations of stress are tension, an elevated heartbeat, sweatiness and an upset stomach. Continuous stress can also lead to high blood pressure and heart problems.

The Effects of Chronic Stress on Mental Health

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a well-known condition in which a traumatic event or the circumstances surrounding that event can cause recurring bouts of extreme stress. But constant, long-term stress can also have devastating consequences if not properly addressed.

Many people with chronic stress are unaware that the almost ceaseless worry and anxiety in their everyday lives may be turning into a deeper issue. They may feel that stress is just a part of their daily existence, and that the irritability, forgetfulness, trouble sleeping and fatigue, among other symptoms that can accompany chronic stress, simply come along with it.

However, “nervous breakdowns” or the development of anxiety disorders, eating disorders, sleep disorders, panic attacks and clinical depression that can result from persistent, long-term stress are serious conditions which require proper mental health treatment. This may consist of learning techniques to better manage and alleviate stress, or, depending on the severity of the situation, may involve psychotherapy and medication.

If there are indications that an individual may be experiencing chronic stress and they are beginning to show signs that there may be worse problems on the horizon, it’s time for them to get help. They shouldn’t hesitate to consult with a professional at one of their local mental health centers and begin to learn how to achieve some peace in their lives and get themselves back on track.

Although there are differences between the eating disorders anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, they do share some of the same characteristics. Among other similarities, individuals who suffer with these disorders generally have an unfavorable view of their own bodies.

The fear of becoming overweight or the perception that one is overweight — even if they are not — are major psychological factors behind the development of these and other eating disorders. Individuals with these disorders are driven to engage in one or more of the following practices: self-induced vomiting after eating, purging, excessive exercise, disproportionate use of laxatives and periods of not eating.

It has been well documented that the major demographic of those with eating disorders are teenage girls. However, it is now common knowledge that these disorders do not discriminate. Adult men and women as well as males in their late teens also struggle with eating disorders.

Eating Disorder Treatment: Emphasis on Behavioral Adjustments

In addition to the deep-seeded psychological aspects of eating disorders that can lead to depression and other mood disorders, the physical ramifications can be devastating and even deadly. The bones and teeth may suffer due to the body not absorbing or maintaining a healthy amount of nutrients. A host of other issues such as a loss of muscle, anemia and organ damage may result from the unhealthy habits that those with eating disorders have developed.

Anorexia treatment, bulimia treatment and the treatment of eating disorders often requires a multifaceted approach. Not only must a patient be nurtured back to physical health, but the psychological aspect of these disorders must be addressed through intensive psychotherapy.

One of the most effective modes of psychotherapeutic treatment for eating disorders has proven to be cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).  In those with eating disorders, CBT focuses on areas such as improving self-esteem and developing a more realistic body image. This therapy works to redirect the “rules” these individuals have established in regard to eating habits.

Some of the nation’s leading eating disorder treatment centers such as Lindner Center of Hope’s Sibcy House near Cincinnati, Ohio incorporate CBT into their treatment plan. It is part of a well-rounded program that has helped many eating disorders patients change destructive habits and develop a healthier outlook on life.

The teen years can be challenging and confusing times. The transition from adolescence to adulthood is not an easy one for many young people as they try to establish their place in the world. Pressures to perform well academically, fickle relationships and living up to parental and peer expectations are just some of the issues that can weigh heavily on the mind of a teenager.

Occasional moodiness and angst are normal for most teens as they navigate their way through adolescence. These are often typical responses to circumstances that young people have not yet developed the skills or maturity to process. As time moves forward, the healthy adolescent will gain the experience and perspective necessary to handle many of the situations that once confounded them.

Symptoms of Adolescent Depression

For some teens however, moodiness, sadness and irritability are not so fleeting. Prolonged bouts with these and other symptoms including withdrawal from friends and family; hostility and extreme sensitivity; expressing feelings of worthlessness; and loss of interest in activities may indicate problems at a deeper level.

Depression is the most common mental health disorder in the U.S., affecting approximately 10-15 percent of the nation’s teens. If symptoms such as those described above persist for more than a period of a few weeks, it would be wise to seek help as soon as possible.

Depression Treatment: The Sooner the Better

The earlier that mood disorders such as depression are detected and treated, the better. If left unaddressed, the chances of depression leading to substance abuse and other destructive behaviors — and even suicide — are greatly increased.

After initial screening, treatment for teen depression will often include a combination of medication and talk therapy. Teens that are prescribed antidepressant medications are carefully monitored for side effects. Talk therapy and cognitive therapies help young patients replace negative thought patterns with positive ones by providing them with a better understanding of the causes for their thoughts, feelings and behavior.

Detecting depression early and beginning treatment right away will enhance the chances of a faster and smoother recovery. A complete “cure” for depression is never guaranteed. However, proper treatment can set an adolescent on the path toward living a good and productive life.