Substance abuse is certainly not restricted to the young. Anyone at any age can develop a repetitive pattern of drug and alcohol use that can damage their physical and mental health, threaten their relationships and diminish their performance at school or on the job.

From Use to Abuse to Addiction

Why are some people able to eventually move away from use and abuse while others become captives of addiction? The answer to this question is not always easy to pin down. But there are a number of factors that may play into the development of an addiction.

Genetic, psychological and environmental influences are key contributors toward addictive behaviors. Numerous studies have revealed that a biological predisposition exists in a large percentage of those addicted to drugs or alcohol. Other types of individuals prone to self-medicate include those that suffer with a mental illness; were raised in extremely dysfunctional homes; or have been subjected to some form of abuse.

What usually begins as occasional drug or alcohol use to soothe wounds or provide temporary pleasure will often evolve into regular use or abuse. The next stage is dependence or the inability to stop consumption of drugs or alcohol without showing symptoms of withdrawal. These are sure signs of full-blown addictive disorders.

Addiction Treatment

Addiction centers can be found in most metropolitan in the U.S. One example is Lindner Center of HOPE’s Sibcy House. Located just north of Cincinnati, Ohio, Sibcy House offers cutting-edge addictive disorders treatment and a patient analysis that begins with a thorough diagnosis.

Addiction recovery can be lengthy and at times difficult. But with the establishment of proper care and a willingness from the patient to get to a healthier place in their lives, a successful recovery is well within reach.



This blog is written and published by Lindner Center of HOPE.

An eating disorder is a mental illness that often includes stark physical manifestations. For instance, those suffering with anorexia tend to become emaciated and bone-thin; whereas bulimics can actually maintain or even gain weight. This is largely due to the binge eating habits of bulimics, which usually involves a massive caloric intake that is then purged.

Purging food via self-induced vomiting or consumption of laxatives is a symptom shared by both the bulimic and anorexic. There are other similarities in symptoms between the two diseases, including exercising excessively and a distorted body image. However, the fear of weight gain causes anorexics to severely limit their food intake as opposed to the bulimic habit of purging after binging large amounts of food.

Help for Eating Disorders

The longer one waits to be treated for eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, the greater the chances that permanent or fatal damage to the body will occur. Eating disorders studies reveal that muscle loss, bone deterioration and the weakening of just about every organ in the body will become increasingly significant as these diseases continue to run their course.

Therefore, it is imperative that bulimia treatment, anorexia treatment and treatment of other types of eating disorders be started as soon as these conditions are verified. Eating disorder clinics and eating disorder treatment centers around the country have experienced mental health professionals on staff who are better equipped than ever before to administer to those suffering from eating disorder-related illnesses.

Eating disorder treatment often encompasses various types of psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy and might also include family therapy sessions. Nutritional counseling and a focus on weight restoration are also part of a comprehensive eating disorder treatment program that can eventually give those affected the tools to move forward and live fulfilling lives.

While the month of May can be recognized for spring flowers and showers, it serves another important purpose: May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

The month of May was assigned the responsibility of raising awareness of mental health conditions as early as 1949. This year, Mental Health Awareness Month is focusing on two themes, including “Do More for 1 in 4” and “Healing Trauma’s Invisible Wounds.”

Do More for 1 in 4 is a call to action geared toward the 1 in 4 American adults (nearly 60 million) that live with a diagnosable, treatable mental health condition, and can go on to live full and productive lives. The campaign, developed by Mental Health America, was created to combat stigma and encourage help-seeking behavior by providing people with the information they need to recognize a mental health disorder and to find help.

Do More for 1 in 4 provides information on 5 different types of the most common mental health disorders, including AD/HD, anxiety disorders (panic, obsessive-compulsive, post-traumatic stress, phobia), bipolar disorder, and clinical depression. The campaign also outlines where to go for help, as well as the first steps for finding help.

The second theme for the month, “Healing Trauma’s Invisible Wounds,” focuses on the impact of traumatic events on individuals and communities. Trauma includes interpersonal violence (abuse, rape, domestic violence, bullying), social violence (war, terrorism, living under oppressive political regimes), natural disasters and accidents, chronic social stressors (racism, sexism, poverty, humiliation, cultural dislocation), and childhood trauma.

This theme is focusing on key messages about trauma, such as: the aftermath of trauma is costly to victims and the entire community, healing from trauma is possible, and addressing trauma is key to successful treatment, among many other messages.

To help spread the message on May’s Mental Health Awareness Month and its themes, download the Do More For 1in4 Toolkit or download the Healing Trauma’s Invisible Wounds Toolkit.

Program will work to keep patients out of the hospital, while providing

intensive mental health treatment in a safe setting

Beginning May 7, 2012, Lindner Center of HOPE will offer an Adult Partial Hospitalization Program.

When an adult’s daily functioning is impaired by mental illness, yet criteria is not met for hospitalization, the Adult Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) provides intensive treatment in a safe and therapeutic environment, without full hospitalization. Partial hospitalization helps patients progress to the point where standard outpatient appointments can be effective. This program is also used as a step-down program from hospitalization, with the intent of gradually easing an adult back into their home environment.

The program will operate Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and enrollees attend 5 days per week for up to 4 weeks. The program offers some flexibility in design, so that the PHP treatment team and the enrollee can work together to create the right treatment plan for each individual.

The Adult Partial Hospitalization Program includes:

  • Group therapy
  • Supportive individual therapy
  • Pharmacotherapy and medication management
  • A psychiatrist’s evaluation of the individual patient
  • Lunch in Lindner Center of HOPE’s dining room

When should you consider partial hospitalization:

  • If you are transitioning from an acute inpatient stay.
  • If your outpatient appointments are not intensive, in-depth or frequent enough to keep you effectively functioning.
  • If you are unable to function socially, professionally or both.
  • If you need more intensive medication management and/or therapy.

Appropriate Patients

Who will benefit from Adult Partial Hospitalization?

The Adult Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) at Lindner Center of HOPE will benefit individuals, ages 18 and older, who are experiencing emotional or behavioral issues significant enough to affect daily functioning or quality of life.  Patients may be suffering with diagnoses including, but not limited to:

  • Mood disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorder
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Adjustment disorders
  • Thought disorders not requiring hospitalization, such as paranoia and hallucinations

About Lindner Center of HOPE:  A state-of-the-science, free-standing mental health center and charter member of the National Network of Depression Centers, the Center provides psychiatric hospitalization for individuals age 12-years-old and older, outpatient services for all ages, research, comprehensive assessment and residential services. The Center’s clinicians are ranked among the best providers locally, nationally and internationally.



Jennifer Pierson

Lindner Center of HOPE

(513) 536-0316

[email protected]

When individuals and families are faced with mental illness, the suffering and the challenges associated with these illnesses often cause hope to begin to slip away. May is Mental Health Month and Lindner Center of HOPE is kicking off an awareness and fundraising campaign called Planting Seeds for HOPE. The goal is to begin to develop roots for HOPE as the seeds we plant in awareness, understanding and support can grow and bloom HOPE for those in need.

There are many facts about mental illness that are misunderstood by or misrepresented to the general public. To make real progress toward ending stigma, increasing understanding and bringing clarity to mental illness, we need to better understand the reality of the illness at all levels.

This May, Lindner Center of HOPE is helping the public understand the truth about mental health. Every day, throughout Mental Health Month, Lindner Center of HOPE will share Seeds of Truth about mental illness. You can find the seeds on our home page by visiting our website daily or you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook or our blog at for the 31 days of May.

In addition to enhancing your own awareness by following the Seeds of Truth, please also consider Planting your own Seeds for HOPE through a gift to Lindner Center of HOPE. You can give online at, call or email Mary Alexander at 513-536-0317 or [email protected], or mail a donation to Lindner Center of HOPE, Development Office, 4075 Old Western Row Road, Mason, OH 45040.

Let’s sow some seeds together for the future and for HOPE.

The numbers vary according to the source, but they are still staggering.

The fact is that millions of Americans struggle with mental illness, addictions and a wide range of other mental health problems.

The good news is that many of these afflictions are treatable through psychotherapy and medication. However, successful mental health treatment is dependent upon a number of factors, not the least of which is often a decision on the part of the individual to do whatever it takes to get better.

Severe addictions and mental disorders at times require intervention to ensure an individual receives treatment. However, many others who suffer with mental health issues eventually find themselves at a crossroads. Eventually, they reach a point where they realize they have extreme difficulty in improving the quality of their lives unless they get help.

Not an Easy Road

Depending on the type and severity of a mental health condition, treatment can sometimes be a lengthy and somewhat arduous process. But for multitudes of people who have moved forward to live good and productive lives, strictly adhering to a treatment plan has been well worth the effort.

Whether undergoing depression treatment, OCD treatment or PTSD treatment, most treatment methods call for the patient to change certain behavior patterns and overcome thoughts and feelings they have become accustomed to over time. This can be difficult and even painstaking. But many come through these therapies and treatments with a much different outlook and often times a new lease on life.

An Ongoing Process

For most people with mental health conditions, treatment is an ongoing proposition. Even after successful therapeutic endeavors and finding the right medications, a patient can maintain and even improve their newfound wellness by creating a balance in their lives and developing healthier habits.

These may include:

●Changing to a more nutritious diet

● Exercising regularly

● Finding fun and creative ways to reduce stress

● Joining a support group


Fortifying the progress of a proven mental health treatment plan with positive lifestyle changes can help a patient create a healthy consistency in both their body and mind.

Millions of Americans suffer with mental illness. These come in various forms; from mood disorders and severe addictions to eating disorders. Unfortunately, there is no definitive cure or “silver bullet” for most of these illnesses. However, mental health professionals now have a better understanding than ever before regarding the treatment of mental disorders. As a result, increasingly effective methods of psychotherapy are continually being developed.

Case-by-Case Treatment Plans

When an individual reaches a point where they feel the need to seek help, the realization that there is a problem is a positive first step in the healing process. The next step is for that individual to be thoroughly evaluated and diagnosed by a therapist.

The circumstances surrounding an individual’s mental health issues are as diverse as fingerprints. Each patient is very different and influenced socially by distinct environments and effected biologically by genetic makeup.

Although many therapeutic techniques may fit into categories such as “talk” therapy, behavioral therapy and cognitive therapy, treatments for depression, bipolar disorder treatment, ADHD treatment and addiction treatment are all approached differently. Treatment plans for these and other conditions are constructed in a way that best suit a particular patient.

Unfortunately, many individuals who struggle with mental health problems never pursue treatment. Reasons for this often include a fear of being stigmatized or a lack of convenient access to care. But in this country, numerous mental health centers are located in close proximity to every major city. These facilities offer experienced mental health professionals to patients who require expert care in order to begin their journey toward productive and fulfilling lives.

Addictions come in many forms. But those suffering with develop an uncontrollable urge to revisit a substance, activity or behavior in order to satisfy a need or desire. An addiction may fill a void in one’s life, or act as a salve for a festering emotional wound.

Those at the mercy of their addictive behaviors often experience gradually increasing levels of emotional pain and deteriorating mental or physical health. Another byproduct of serious addiction is the tendency to eschew responsibilities and neglect important aspects within one’s life, such as friends, family, school and career. Many suffering with addictions are also prone to struggles with depression.

Treating Addictive Disorders

Addictive personality disorder is a condition where an individual carries traits making them more susceptible to addictive behaviors. However, anyone at any stage or walk of life can develop an addiction.

People can become addicted to eating, gambling, smoking, exercise and countless other activities that offer comfort or what they determine to be an “escape.” But the most pervasive and widely-publicized addiction in our society involves alcohol and drugs.

Alcoholism and drug addiction are serious health problems in the U.S. and around the world. Those who become dependent on alcohol and drugs subject themselves to a life full of difficulties ranging from relationship and legal problems to homelessness and destitution.

Addiction recovery is often a long-term and sometimes arduous process. But with proper medical care and support from friends and family, addiction treatment can be successful.

Inpatient addiction centers such as Cincinnati, Ohio’s Lindner Center of Hope and Sibcy House are examples of facilities providing environments conducive to success in treating addictive disorders. Using a team of experienced mental health specialists and an intensive, cutting-edge treatment plan focusing on detoxification and stabilization, Lindner Center of Hope sets the standard for addiction treatment. Its reputation for helping those with addictive disorders go on to live fulfilling, productive lives continues to grow.