Chris Tuell Ed.D., LPCC-S, LICDC-CS, Clinical Director of Addiction Services

As feelings of anxiety, depression, or sheer boredom mount due to the growing pandemic of the coronavirus, the desire to turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism could become more problematic. Experts warn against self-medicating during these stressful times for a multitude of reasons. For many people who struggle with mental illness and/or substance use disorders, there is an unfortunate tendency to withdraw or isolate from others. So when we are told to practice social distancing, remain in our homes, isolate from one another, this can feed into a further deepening of an individual’s struggles and isolation with depression, anxiety, trauma or loss.

According to SAMHSA, (Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration), 84% of individuals who experience a substance use disorder, also experience a co-occurring mental health issue as well. During times of stress, many of us seek relief, in any way we can find it. The use of substances is not a healthy way of coping. Substance use is frequently used as a means to escape or numb-out from life’s problems. Substance use will often exacerbate a previous existing problem, making it worse.

In cities across the country, people are increasingly living under “shelter-in-place” or lockdown mandates that have closed businesses, limited social gatherings, and urged self-quarantine. These added stressors have resulted in increased levels of alcohol consumption. According to the Republic National Distributing Company, a wine and spirits distribution company, sales of spirits jumped by 50% for the week ending March 21, 2020. Nationally, the overall increase for the week according to Nielsen data, saw a 55% spike in alcohol sales.

Each of us experiences stress from time to time. However, recent events of the past few months have been unprecedented. Stress can feel overwhelming. There are different types of stress – all of which carry physical and mental health risks. A stressor may be a one-time or short-term occurrence, or it can happen repeatedly over a long time. Some people may cope with stress more effectively and recover from stressful events more quickly than others. Unfortunately for some, substance use becomes an unhealthy way to self-medicate one’s stress, mood and/or anxiety.

Coping with the impact of chronic stress can be challenging. Because the source of long-term stress is more constant than acute stress, the body never receives a clear signal to return to normal functioning. With chronic stress, those same lifesaving reactions in the body can disturb the immune, digestive, cardiovascular, sleep, and reproductive systems. Some people may experience mainly digestive symptoms, while others may have headaches, sleeplessness, sadness, anger, or irritability. Over time, continued strain on the body from stress may contribute to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other illnesses, including mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. For some, substance abuse only adds insult to injury.

When does one’s consumption of a substance (i.e., alcohol, drugs, gambling, Internet, gaming) become
problematic? Addictive behaviors consists of the following three behavioral questions (The Three C’s).
• Is there a loss of Control? (I am unable to manage the behavior.)
• Is the behavior Compulsive? (I cannot stop doing the behavior.)
• Do I continue to engage in the behavior, despite the negative Consequences?

Coping with life stressors by the use of alcohol or any other substance, is a bad idea. If you take practical
steps to manage your stress, you may reduce the risk of negative mental and physical health effects. Rather
than reaching for that adult beverage, below are tips that may be helpful in coping with stress:

Be observant. Recognize the signs of your body’s response to stress, such as increased alcohol and other
substance use, difficulty sleeping, , being easily angered, feeling depressed, and having low energy.

Talk to a health professional. Don’t wait for your health care provider to ask about your stress. Start the
conversation and get proper health care for existing or new health problems. Effective treatments can help
if your stress is affecting your relationships or ability to work.

Get regular exercise. Just 30 minutes per day of walking can help boost your mood and improve your

Pursue calming activities. Explore relaxation or wellness programs which may incorporate meditation,
imagery, muscle relaxation, or breathing exercises. Schedule regular times for these and other healthy and
relaxing activities.

Set goals and priorities. Decide what must get done now and what can wait. Learn to say “no” to new
tasks if you start to feel like you are taking on too much. Try to be mindful of what you have accomplished at
the end of the day, not what you have been unable to do.

Stay connected. Even though this may be a challenge, given our current social distancing, we need to remain
connected with one another. You are not alone. Keep in touch with people who can provide emotional
support and practical help. To reduce stress, ask for help from friends, family, and community or religious
organizations. Many community support groups (AA, NA, GA, SMART Recovery) are available online. Stay
healthy, stay connected.

By Jen Milau, APRN, PMHNP-BC
Lindner Center of HOPE,
Psychiatric Mental-Health Nurse Practitioner

 There’s no denying it: the advent of social media has changed the way we connect with one another. In some ways, these programs have offered an opportunity to locate and reconnect with lost friends or family members – a phenomenon that was not even fathomable until recent decades. However, this near-immediate accessibility of information, coupled with the rapid growth of social media sources, has not been accompanied by a “user guide” or an algorithm for appropriate and healthy incorporation into our daily lives. Instead, the technology has been thrust upon us as a society, and we have been left with the task of “figuring it out as we go.” In the field of psychiatry and mental health, we are seeing the repercussions of this in a number of unexpected ways, and those who have been hit the hardest are among our most vulnerable – children, adolescents, and young adults.

As a clinician working primarily with this population, I have been struck by the stark and abrupt increase in suicidality and mental health concerns within the last five years. According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2017, suicide stood as a leading cause of death for individuals aged 10-34, second only to accidental injury. Just this year, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) published data Continued from page 1 which cites that “more U.S. adolescents and young adults in the late 2010s (vs. the mid-2000s) experienced serious psychological distress, major depression, and suicidal thoughts, and more attempted suicide and took their own lives… These trends are weak or nonexistent among adults 26 years old and over, suggesting a generational shift in mood disorders and suicide-related outcomes rather than an overall increase across all ages.” The specific data presented within this report reflect a 40-122% increase (depending on specific age range) in suicidality and psychological/mood disturbances among individuals age 12-25. So the question stands: why have young people been so disproportionately affected?

The answer to this is complex, and certainly not yet fully understood. It is important to first consider what we know: Adolescence is a period of significant neurochemical and biological transformation. With these physiological changes comes the development of a sense of identity – a process fueled by social interactions, sexual exploration, experimentation with interests, exposure to information, and individual expression. These facets of development have not changed by any means. Rather, the way in which today’s youth is exposed to these experiences has shifted from primarily organic, physical, human interactions to online exchanges through a variety of social media and communication apps available with a simple tap of a finger. Since this happens behind a screen, kids are not faced with the immediate implications of their words or actions, as they do not witness the non-verbal cues accompanying a person’s response, and do not experience the inevitable feeling of anxiety that goes along with confrontation or conflict in a real-time situation. They have the opportunity to carefully calculate their responses over time, or blatantly ignore a person with whom they do not want to interact, rather than being placed into a situation that requires problem-solving and relational abilities in the immediate moment. This has led to a generation of individuals who have largely avoided natural social responses; in turn, we are seeing a serious rise in the prevalence of social anxiety and kids who are devoid of many vital interpersonal skills.

Additionally, within the world of social media, we are offered the opportunity to customize our “online identities” to mirror whichever characteristics we choose to share with others. Due to our human need for acceptance and attention, this usually results in the meticulous formation of an “ideal self” – one which typically is not reflective of our inherently flawed (and beautifully unique) personalities and instead represents a false utopian identity used to highlight those traits of ourselves and our lives that we feel may be most desirable to others. As this practice becomes typical of an entire society, we begin to unconsciously accept these “pseudo-selves” as reality, leading to the habit of comparing our actual lives to those that are portrayed on the internet. This can result in significant issues with self-esteem, increased self-doubt, shame, body image concerns, and social isolation – problems which, for an individual predisposed to mental illness, could trigger a major mood episode or exacerbation of anxiety symptoms.

Further, the immediate accessibility of information to which we have become accustomed has unfortunately led to an expectation for instant feedback and gratification that is simply not applicable to most real-life scenarios. Studies suggest that the neurochemical response to “likes” on a post or picture actually mirror that which is experienced with illicit drug use or other behavioral addictions. This, then, leads to further desire to obtain more likes, and the consequent sense of disappointment and desperation when posts do not receive the attention that we were expecting.

When we view these ideas in the context of an adolescent who is developmentally tasked with the goal of exploring and forming a sense of self while also battling the physical and emotional implications of rapid growth and hormone changes, this becomes extraordinarily problematic. Many patients that I see describe feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness due to their perception that they are not as “successful” as others they see online. For a child who has endured trauma, the ability to form harmful connections with ill-intentioned adults is too readily accessible, leading to exploitation and further exacerbation of trauma-related symptoms. Children with attention issues are experiencing insomnia due to being constantly stimulated by their devices into the nights, resulting in reduced academic performance and mood dysregulation. And most importantly – families are not connecting in the ways that are imperative for fostering well-adjusted and cognitively flexible young adults.

This being said – there is certainly hope for change moving forward. As we adapt to the presence of technology within our lives, we are learning more and more about the importance of moderation in regards to screen time and devices. As a clinician, I preach to my patients and their parents about the risks of social media and unlimited time with technology and encourage open conversations regarding limits and expectations for its use. I challenge parents to model what it looks like to balance screen time and “real” time, and recommend the implementation of rules for all members of the family, not just children or adolescents. By increasing the number of organic experiences and social interactions that our children have, we are preparing them to be able to adjust to the unexpected, unpredictable twists and turns.



Trevor Steinhauser’s struggle with mental illness began at an early age, but thanks to receiving early help and support for his symptoms, Trevor is feeling better and is now four years sober.

Trevor and Tracy Cummings, MD, Medical Director of Inpatient and Partial Hospital Program Services at Lindner Center of HOPE, spoke with Local 12’s Liz Bonis about mental illness warning signs to watch for in children, such as anxiety and panic attacks.

Trevor credits the Lindner Center of HOPE for helping him overcome his own issues with mental illness and substance abuse. By employing a team approach and giving him a voice in his own treatment, Trevor says the Center was the first to help him learn coping skills for lifelong problems, such as depression and anxiety.

According to Dr. Cummings, behaviors that lead to addiction often present in a person’s youth.

“The reality is that, in any given year, one in five of us are experiencing mental illness. About half of those cases started before age 14, so a lot of people have been having symptoms for a long time. They’ve just figured out ways to either adapt to those or not talk about those,” Dr. Cummings said.

Lindner Center of HOPE has a comprehensive program that treats both substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders. Learn more about our Intensive Outpatient program here.



Watch the full story from Trevor and Dr. Cummings’ sit down with Liz Bonis interview on


The statistics surrounding addiction are shocking and the impact is devastating.

In 2017, 70,000 people[i] in the U.S. died from drug overdoses – the highest number in history. Hamilton County accounted for 570 of those deaths[ii]. The City of Cincinnati alone saw a 79% increase in overdose deaths from 2014 to 2017.

The region, including Kentucky and Indiana, continues to be hit especially hard by the opioid epidemic. Overdose death rates[iii] here are among the highest in the country. As a result, children in our communities experience parental loss rates that nearly double the national average.

For someone with addiction, sobriety can be a long and painful process. As addiction becomes better understood as a mental illness[iv], new approaches are being implemented to help people maintain long-term recovery.

Lindner Center of HOPE recently unveiled a new 10-day, in-patient substance use disorder detox and evaluation program that increases our community’s capacity for treatment, and employs the latest  proven methods.

The approach includes a comprehensive evaluation for each person, and each visit is uniquely designed to meet that person’s needs. Upon completion of the program, patients receive an individualized plan-of-action to increase the odds of continued sobriety.

“Our expert addictions team found that a one-size-fits-all treatment approach doesn’t work for sobriety,” said Paul E. Keck, MD, president and CEO of Lindner Center of HOPE. “Each individual must have a personalized path to success. That’s what this program is designed to do.”

Treating the Whole Patient

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration[v], 80 percent of people who have a substance use disorder also have a mental illness. So a personalized approach to recovery is vital.

Program participants first complete detoxification with close medical supervision. The in-patient portion of the program includes about nine hours of daily programming. The patient also participates in an additional 10 hours of internal addiction programming and access to community support groups.

While completing the inpatient portion, patients stay in Lindner Center’s Sibcy House – a one-of-a-kind facility dedicated to individualized, compassionate comprehensive care. Each patient resides in a private room, complete with a full bath. The program includes:

  • Sessions with a psychiatrist, social work and addictions therapist
  • Testing determined by an addictions therapist
  • Coaching sessions with a chemical dependency specialist
  • Patients also participate in additional programming tailored to their individual needs.

For more information about the program, visit Lindner Center of HOPE’s website or call 513/449-8415.

# #  #

Addictions Expertise

Lindner Center of HOPE treats most substance and behavioral addictions. Plans may include medication-assisted treatment, therapy or support groups, and screenings for underlying issues like depression and anxiety.


About Lindner Center of HOPE

Lindner Center of HOPE, located in Mason, OH, is a comprehensive mental health center providing patient-centered, scientifically advanced care for individuals suffering with mental illness. Learn more at


[i] WKRC. (2018, November 30). Acting Attorney General addresses the opioid epidemic during Cincinnati visit.

[ii] WCPO Staff. (2018, July 30). Staggering numbers in Cincinnati’s opioid crisis, but health officials see progress.

[iii] Demio, T. (2018, Aug. 3). Children here experience parental loss at higher rate than national average

[iv] National Institute of Mental Health. (2016, May). Substance Abuse and Mental Health.

[v] Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2019, Jan. 30). Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders.


A New Way to Balance Digital Usage

It’s a concern for parents across the country.

Teenagers are consumed by countless digital distractions. Smart phones, gaming consoles, or any number of devices connected to the Internet compete for their attention.

Concerns over growing and habitual media use are nothing new, but the broad availability of portable devices seem to have “leveled up” the problem. Now, more children are becoming addicted to online content and gaming.

Popular video games like Fortnite are played by more than 200 million people. Some teens spend as much as 12 hours or more[i] a day playing online, while others spend the same amount of time engaged in social networks. This obsession can affect health as well as school and work performance.

A 2012 study estimated In 2018, The World Health Organization even classified video game addiction[iii] as a mental health disorder.

But how do you know when a habit has crossed over into an addiction? And what do you do when it is clear your son or daughter is addicted?

For children who show signs of internet addiction, a recent study[iv] suggests each child needs to be evaluated in context of their own unique situation. Personality traits, type of game(s) played, life situations and cultural expectations can all explain excessive gaming. For example, if the habit is used to replace real-life social interactions or escape from life traumas and stress, an Internet or gaming addiction may be in play.

“Today’s society is dependent upon technology, mobile devices, social media, and the Internet,” says Dr. Chris J. Tuell, clinical director of addiction services at Lindner Center of HOPE. “However, when dependence crosses over to an addiction, it’s time to take steps to regain control.”

Several habitual behaviors can indicate Internet and gaming addiction. “The three C’s of addiction also apply to Internet addiction,” says Dr. Tuell. “If someone exhibits a loss of control, a compulsion/obsession to be online, irritability when offline, or continues to use technology despite negative consequences, they may be suffering from Internet addiction.”

The Reboot Program

To combat Internet and gaming addiction, and provide a resource for families who need help, Lindner Center of HOPE has introduced a new program called “Reboot.” The first two weeks of the Reboot program involve a comprehensive assessment of the teenager to draft a course of treatment. The second two weeks focus on developing better habits with technology.

“For those struggling with self-control, this program helps them re-center their lives and avoid additional complications,” said Dr. Tuell.

According to Mental Health America[v], the nation’s leading non-profit mental health advocacy organization,  children with Internet addiction often struggle with other mental health problems like alcohol and substance use, depression, and/or aggression.

Addiction experts at Lindner Center of HOPE assess if patients are suffering from one or more co-occurring disorders, like depression. Identifying underlying mental health conditions helps to personalize treatment plans for each “Reboot” patient – increasing their odds of winning the battle with internet and gaming addiction.

Addictions Expertise

In addition to internet and gaming addictions, Lindner Center of HOPE treats most substance and behavioral addictions, including heroin, morphine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, amphetamine, methamphetamine, LSD, alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and tobacco, gambling and pornography. Plans may include medication-assisted treatment, therapy or support groups, and screenings for underlying issues like depression and anxiety.

About Lindner Center of HOPE

Lindner Center of HOPE, located in Mason, OH, is a comprehensive mental health center providing patient-centered, scientifically advanced care for individuals suffering with mental illness. Learn more at

# #  #

[i] Feely, J. & Palmeri, C. (2018, Nov. 27). Fortnite Addiction Is Forcing Kids Into Video-Game Rehab.

[ii] Cash, H., Rae, C. D., Steel, A. H., & Winkler, A. (2012). Internet Addiction: A Brief Summary of Research and Practice. Current psychiatry reviews8(4), 292-298.

[iii] Price, L. & Snider, M. (2018, June 19). Video game addiction is a mental health disorder, WHO says, but some health experts don’t agree.

[iv] Kuss D. J. (2013). Internet gaming addiction: current perspectives. Psychology research and behavior management6, 125-37. doi:10.2147/PRBM.S39476

[v] Mental Health America. Risky Business: Internet Addiction.



Reuters featured the success story of a teenager who found help with Internet and gaming addiction through a new treatment program at the Lindner Center of HOPE. The story explains why more medical professionals are taking Internet addiction seriously and how the Lindner Center has pioneered a program to meet this modern condition.

A 2012 study estimates that between 1.5 percent and 8.2 percent of people in the U.S. and Europe experience “problematic computer use.” In 2018, The World Health Organization even classified video game addiction as a mental health disorder.

To combat Internet and gaming addiction, and provide a resource for families who need help, Lindner Center of HOPE has introduced a new program, called “Reboot.”

“This program helps those struggling with a loss of control to re-center their lives to avoid additional complications,” said Dr. Chris J. Tuell, Lindner Center of HOPE Clinical Director of Addiction Services.

Your donation will help more people like Danny recover from mental illness and return to feeling more like themselves. Donate here:



Read more:


Lindner Center of HOPE Clinical Director of Addiction Services Dr. Chris J. Tuell joined Fox & Friends on January 28, 2019 to talk about a new program at the Lindner Center designed to identify and treat Internet addiction.

“This program helps those struggling with a loss of control to re-center their lives to avoid additional complications,” said Dr. Tuell.

According to Mental Health America, children with Internet addiction often struggle with other mental health problems like alcohol and substance use, depression, and/or aggression.

Addiction experts at the Lindner Center of HOPE assess if patients are suffering from one or more co-occurring disorders, like depression, in addition to unhealthy Internet habits. Studies have suggested pre-existing depression or anxiety could lead to a gaming addiction. Identifying underlying mental health conditions can help personalize treatment plans for each “Reboot” patient.

Your donation can help the Lindner Center of HOPE continue similar services to help patients find help on their road to wellness. Donate here:




Watch more:


Peter White, M.A., LPCC, Lindner Center of HOPE, Addictions Counselor

Many loved ones of people with substance use disorders are often discouraged by the severity and duration of distress initiated and endured by their loved ones. In a related manner, many professionals working with people with substance use disorders become disillusioned and discouraged by the extent of problems, and a lack of progress in treatment. It seems that experiencing burnout, or feeling just plain burnt, are two common emotional consequences of committing time and energy in trying to help people with substance use disorders. I would argue that one of the most important things we can do, being the people who care, is revisit our understanding of the fundamentals of substance use disorders, and reorient our recovery approach in a manner that aligns with these fundamentals.

Substance use disorders are chronic, behavioral disease conditions that if not addressed will progress into increasingly diseased states up to critical illness and death.  They do not have a cure.

It is easy to be initially discouraged by this reality, until we consider an additional reality – substance use disorders are imminently recoverable. That is to say, at any time a person with a substance use disorder can make the changes that stop the progression of his or her disease process, ( a major accomplishment in itself,) and begin the process of establishing and consolidating a healthy and rewarding recovery. The bad news is that there is no cure. The good news is that once we accept this, we are then free to focus on the ever present possibility of sobriety, health and growth taking root as our loved one’s lifestyle.

Our real challenge is to remain continually present, authentic and hopeful as we develop interventions and support over the course of a disease and recovery process that will often endure for decades. Think about that. If we appreciate the nature of a chronic condition, then we acknowledge that the process of growth, as well as the potential threat to growth, is never over. In a way, I would say that the experience of burnout isn’t logical, because people with terrible conditions can and do get better all the time. It is the maintenance of this very realistic hope for the advancement of recovery in the face of the loss and distress of alcohol and drug use that is the most effective way to help our loved ones, as well as to prevent burnout for ourselves.

I once asked clients during a group to state what their definition of recovery was. I noticed that their answers really focused on the establishment and expansion of behaviors that were in line with their values much more than they were focused on the cessation of drug use  -“Dealing with responsibilities, ”Complete change of focus, ”Knowing I can change and grow,” Doing my best- healthy, clean, sober, ”Becoming self-reliant.” It was a very reassuring moment for me as a helping professional in that the clients were not searching for a tabulation of “clean” days vs. “using” days. What they were really focused on was a direction that would incorporate every part of their lives away from risk, disease and loss, and towards the pride and enjoyment of health and growth that I think all people desire.

Let me end on a note where we do acknowledge that substance use disorders are often very destructive. If you are a loved one or a professional who is becoming overwhelmed or burdened too long by the losses you’ve encountered, lets acknowledge that disengagement and the establishment of boundaries are often the healthiest option for all involved. Disengagement does not need to be related to the rejection of people or the abandonment of hope for recovery. It is most often a very appreciable need for self-care in the face of risk and loss. Just as we help those with substance use disorders by decreasing our focus on the multiplicity and duration of problems, let’s help ourselves by not focusing on all the problems that we find we can’t deal with. Instead let’s focus ourselves on our limits relative to all the help we have or might offer, and remind ourselves that our own growth is imminently available, and that we should honor any rest we need until we able to make ourselves available for help once more.

By Chris Tuell, Ed.D., LPCC-S, LICDC-CS

Lindner Center of HOPE Clinical Director of Addiction Services


In April of 1975, the Viet Nam War came to an end. During this 10 years of military strife, 58,220 U.S. soldiers lost their lives.  However, the end of the war also brought another difficult issue to light.  A never before scene was about to appear on the horizon.  Estimates indicated that approximately 20% or 1 out of 5 American soldiers returning from Southeast Asia were addicted to heroin.  Experts believed that once these soldiers returned home, our country would be faced with a heroin pandemic.  How would we manage such an issue?  It never happened.

Today, our knowledge of the neurology of the addicted brain has grown by leaps and bounds. We have gained a better understanding of the disease of addiction and how this new awareness clearly indicates that it is not an issue of character, nor is it a moral failing or a lack of will power.  Addiction is the result of the brain’s reward system being hijacked by outside substances (alcohol and drugs) and various behaviors (gambling, pornography, gaming, Internet).  This hijacking tricks the brain in believing that the drug or behavior has more importance than it really does.  Because of this pairing with certain neurochemicals, the brain believes this drug and/or behavior (like food) become necessary for survival.  Each of us knows that we don’t need alcohol, drugs, or gambling to survive. That’s true.  But, the brain thinks we do.  This survival drives the urges and cravings for the patient to use substances.  We know that patients who suffer from addiction, will engage in negative behaviors.  These individuals unfortunately will lie, cheat and steal in the midst of their addiction.  But equally important is the understanding that bad acts do not necessarily mean bad actors.  If each of us would be without water for three days or without food for three weeks, every one of us would lie, cheat and steal to survive.  This is what’s happening within addiction.

So why did the heroin epidemic of the 1970s not occur? Our new knowledge of the workings of the brain has also demonstrated that when substances are introduced, it impacts the very area of the brain where we develop meaningful, connected relationships. When mental illness issues surface, such as depression, anxiety, and trauma, the drug brings about relief.  It is this relationship that allows a sense of meaningful connection, even though that connection is unhealthy and problematic.  As one patient shared, using heroin was like “getting a hug from your grandmother on Thanksgiving morning.”  This experience becomes meaningful for the drug-addicted individual.  The drug’s influence on the brain creates a sense of connection causing a disconnect with truly meaningful relationships.  For the patient, the drug relationship becomes “on par” with other important relationships (i.e., spouse, children, parents, relatives, friends).  Unfortunately, sometimes the drug becomes number one.  For the Viet Nam soldier who was addicted, connection was re-established with loved ones, family and friends, and were able to reconnect within his or her community.  The heroin addiction ceased.  When an individual suffers with mental illness, the depression, anxiety, trauma, disconnects them from others resulting in a vulnerability to substance use and a hijacking of the brain’s reward system.

This phenomenon also occurred within the laboratory. In the early 20th century, research-involving rats found that when a rat was placed within a small cage and given the choice of two forms of water (pure water or water laced with heroin or cocaine) the rat would prefer the water laced with drugs.  The rat continued to use the drug laced water, eventually developing addiction, overdosing and dying.  Experiments like these shaped our view of addiction for many years.

However, a series of new research looked at the same experiment, but this time expanding the cage. In fact, the researchers created a “rat park.”  The cage was bigger with various levels and tunnels along with the addition of other rats.  The same two samples of water were provided.  Rats in this study preferred the pure water to the water laced with drugs.  No instances of overdose were recorded.

Mental illness interferes with our ability to connect with ourselves, others, and the world in which we live.   This isolation and disconnect creates the perfect storm for addiction.  Nearly 80% of individuals with a substance use disorder also have a mental illness. How many of us who have never experienced mental illness lose site of the importance of a meaningful connected relationships in our lives?   Perhaps the opposite of addiction is not sobriety.  Perhaps the opposite of addiction is connection.

Integrative mental health (IMH) combines conventional biological psychiatry and psychological interventions with traditional and complementary alternative medicine (CAM) to provide holistic patient-centered care. Using non-hierarchical interdisciplinary teamwork, the patient and practitioner are able to explore psychological paradigms involving biological, cultural and spiritual dimensions of health and illness. Kindness, avoidance of harm and informed consent are core ethical principles of practice. As well as addressing immediate mental health problems, the patient is encouraged to become actively involved in their own prevention of mental illness and maintenance of mental health.

Mental health is a key determinant of wellness, and has been shown to be strongly influenced by lifestyle factors such as chronic stress, sedentary life style, poor nutrition, obesity, substance abuse, and social isolation. Use of complementary alternative medicine in mental health conditions has been driven by the high cost of conventional care, and the growing list of medication safety concerns reported by the FDA, but due caution must be used with all Interested in touring therapies, conventional or complementary.

The fundamental goal of an integrative approach to mental health is to find the most appropriate treatments (conventional and complementary) that safely and effectively address the symptoms
of the individual, while taking into account personal preferences, cultural beliefs and financial constraints, an approach endorsed by the American Psychiatric Association.

Integrative mental health is an evolving, whole-systems approach to wellness of mind, body, and spirit. It considers that symptoms are associated with multiple causes and that multiple approaches to assessment and treatment may be necessary so that each individual may attain an optimal state of health and well-being. Therefore, the integrative mental health professional is knowledgeable about complementary and alternative medicine and trained in the art of collaboration so that they can discuss patient care with medical doctors, as well. The goal is to understand as much as possible about the whole person and to be aware of what treatments are occurring simultaneously. Approximately half of the individuals diagnosed with mood or anxiety disorders are using a combination of therapies and conventional strategies to alleviate symptoms. For this reason, it is important for health care professionals to ask the right questions and to collaborate in seeking answers when treating individuals who come seeking help.

Today, these individuals may first seek counsel from a medical doctor, a psychotherapist, a chiropractor, an acupuncturist. Therefore, it is important that patients disclose all of their treatments to all of their health care professionals. Mental health professionals trained in integrative approaches frequently serve as the historians of each patient’s care, especially since they are the ones who spend the most time with each patient during the course of treatment.

Recent years have witnessed growing openness to nonconventional therapies among conventionally trained clinicians and researchers. At the same time people who utilize Western biomedicine as currently practiced are turning increasingly to integrating non-conventional therapies for the treatment of both medical and mental health problems. Approximately 72 million U.S. adults used a non-conventional treatment in representing about one in three adults. If prayer is included in this analysis almost two thirds of adults use non-conventional therapies. Anyone diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder is significantly more likely to use nonconventional therapies compared to the general population.

Integrative health care is based on the philosophy that health is influenced by a variety of interrelated factors such as life choices, environment, genetic makeup, intimate relationships, and the
meaning and purpose in life. As a model it is collaborative and multidisciplinary. It is open to and recognizes the importance of conventional medicine, complementary and alternative medicine, mental health care, and mind-body approaches (such as meditation, yoga, hypnotherapy, Reiki, and therapeutic massage). There is a respect for each individual’s journey and for the stories that make up the history of their lives. There is a belief that these individual journeys influence the biology that manifests in illness or in health. Integrative health care supports all of the important
aspects of life, including creativity, cultural expression and the celebration of community. To have “health” means that the whole person is in balance – physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. Is health really health without mental health?