By Nicole Mori, RN, MSN, APRN-BC
Research Advanced Practice Nurse, Lindner Center of HOPE

Depression is a common mental health complaint.  Although there are effective treatments available, many patients fail to experience satisfactory improvement.  There has been increased interest in nutritional supplements as an adjunct or alternative to medications in the treatment of depression.  This has contributed to the growth of the dietary supplement industry (projected to reach 230 billion by 2026).  Let’s examine the evidence for the dietary supplements that have generated interest in recent years.

Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA/DHA)

A systematic review shows mild-moderate improvement in depressive symptoms, with the best outcomes in studies where omega-3 supplementation is concomitant to standard antidepressant therapy.  There is a great deal of heterogeneity in dosing, duration of treatment and EPA/DHA content.  Products with a high EPA content appear to be more efficacious than other omega-3 supplements.    However, quality of evidence is low due to methodological flaws.  Differences in study design and methodology makes it difficult to analyze data across studies.  Omega-3 supplements have a favorable safety profile and are well tolerated.


B group vitamins

Folate- Possible dose dependent response in depression but level of evidence is low.  Although folate is well tolerated, it has been associated with risk for proliferation of carcinogenic cells in the colon.

L-methylfolate-Available as pharmaceutical product FDA approved for depression.  Data shows efficacy at 15mg/d.  Some studies show efficacy as augmentation strategy for depression as comparable to lithium and atypical antipsychotics.  Usually well tolerated with lower risk for proliferation of cancerous cells than folate.

Vitamin D

A 2019 systematic review of clinical trials showed improvement in depression ratings associated with supplementation.  Findings remain tentative due to paucity of studies and methodologic bias.  Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin commonly found in multivitamins and other commercially available products.  In the absence of a deficiency, the recommended dose is not to exceed 600IU/day.

SAM-E (S-Adenosyl methionine)

Clinical trials show mixed results.  A 2016 systematic review suggested SAM-E was no better than placebo.  The low quality of evidence makes it difficult to draw conclusions about efficacy.  There is a need for randomized clinical trials with antidepressant comparators.  SAM-E usually well tolerated but there is a possible risk for inducing mania in patients with bipolar depression.

Tryptophan/5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan)

There are few high quality studies of 5-HTP.  Two depression studies suggest 5-HTP is superior to placebo.  Overall, level of evidence is low.  Possible risk for serotonin syndrome when administered concurrently with SSRI antidepressants.  Maximum recommended dose is 50mg/kg/day.


Magnesium and Zinc

There is some positive data from animal studies but evidence for efficacy in humans is low quality. There is no conclusive data on the efficacy of magnesium and zinc as coadjutant therapy in depression.  Zinc and magnesium are common micronutrients and usually well tolerated.


Depression has been associated with poor diet and altered intestinal flora.  Research has shown a relationship between gut health and mental health.  A 2016 metaanalysis of probiotics showed an effect in reducing risk of depression in normal subjects and reduced symptoms in subjects with depression.  The effect was limited to subjects under age 60.  Clinical studies vary greatly in terms of bacterial species, dose, duration of treatment as well as the method of measuring of depressive symptoms.  Probiotic supplements are vastly heterogeneous in terms of species composition and dosage.

There is a need for further research to determine optimal composition, dosage, duration of treatment for efficacy.  Furthermore, it is important to remember that quality of diet is a major determinant in the composition of gut flora.

In conclusion, evidence for the efficacy of dietary supplements in depression remains limited.  Commercially available dietary supplements vary significantly in terms of composition and bioavailability.  Although supplements are well tolerated, it is important to be aware of increased risks for adverse events in some patients.  Supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids as an adjunct to standard antidepressant therapy seems to hold the most promise.   Further research in the area of dietary supplements is needed to determine their role in the management of depression.

For more information about Depression research studies at the Lindner Center of HOPE

call 513-536-0707 or visit



Firth J, Teasdale SB, Allott K, et al. The efficacy and safety of nutrient supplements in the treatment of mental disorders: a meta-review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials. World Psychiatry. 2019;18(3):308-324. doi:10.1002/wps.20672

Martínez-Cengotitabengoa M, González-Pinto A. Nutritional supplements in depressive disorders. Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 2017;45(Supplement):8-15.

Fortunately, our culture has recently seen a gradual erosion of the stigma regarding emotional disorders, along with an increased understanding of such conditions. However, a less well-understood aspect of emotional disorders is the impact that they have on the cognitive functioning of those who are afflicted. Disorders such as Major Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Schizophrenia all tend to interfere with one’s ability to access the full extent of their cognitive abilities, adding to the burden that these conditions create.

Regarding Major Depression, it is the one disorder that the DSM-V lists cognitive difficulties as one of the diagnostic criteria (diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day). As a neuropsychologist, I routinely encounter patients who are all too aware that their depression impacts their ability to think clearly, to focus, and to recall everyday interactions. Part of the reason for this is that depression causes a reduction in processing speed, as well as the energy that it takes to attend to conversations and events. Difficulties with maintaining attention, and “keeping up” with things going on around them, these patients experience troubles recalling information, sometimes so profoundly that they begin to fear that they may have dementia. However, as their depression is more effectively treated, they regain full access to their cognitive skills and abilities.

Anxiety disorders also are accompanied by significant cognitive difficulties, for a couple of reasons. First, when the mind is anxious, most of the brain’s resources (blood flow, oxygen, glucose, etc.) are redirected to the emotional centers of the brain (the limbic system), and away from parts of our brain that mediate higher-level thinking and logic. Secondly, those who are anxious tend to be rather “internally-oriented” in their thinking, and so they are not as attentive to external events. In other words, because they become preoccupied with their fears and worries, the ordinary events of the external world can be largely overlooked. As a result, these ordinary events are not well-encoded into the memories of anxious patients, and therefore they cannot easily be recalled. As with depression, as anxiety becomes better managed, these cognitive issues largely resolve.

Two other diagnoses have profound implications for cognitive functioning. Bipolar disorder has a well-established pattern of cognitive difficulties, including diminished attention, verbal memory, and executive functioning abilities (planning, anticipating, problem-solving, emotional regulation, staying focused and attentive to personal goals, etc.) These difficulties, fortunately, are typically limited to times that these patients are actively experiencing a mood episode, whether it be depression or mania. Regarding those with schizophrenia, they experience similar cognitive difficulties. However, they often continue to experience such cognitive difficulties even when their symptoms of schizophrenia have been well-controlled with treatment. This is why the DSM-V lists “associated features” of schizophrenia specific to these difficulties, explaining that, “Cognitive deficits in schizophrenia are common and are strongly linked to vocational and functional impairments.”

Fortunately, over the past 20 years there have been treatments and interventions to address such cognitive difficulties. Cognitive Enhancement Therapy, or CET, has been developed and implemented for the mentally ill for whom cognitive problems are getting in the way of living independently, maintaining employment, and sustaining meaningful relationships. It has proven to be an effective means to address such difficulties, and for providing a much higher quality of life. It is anticipated that, as the benefits of CET become more evident to those working with the mentally ill, its positive impact will widen in both its breadth and depth.

Thomas A. Schweinberg, PsyD Staff Psychologist Lindner Center of HOPE

In the United States, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death.  The rate increased 33% from 1999 through 2017 according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention states that “suicide most often occurs when stressors and health issues converge to create an experience of hopelessness and despair.” For some, the COVID-19 pandemic could create this experience. The pandemic has produced a condition that has increased many of the risk factors for suicide: feelings of depression and anxiety, increased alcohol and substance use, serious physical health conditions, unemployment, financial crisis, illness or death of a loved one, isolation, and decreased access to care.

Social distancing and isolating at home have limited access to coping skills and reduced suicide protective factors. People no longer have in person contact with behavioral health providers, there is decreased connectedness to support systems, and no access to gyms, art studios, massage therapy, beauty salons, barbers, etc.  With fewer physical and creative outlets, healing therapies, and self-care that improves self-esteem, people can feel lost. They also no longer have physical access to places of worship where the social connection was as important as the message or music.  It important to remember that we need to maintain physical distancing rather than social distancing – it is necessary to maintain physical separation to not contract the virus but other ways of maintaining social connections are still very important.

Another risk factor that staying at home can bring is closer proximity to abusers. Children of abusive parents who are no longer in school are now with their abusers all day and adults with abusive partners are also with their abusers more often. Adverse childhood experiences are associated with 2 to 3 times more suicide attempts later in life and victims of intimate partner violence are twice as likely to attempt suicide.

Staying at home also increases access to lethal means so it is imperative to either remove guns from the home or ensure they are locked securely and reduce access to other lethal means (such as large amounts of extra medications, excess amounts of alcohol, ropes/cords) in the home for people who are high risk for suicide.  For homes with large amounts of prescription medications due to multiple health conditions, a medication safe is recommended.

For people with loved ones who have risk factors for suicide, it is important to know the warning signs. Warning signs include talk of: killing themselves, feeling hopeless, having no reason to live, being a burden, feeling trapped, and unbearable pain; behavior: increase use of alcohol and drugs, looking for a way to end their lives (including internet searches), withdrawing from activities, isolation from family and friends, too much or too little sleep, saying goodbye to people, giving away possessions, aggression, and fatigue; and mood: depression, anxiety, loss of interest, irritability, humiliation/shame, agitation/anger, and relief/sudden improvement.  If you notice these warning signs, it is important to ask a person directly if they are having thoughts of suicide and if they are, get them help by contacting their mental health providers, calling a crisis line, taking them to an emergency department, or calling 911. Visit or to learn how to talk to your loved ones about suicide. Due to COVID-19, people have tried to avoid emergency departments and hospitals but if someone you love is unsafe do not hesitate to get them the help they need.

What are ways to increase coping skills and protective factors in our current climate? Take advantage of telephone or video appointments offered by your mental health providers. If you do not already have mental health providers, now is a good time to seek treatment – practices are still accepting new patients and insurances are covering telephone and video appointments. To reduce worry and fear, limit media consumption about COVID-19. Stick to a routine, stay physically active, get outside with appropriate physical distancing, get enough sleep, limit alcohol, and eat healthy. If you feel you have a problem with alcohol, substances, overeating, or other addictive behaviors – there are online support groups. Connect with loved ones by phone, social media apps, video apps, or writing. Consider safe altruistic ways to connect with others – making masks, running errands for vulnerable loved ones, donations, etc.

How can you get help?  Crisis Text Line: text HOME to 741741, they can also be messaged on Facebook messenger.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

YouthLine answered by trained teen peer support from 4 pm – 10 pm and by adults from NSPL during other hours 877-968-8491 or text teen2teen to 839863

Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline text or call 1-800-422-4453

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 or text LOVEIS to 22522

Mental Health America Support Group Directory

Lindner Center of HOPE 513-536-HOPE


Danielle J. Johnson, MD, FAPA Lindner Center of HOPE, Chief Medical Officer

Times are uncertain. The world feels scary. Our normal day to day life has been turned upside down. Let me just start by saying this, if you are feeling anxious, scared, overwhelmed, frustrated… you are allowed to feel these emotions, it makes total sense why you feel this way, you are not alone, and you are not weak. Remember, pain in life is unavoidable, but suffering is a choice. Meaning, we are going to experience stress in our life, every person on this planet will, but it is ultimately how we respond to that stress that influences exactly how much pain we will experience. Let’s walk through some ways we can live with anxiety during times of stress.

Mindfulness of Emotions. When it comes to managing our anxiety during times of stress, an important first step that we tend to overlook is mindfulness. In order to reduce anxiety, we must first acknowledge that it is there. Allow yourself to pause and put a name on what you are feeling, notice if you feel it physically in your body, observe what thoughts are running through your mind. Try using the stem “I am aware of the emotion of ______, I am aware of the thought that _______.”  By bringing mindful awareness to our anxiety in this way, we are bravely choosing to face our discomfort while also seeing it as something that we are experiencing in that given moment, not who we are or the way things will always be.

Self-Compassion. Now that you are observing your anxious mind in action, practice some self-compassion by normalizing the experience, validating its’ presence, being “kind to your mind.” We tend to create more suffering for ourselves when we judge ourselves for our emotions, when we tell ourselves we should not be feeling that way, or try to just “suck it up.” You are an amazing human doing the best you can with some really hard human things right now!

Changing Emotional Response. While part of our goal is accepting the anxiety through mindfulness and self-compassion, we also have the ability to create change in our emotional state and our response to it. First, we need to “check the facts” and get a good look at what our mind is telling us. Our minds tend to be great storytellers, mind readers, and fortune tellers. While these seem like super powers, these are actually mind tricks and traps that create more suffering. Checking the facts is seeing if your emotion and its’ intensity actually match reality (i.e., are valid), or if you are responding to a mind trick.

Next, ask yourself if the action urge associated with the emotion you are feeling is effective? For example, is being angry with your partner because they did not clean the house then throwing a shoe at them actually helpful here??  If the emotion is invalid and/or ineffective, we want to act opposite to what the emotion is telling us to do. So instead of avoiding work responsibilities because we are stressed, make a specific schedule to complete tasks. Instead of spending hours reading the news because we are scared, watch one news program then spend the rest of the day playing with the kids or watching movies.

Acceptance. Consider what is and what is not in your control. If there is a stressor that is in your control, practice problem solving. For stressors we cannot control, accept that we cannot change that reality and focus instead on what in the here and now is in your power. Remember, rejecting reality does not change reality. Instead of dwelling on how terrible it is to be stuck at home, make plans for a game night, clean out that room you have been avoiding, soak up the springtime outdoors.

Practice Gratitude. Lastly, practice gratitude every day. Spend some time thinking about what you have that you are grateful for rather than hyper-focusing on what you don’t have or what has been taken away, which tends to just create more stress. Be specific, instead of just saying you are grateful for your family, say “I am grateful that today my kids helped clean the kitchen and cuddled with me on the couch.”

We as humans are under an incredible amount of stress right now, but remember, as humans we are also incredibly strong and resilient.  Importantly, please know you do not have to struggle with this alone. Sometimes the strongest thing we can do is ask for help. If your anxiety is persistent and intense and/or is significantly interfering with your life, please reach out to a mental health therapist. Telehealth services are being offered across the region, including at the Lindner Center of HOPE, who has a whole team of providers eager to help guide you through this.

By Allison Mecca, PsyD
Lindner Center of HOPE, Staff Psychologist, Harold C. Schott Foundation Eating Disorders Program

Quarantine.Isolation . Lockdown.

Who could have ever predicted that these words – so often associated with scary movies or rare, brief safety emergencies – would become so commonplace in our social language? The terms, themselves, being so casually thrown around that we’ve nearly become numb to their actual magnitude? The concept of loneliness is a broad one: certainly, this can describe distance or literal, geographical separation from others; however, it is also quite possible to experience loneliness while physically surrounded by people. This often arises in response to feeling misunderstood or “different” from those around us, or through a belief that we are truly alone in our struggles and suffering.


When in this state of mind, it’s easy to inadvertently fall into self-destructive patterns and habits that further worsen the depth of isolation we experience. This tends to be easier to “catch” in the “normal” world – someone is missing days at work or school, not showing up to family events, skipping appointments. However, in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic, this has become more difficult to identify, both in ourselves and in family members or friends. In this strange new reality, maladaptive coping might present through symptoms of depression:

– Withdrawing from others by declining phone calls or choosing not to respond to text messages
– Staying in bed during times when you’re not sleeping or physically in need of rest
– Deferring school assignments or work deadlines in favor of binging on Netflix series for extended periods of time
– Not leaving the house for fresh air when weather permits
– Declining hygiene practices and decreased attention to nutritional needs and physical activity
– Self-medicating through alcohol or drug use

In contrast, some individuals experience severe levels of anxiety when facing loneliness or isolation. Those with pre-existing obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety or impulse-control disorders, eating disorders, or traits of perfectionism may attempt to cope with isolation by trying to gain a sense of control over specific aspects of their lives. This could present as:

– Excessive cleaning, organizing, list-making in the home without clear need to do so
– Catastrophic thought processes with over-indulgence in news reports and social media
– Difficulty sleeping or resting due to racing thoughts
– Flare-ups of previous OCD rituals or disordered eating patterns
– Difficulty concentrating on school assignments or work due to preoccupation with above concerns

One of my favorite, go-to methods for combating these negative impulses is an emotion regulation technique called “opposite action,” a concept originating from the skill sets taught in dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). This technique forces us to identify our emotion and the urges or impulses that go along with it, and to assess their degree of helpfulness or harmfulness by challenging them with facts. If found to be irrational or maladaptive, then we aim to implement the opposite of our emotion-driven impulse. We actually implement opposite action frequently through our lives without necessarily naming it as such. By identifying the technique, though, we
can consciously choose to use this skill when our level of motivation to change is low. Consider this example
(modified content courtesy of

STEP ONE: Identify the emotion you’re looking to change. You’re really anxious about leaving home to go
on vacation.
STEP TWO: Identify the urges/impulses associated with the emotion. You actively avoid booking the
vacation by burying yourself in work and household tasks to subconsciously convince yourself that you simply
do not have the time to take a vacation.
STEP THREE: Assess whether the urge or behavior fits the facts of the situation. You have plenty of unused
vacation time and recognize that your year-end productivity will not be negatively impacted by taking the break.
You’ve taken vacations before and your family has benefited from the escape each time.
STEP FOUR: If the emotion and behavior does not fit the situation, then apply the opposite action.
Create a manageable schedule / timetable to take the steps necessary to search for and secure the logistics
required for booking the trip.
STEP FIVE: Experience the opposite emotion. Experience the excitement involved with planning activities
and excursions or buying a new outfit for the occasion. Go on the trip and enjoy the time with your family while
allowing others at work to keep things running smoothly until you return.

Used consistently, opposite action can help us to change our emotional response to stressors over time. It’s
important, though, to commit to the technique so that you can experience the full benefits of taking control of
your mood and behaviors rather than allowing them to be in control of you.

For a quick video explanation of opposite action, view the following:

If you’re experiencing the above symptoms associated with loneliness and have tried methods for self-help
without benefit, or if you’ve been previously diagnosed with a psychiatric illness or substance use disorder
that has begun to flare up in the midst of these extraordinary times, please know that psychiatric treatment
providers are still open, available, and ready to help you through this – at all levels of care.

Clinicians at the Lindner Center of HOPE are seeing patients every day through Telehealth, with options for
telephone or video sessions for both therapy and medication management. Additionally, our services are open
for emergency intake assessments and inpatient hospitalization, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient,
residential, and treatment for substance use disorders.

If you or a loved one could benefit from professional help, call the Lindner Center of HOPE at 513-536-
4673 to start the conversation and take the next steps toward healing.

Lindner Center of HOPE , Psychiatric Mental-Health Nurse Practitioner


Peter White, M.A., LPCC
Lindner Center of HOPE, Addictions Counselor

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this is a period of unprecedented changes marked by great uncertainty shared by literally everyone. One of the complex realities of dealing with this much uncertainty is that we should feel a wide variety of difficult emotions – confusion, fear, disorientation, sadness, and anger to name a few. In a way, it is healthy to not feel okay at this time. But at the same time, it is important for us to acknowledge that we want to manage these difficult emotions in a healthy way. One common vulnerability in managing difficult emotions is depression. Although challenging, we can get good at identifying and countering the presence of depression during difficult times. We can effectively treat and manage depression so that it does not make our coping less effective.

Depression is a condition involving thoughts, emotions and physical reactions. It is opportunistic in periods of uncertainty expanding its ability to disempower and disquiet ourselves and our relationships. Depression’s biggest advantage is its negative judgement – hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness and guilt are all hallmarks of depressive thought process. “It’s not going to get better. There is nothing I can do to make it better. I don’t deserve to have it be better,” are all examples of depressive distortions that can plague the mind and divorce us from our natural capacities to endure and thrive. In a way, depression fills the mind with judgements that are fundamentally untrue. There is always hope. Things can always improve. We always have some options to improve our situations, or at least find how to endure with as much forbearance and gratitude as possible. And of course, we all deserve to have our suffering relieved. They may seem like simple reframes, but they are the fundamental effort of successfully countering depression so that we can move forward with all our strengths and resources. Fear is appropriate and understandable in times like this with major uncertainties and potential pending losses of security and predictability. I always encourage clients to honor their fear, comfort themselves with the many blessings of their lives that help them endure and rebound from loss, and resist the power of depression to convince them that they are alone and without options

As noted, depression infects both the mind and the body. Depression disrupts our metabolism, so we might experience fatigue, sleep disruption, changes in our appetites, difficulty in concentrating and decision making. Given that depression has a corrosive effect on body, mind and spirit, it is most effective to counter it with body, mind and spirit. Keep moving, maintain a wholesome routine mixing both work and pleasure. An easy acronym to remember is GRAPES. G. stands for gentleness and gratitude in thought. R. stands for relaxation, even for brief moments. A. stands for the recognition of our accomplishments, especially the simple ones-caring for ourselves and our loved ones is always an accomplishment. P. stands for pleasure, again especially the simple ones- food, music, reading, nature, or whatever there is that reminds you that life has its joys. E. stand for exercise, or if not rigorous physical activity, any movement that brings the reward of the body moving through space. And S. stands for remaining social. All of the above are anti-depressive activities – effective reminders that hopelessness, helplessness and especially worthlessness are untruths to be dispelled during our moments of fear and doubt.

Let me end just highlighting the social. All humans, especially so right now, share the experience of fear and doubt related to uncertainty. Near invariably, we are all comforted when these fears are shared amongst our loved ones and our fellows in a spirit of honor and trust. Nearly all of us have experienced a darkness of spirit that is quickly dispelled by kind words from friends. If nothing else, resist the power of depression to convince you that you are alone and do not deserve the fellowship of loved ones and peers. Clearly now, our experience of uncertainty is a deeply shared experience. I encourage you to become robustly social, so that within the shared uncertainty, we can all experience the power of ourselves and others to endure and overcome this frightening time strengthened in our spirit of togetherness.

Chris Tuell Ed.D., LPCC-S, LICDC-CS, Clinical Director of Addiction Services

As feelings of anxiety, depression, or sheer boredom mount due to the growing pandemic of the coronavirus, the desire to turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism could become more problematic. Experts warn against self-medicating during these stressful times for a multitude of reasons. For many people who struggle with mental illness and/or substance use disorders, there is an unfortunate tendency to withdraw or isolate from others. So when we are told to practice social distancing, remain in our homes, isolate from one another, this can feed into a further deepening of an individual’s struggles and isolation with depression, anxiety, trauma or loss.

According to SAMHSA, (Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration), 84% of individuals who experience a substance use disorder, also experience a co-occurring mental health issue as well. During times of stress, many of us seek relief, in any way we can find it. The use of substances is not a healthy way of coping. Substance use is frequently used as a means to escape or numb-out from life’s problems. Substance use will often exacerbate a previous existing problem, making it worse.

In cities across the country, people are increasingly living under “shelter-in-place” or lockdown mandates that have closed businesses, limited social gatherings, and urged self-quarantine. These added stressors have resulted in increased levels of alcohol consumption. According to the Republic National Distributing Company, a wine and spirits distribution company, sales of spirits jumped by 50% for the week ending March 21, 2020. Nationally, the overall increase for the week according to Nielsen data, saw a 55% spike in alcohol sales.

Each of us experiences stress from time to time. However, recent events of the past few months have been unprecedented. Stress can feel overwhelming. There are different types of stress – all of which carry physical and mental health risks. A stressor may be a one-time or short-term occurrence, or it can happen repeatedly over a long time. Some people may cope with stress more effectively and recover from stressful events more quickly than others. Unfortunately for some, substance use becomes an unhealthy way to self-medicate one’s stress, mood and/or anxiety.

Coping with the impact of chronic stress can be challenging. Because the source of long-term stress is more constant than acute stress, the body never receives a clear signal to return to normal functioning. With chronic stress, those same lifesaving reactions in the body can disturb the immune, digestive, cardiovascular, sleep, and reproductive systems. Some people may experience mainly digestive symptoms, while others may have headaches, sleeplessness, sadness, anger, or irritability. Over time, continued strain on the body from stress may contribute to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other illnesses, including mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. For some, substance abuse only adds insult to injury.

When does one’s consumption of a substance (i.e., alcohol, drugs, gambling, Internet, gaming) become
problematic? Addictive behaviors consists of the following three behavioral questions (The Three C’s).
• Is there a loss of Control? (I am unable to manage the behavior.)
• Is the behavior Compulsive? (I cannot stop doing the behavior.)
• Do I continue to engage in the behavior, despite the negative Consequences?

Coping with life stressors by the use of alcohol or any other substance, is a bad idea. If you take practical
steps to manage your stress, you may reduce the risk of negative mental and physical health effects. Rather
than reaching for that adult beverage, below are tips that may be helpful in coping with stress:

Be observant. Recognize the signs of your body’s response to stress, such as increased alcohol and other
substance use, difficulty sleeping, , being easily angered, feeling depressed, and having low energy.

Talk to a health professional. Don’t wait for your health care provider to ask about your stress. Start the
conversation and get proper health care for existing or new health problems. Effective treatments can help
if your stress is affecting your relationships or ability to work.

Get regular exercise. Just 30 minutes per day of walking can help boost your mood and improve your

Pursue calming activities. Explore relaxation or wellness programs which may incorporate meditation,
imagery, muscle relaxation, or breathing exercises. Schedule regular times for these and other healthy and
relaxing activities.

Set goals and priorities. Decide what must get done now and what can wait. Learn to say “no” to new
tasks if you start to feel like you are taking on too much. Try to be mindful of what you have accomplished at
the end of the day, not what you have been unable to do.

Stay connected. Even though this may be a challenge, given our current social distancing, we need to remain
connected with one another. You are not alone. Keep in touch with people who can provide emotional
support and practical help. To reduce stress, ask for help from friends, family, and community or religious
organizations. Many community support groups (AA, NA, GA, SMART Recovery) are available online. Stay
healthy, stay connected.

En esta oportunidad quiero compartir con ustedes el articulo que escribimos en mi Grupo de estudio Psicoanalisis de Cara a lo Social integrado por Manuel Llorens, Alicia Leisse, Carmen Elena Dos Reis, Claudia Alvarez, Yone Alvarez y esta servidora.  Nos reunimos de forma “virtual” cada 15 dias para discutir trabajos y temas de corte psicoanalitico y tambien social. Somos todos venezolanos conectados desde el exilio o desde la emigracion elegida.  Espero que les resulte de utilidad en estos tiempos de incertidumbre…


Una de las anécdotas que ha circulado ampliamente en medio de la pandemia es de la antropóloga Margaret Mead cuando un estudiante le preguntó que cuál era, a su juicio, el hallazgo que evidenciaba el comienzo de la cultura. Esperando escuchar algo como potes de arcilla o cabezas de flechas, el estudiante se sorprendió al escuchar “un fémur roto que fue curado”.

La pandemia ha servido para subrayar la íntima conexión de la humanidad entera. La manera en que los hábitos alimenticios, los sistemas de gobierno, los medios cada vez más veloces de transporte, y hasta nuestra manera de saludarnos, influyen en el curso de un virus que ha detenido todo el planeta. El coronavirus ha puesto de rodillas el poderío humano: paralizó el comercio, las olimpiadas, los aeropuertos, las protestas públicas y más.

Sumado a las consecuencias de la salud de los contagiados, los sistemas sanitarios, la economía mundial y las adaptaciones a la vida cotidiana que ha exigido la pandemia, ha habido un repunte a nivel mundial de trastornos de ansiedad. Por ende se les pregunta a los profesionales de la salud mental: ¿cómo se lidia con las angustias que todo esto despierta?

Circulan muchas recomendaciones, ideas, gestos salvadores, actos creativos que dan cuenta de que, en lugares geográficos con mayor piso de respuesta social, los daños ciertamente están, pero el músculo creativo se reinventa al servicio del otro y de uno con el otro y del sí mismo. Muchas de las recomendaciones, útiles  sin duda, se anclan en el terreno de las acciones concretas y conscientes que podemos incluir en nuestras rutinas para sobrellevar la angustia, el tedio, la pérdida o el conflicto que desata las medidas de protección que han alterado nuestras vidas.

Creemos, sin embargo, que puede ser útil tomar un paso al costado y escucharnos desde otro lugar. Hay por lo menos dos elementos fuera de las prescripciones más concretas que valen la pena considerar. El primero, es que la pandemia nos ha colocado de manera dramática frente a la vulnerabilidad humana. Ante esto, algunos han querido continuar como si nada, como los presidentes de Brasil y México, besucones desafiantes, que parecerían estar en negación de los riesgos que implica el COVID-19. Lo cierto, es que desde el Príncipe Carlos hasta los plebeyos estamos expuestos. La omnipotencia no está resultando buena consejera.

A la vulnerabilidad se le suma una gran cuota de incertidumbre. Nuestros parámetros de control han sido trastocados. Hay recomendaciones que nos pueden ayudar a sobrellevar el día a día, pero inevitablemente necesitamos escuchar y articular el temor que surge. El miedo, lo sabemos, pero se nos olvida, es una alerta que necesita ser atendida, para poder prepararnos para lidiar con una amenaza. Lidiar con el miedo sin negarlo, pero sin quedar sobrepasado por el desespero, es parte de la tarea.

La escucha y el esfuerzo por darle palabra a nuestro mundo interno, es parte de una solución que lidia con la incertidumbre sin pretender tener las respuestas de antemano. Una de las maneras en que la psicoterapia psicoanalítica ha sido descrita es como una “conversación con la incertidumbre”. La gran verdad, es que ni los expertos tienen la respuesta completa de las dimensiones del problema ni de su solución. Lo más probable es que tengamos que hablar y escucharnos para descifrarlo en conjunto.

Lo que estamos diciendo, y que lleva al segundo elemento, es que el problema tiene que ver con la interdependencia humana, y su solución, probablemente también. Una de las medidas preventivas curiosamente se ha llamado “distanciamiento social”, cuando lo que necesitamos es distanciamiento físico, pero no social. Tanto por el proceso de concebir soluciones a un problema de dimensión sistémica, como por el funcionamiento biológico individual: la conexión humana es esencial. Sabemos que el sistema de defensa inmunológico está íntimamente relacionado con la vinculación interpersonal, la soledad nos hace más propensos a enfermar.

Nos estamos quedando en casa, aunque parezca paradójico, como gesto de profundo reconocimiento del otro. Nos quedamos en casa, para cuidar a los demás tanto como a nosotros mismos. Nos quedamos en casa, porque el bienestar del otro es indispensable para el bienestar nuestro. Visto así, nuestro encierro no es aislamiento. Las redes de solidaridad, para estar atentos a las personas de nuestro vecindario que no se pueden valer por sí mismas, el comunicar nuestra preocupación por el otro, el pedir ayuda, la música en los balcones o los aplausos a los operarios de salud, son gestos indispensables de conexión humana, necesarios para mantenernos sanos y cuerdos.

No olvidemos finalmente que los riesgos y las desventajas tienden a multiplicarse, por lo que, aquellos que vienen arrastrando desventajas, están ahora en una situación multiplicada de riesgo. Los que tienen alguna situación previa de vulnerabilidad, por edad, por salud, por pobreza, por red de apoyo limitada, están mucho más expuestos y haremos bien en pensar en el problema priorizando las necesidades de aquéllos que la van a sufrir más.

La cuarentena es un alto obligatorio que puede ayudar a hacer un parado en una vida que no deja de exigir apresuramiento, un llamado a abrir espacios para la reflexión, para recalibrar nuestras prioridades y para hacernos más conscientes de nuestra interdependencia, nuestra necesidad del otro, fomentar nuestra capacidad de construir la cultura en los términos que propuso Margaret Mead.



Margot Brandi, MD,
Sibcy House, Medical Director

Paul R. Crosby, MD

Lindner Center of HOPE, Chief Clinical and Operating Officer, Psychiatrist

4075 Old Western Row Rd.

Mason, OH 45040


Most of us are weeks into the significant life changes caused by the novel coronavirus.  Even as we work to adjust to our new normal, there continues to be changing instructions and sometimes confusing and frightening information to process.  Daily, we are being asked to make sacrifices and critically important decisions for the safety and welfare of our family and our communities.  It is important during this crisis to remember to monitor and maintain our own mental wellness.

Some tips to manage the stress of today’s circumstances include avoiding excess exposure to media, including social media, taking care of yourself through exercise, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and talking to friends and family.  Cultivating a practice of mindfulness and gratitude is another evidence-based way of improving wellness and alleviating stress-related mental health symptoms.  For people new to the idea of meditation and to those with more experience, there are many apps, such as Headspace, to guide the process.  Also, even though social distancing is necessary during these times, seek out safe ways to stay connected with others.  The American Psychological Association, The National Alliance on Mental Illness, and Mental Health America are advocacy organizations that have a wealth of information about supporting your mental wellbeing during this crisis.

With most students out of school and engaged in some combination of home-based and online learning, the situation is understandably stressful for both children and parents.  It can be hard to know where to start; but, try and establish a regular routine.  Children (and most adults) are reassured by structure and predictability.  Try to keep in mind that children learn from watching and listening to the adults around them.  They will be very interested in how you respond to news about the coronavirus outbreak.  Let children know that there are lots of people helping the people affected by the coronavirus outbreak.  This is a good opportunity to show children that when something scary or bad happens, there are people to help. Try to create an open and supportive environment where children know they can ask questions.  It is also important to remember that most children may be more interested in playing games, reading books, and other physical and recreational activities than discussing current events or following the news about what is happening across the country or elsewhere in the world.  The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry’s website is an excellent resource with advice to help families help the children in their lives through the pandemic.

When there are many changes and uncertainties that are beyond our control, heightened stress and anxiety are normal feelings.  A time of crisis can also be a trigger for the onset or reoccurrence of mental health symptoms.  If anxiety and/or stress related feelings are causing you significant discomfort or are interfering with relationships, work, or other areas of your life, it may be time to seek help from a mental health professional.  Other symptoms to look for include:

  • Behaving, thinking, or feeling in ways that are out of character
  • Withdrawing from social contacts
  • Lack of interest in things that would normally bring joy
  • Becoming consistently irritable
  • A change in sleep patterns
  • Changes in eating habits and/or weight
  • Increased use of intoxicating substances

It is essential to remember that mental health services are still available during the COVID-19 crisis.  For individuals already receiving mental health and/or substance use disorder treatment services, it is important to continue with these services during this difficult time.  To follow social distancing guidelines, outpatient services for mental health assessment and treatment are being offered virtually via a simple phone call or one of several easy-to-use, secure video conferencing apps.  When needed, in-person services are still being offered with added health and safety measures to keep patients and staff safe throughout their treatment.

Similar to adults, children who become overly preoccupied with concerns about the coronavirus outbreak should be evaluated by a trained and qualified mental health professional.  Other signs that a child is struggling and may need additional help include ongoing sleep disturbances, intrusive thoughts or worries, recurring fears about illness or death.  If you notice similar symptoms or other behaviors, thoughts, or feelings that seem out of character for your child, seek a consultation with a pediatric mental health professional.  For help finding such a provider, your child’s pediatrician, family physician, or school counselor are good places to seek a referral.

Unfortunately, stigma about mental illness remains the key reason that people do not access care.  It is important to know that more than 50 percent of the population will suffer from a diagnosable mental illness at some point in their life and about 20 percent every year.  Only a small fraction of these individuals ever seek treatment.  One way to start breaking the stigma is to start talking about mental illnesses as a part of normal conversation, similar to how we may discuss illnesses like diabetes or high blood pressure.  Mental illnesses are common, biological illnesses that tend to respond very well to treatments that are typically very safe.  The goal of mental health treatment is to get back to feeling completely like yourself again.  In most cases, treatment is highly effective and allows individuals to function to their full potential.

When it comes to mental health, we need to start treating ourselves more gently.  We also need to extend that compassion to those around us.  We may be social-distancing but we are all in this together.  As, together, we work to fight off this pandemic and take up the challenge of recovering from it, kindness to ourselves and others has never been more important.

If you, or someone you care about, are feeling overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression, or anxiety, or feel like you want to harm yourself or others call:

  • 911
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746. (TTY 1-800-846-8517)
  • The National Suicide Prevention Line: 800-273-8255




You can’t affect the cards that are dealt, but you can determine how you play them.

Milton Erickson, MD
The father of modern hypnotherapy

When we think of hypnosis, we typically think of a stage performance in which the subject is crowing like a rooster or engaged in some outlandish behavior designed to entertain. Many view hypnosis as a “party trick” or an “act” for amusement. However, the practice of medical hypnosis can be traced back thousands of years in cultures around the world. It was once used for pain management during surgery until doctors started using ether. Today, physicians, licensed psychotherapists and psychologists commonly use it as a tool for change. Hypnosis or hypnotherapy, has been known to help patients with everything from depression, anxiety and phobias to smoking cessation, weight loss, stress management and irritable bowel syndrome. Some hospitals even use it as a tool to reduce pain in individuals before, during and after surgery, as well as in patients with chronic conditions or diseases. Hypnosis is a human condition involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion.

One major myth regarding hypnosis is that the individual is unconscious – and powerless. Most people have a clear memory of what happens during hypnosis, while another’s recollection might be not as clear. Some might be able to move their head or lift a finger if they’re prompted, whereas others will remain impassive. Everyone’s experience with hypnosis can differ. While “under” hypnosis, you are not rendered unconscious; you are simply in a deeply relaxed state. In fact, we enter “trance” states all the time. Most of us are familiar with highway hypnosis, the phenomenon in which the person can drive a vehicle great distances, responding to external events in the expected, safe and correct manner with no recollection of having consciously done so. Another example of a common trance state is watching a movie. When we watch a movie, we know actors are up on the screen. We know that this story is not happening in real life. But for those few hours, we can experience emotions and a connection to the story. A movie can create an experience of happiness, sadness, suspense, fear or joy.

Hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state in which suggestions can be given to assist the individual in changing a maladaptive behavior. Do you remember when you were playing as a child and fell down, and your parent kissed your “boo boo,” and you instantly went back to play? Suggestion can change our behaviors.

One of the major problems within the field of research is when clinical trials are conducted and a medication or placebo is given to a subject, the placebo (a sugar pill) turns out to work too well. Researchers don’t like this. Unaware subjects who receive the placebo should not report a difference from the sugar pill, but sometimes they do. The subject’s belief or the “suggestion” that the “pill” is going to improve how one feels, in fact, improves how he or she feels. Recent studies have also found that even a physician’s own presentation of the effectiveness of a new medication to the patient, can result in a patient’s higher perception that the medication is going to be effective, resulting in a more positive result for the patient.

Even though hypnosis has faced many misconceptions through the years, it remains an effective technique in making behavioral changes and improving the lives of many individuals. Not everyone may respond to hypnotherapy in the same way, but this can also be said about other treatment approaches. In searching for a hypnotherapist, find a licensed professional within the mental health or medical fields, and who has been certified to conduct this clinical hypnosis. The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis is a resource, which can assist in locating a certified hypnotherapist in your area. Like meditation, guided imagery, acupuncture, and music therapy, Hypnotherapy can be a valuable tool in providing a healing science to facilitate the body’s innate healing response.