The prevalence of the “quarterlife crisis” – essentially, a midlife crisis that occurs in your 20s – seems to be on the rise.

Many young people experience some degree of stress, self-doubt and lack of motivation upon entering the “real world” after college. However, the phenomenon of the quarterlife crisis seems to be increasingly common as fewer young adults reach the traditional milestones of success, though pressures to achieve them remain the same.

Research shows that up to 86 percent of young adults feel pressure to succeed in careers and relationships by the time they reach age 30. However, only 11 percent actually attain conventional markers of achievement such as obtaining a steady job, getting married and having children by their 30th birthday. Likely due to this discrepancy, up to 73 percent of 26 to 30 year olds may experience a quarterlife crisis.

So what are some things you can do to deal with a quarterlife crisis? Experts say it’s important to redefine your idea of success and stop comparing yourself to others. Instead of despairing over why you don’t have your dream job or the perfect relationship, try defining success by what you have to offer others. Try volunteering and other skill- and character-building activities. Remember that life is not a race and that everyone is on their own path.

Dr. Paul E. Keck, Jr., President and CEO of Lindner Center of HOPE, recently gave a talk on this subject on LA Talk Radio’s Answers 4 the Family radio show. Check out Dr. Keck’s talk, “Failure to Launch – What’s Really Holding Back Emerging Adults?”

In some cases, quarterlife crises may lead to anxiety, depression, eating disorders or even addictive disorders. If you or a twenty-something family member is displaying signs of a psychological or addictive disorder, it’s important they receive prompt and effective treatment. Contact Lindner Center of HOPE for more information on screening and treatments for mood disorders and other conditions.


This blog is written and published by Lindner Center of HOPE.

23 million people need treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol use problem. Check out this infographic from the National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare for more info on addictions and treatment.



Mason, OH – October 4,2012 – In 1990, the U.S. Congress established the first full week of October as Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) in recognition of NAMI’s efforts to raise mental illness awareness. Since 1990, mental health advocates across the country have joined together during the first full week of October to promote education and understanding.

MIAW has become a NAMI tradition. It presents an opportunity to all NAMI state organizations and affiliates across the country to work together in communities to achieve the NAMI mission through outreach, education and advocacy. This year’s theme is Changing Attitudes, Changing Lives.

The National Day of Prayer for Mental Illness Recovery and Understanding is Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012.

Locally, Lindner Center of HOPE is a resource for individuals and families faced with mental illness. Since Lindner Center of HOPE, 4075 Old Western Row Road, Mason, Ohio, opened in 2008 it has made a positive impact on mental health care in Greater Cincinnati. Nearly 4,000 people have been taken care of in the hospital, approximately 6,500 people have made more than 100,000 outpatient visits, approximately 400 people have been patients in Sibcy House (residential care), approximately 400 people have received neuromodulation services and the research institute has received more than 24 grants totaling nearly $2 million and published in over 30 peer-reviewed journals.

About Lindner Center of HOPE:  A state-of-the-science, free-standing mental health center and charter member of the National Network of Depression Centers, the Center provides psychiatric hospitalization for individuals age 12-years-old and older, outpatient services for all ages, research, comprehensive assessment and residential services. The Center’s clinicians are ranked among the best providers locally, nationally and internationally.



Jennifer Pierson

Lindner Center of HOPE

(513) 536-0316

[email protected]


We all experience sleepless nights occasionally. But more often than not, we are able to fall back into normal sleeping patterns within the next day-or-so. But when an individual frequently has trouble sleeping or displays symptoms of insomnia, mental health problems could be on the horizon, or may already exist.

Sleep Problems Often Indicate an Underlying Condition

Sleep problems can be a two-way street. Those who suffer with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression typically have trouble sleeping. Conversely, prolonged periods of sleeplessness or partial sleep deprivation can eventually lead to the development of mood disorders and other psychological difficulties.

Insomnia sufferers were discovered to be up to five times more likely to develop depression, and up to 20 times more likely to develop panic disorder and other anxiety-related issues, according to an extensive “Sleep Journal” study. Additionally, young adults who are sleep-deprived due to stressful situations in their lives or irregularities in their sleep patterns are far more likely to eventually suffer from depression — sometimes in severe forms — and develop substance abuse problems.

Treating Sleep Disorders

In the absence of a more serious physical or mental ailment, those who have trouble sleeping can take steps to try to develop healthier habits. These include avoiding caffeine, adhering to a regular schedule of going to bed and waking up and refraining from napping during the day. But if these and other “self-help” measures do not adequately address the issue, a medical evaluation may be necessary.

If mental health problems are at the root of a sleep disorder, various forms of psychotherapy — often in conjunction with medications — have proven to be among the most successful modes of treatment. With sleep playing such a vital role in our physical, mental and emotional well-being, those who struggle to get the rest they need should not hesitate to seek help.



This blog is written and published by Lindner Center of HOPE.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex mental health issue that is not always easy to diagnose. This is often due in part to the existence of signs and symptoms indicative of other conditions such as anxiety and depression.

There are also various classifications of ADHD where either the attention deficit symptoms or the hyperactivity symptoms are more dominant; or where a near equal combination of both is present. Each individual case is unique. Many times an accurate assessment of symptoms requires a rather lengthy diagnostic process.

Those involved in the life of a child or young adult with ADHD struggle along with them in many ways. Parents, teachers and peers at times become frustrated with the ADHD sufferer’s symptoms and behaviors. These include being easily distracted, disruptive, impulsive and an inability to sit still.

A Comprehensive Approach to ADHD Treatment

Incorporating multiple modes of treatment usually produces the best results in those with ADHD. These often include psychotherapy and behavior modification combined with education and medications. Talk therapy and behavioral therapies will help a child better understand their condition and what may trigger certain responses. These will also enable a child with ADHD to be more aware of their behaviors and discover ways to break out of destructive patterns.

Most medications used in ADHD treatments come in the form of stimulants, antidepressants and mood stabilizers. It may take several tries to determine which medication works best for a particular child. But once a medication is settled upon, it will often have a calming effect on the child and will help them significantly improve their focus.

ADHD education programs are recommended for both parents and children as part of the treatment process. Through these programs, goals will be established, progress will be evaluated and strategies outlined in order to help parents recognize and understand ADHD symptoms. These programs also help children with ADHD build self-esteem and develop effective coping mechanisms.

Multimodal treatment plans have a proven track record. This method attacks ADHD from all angles and often helps clear the path for a child to one day live a successful and fulfilling life.



This blog is written and published by Lindner Center of HOPE.

Sadness is a normal emotion that can be caused by negative or painful circumstances. Occasional periods of unhappiness are a part of life, and most people are able to eventually process their feelings of melancholy and forge ahead. But when sadness lingers or becomes a state in which there seems to be no escape, it is very likely that some type of depression exists.

The Symptoms of Depression

Depression can come in many forms, from relatively mild to severe. Some of the causes can be biological, environmental or genetic in nature. Grief, illness and addictions can be other factors.

On the mild side, symptoms can range from irritability, a lack of interest in activities once enjoyed, disrupted sleep patterns and difficulty focusing and concentrating. More severe symptoms include hopelessness, despair, extreme fatigue and suicidal thoughts. Some depression symptoms are rather complex and can be a part of other mood disorders, eating disorders, substance abuse problems or some other mental health issue.

Depression Treatment

Everyone responds differently to various treatment methods. But treatment for clinical depression usually begins with some form of “talk therapy” with a mental health professional. From there, the best course of action may involve medications and additional levels of therapy such as cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic therapies.

In some cases of major depression, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT therapy) or transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy (TMS therapy) are used where all other approaches to treatment have failed. Although depression treatment techniques continue to evolve, many of the methods in place today have proven to be successful in helping those suffering with this illness get back on their feet and live productive and satisfying lives.



This blog is written and published by Lindner Center of HOPE.

Addictions not only affect the physical, emotional and mental health of the addict, but also create a burden for the people in their lives. Even after emphatically urging them to seek treatment, those close to an addict or severe substance abuser are often helpless as they watch their friend or loved one sink further into the depths of addiction.

There are many dangers and potentially deadly complications associated with drug, alcohol abuse and addiction. But the greatest danger is the unwillingness of the addict to accept the fact that there is a problem and admit they need help. Unfortunately, it sometimes takes a devastating event in their life — such as an automobile accident, an arrest or an overdose — for the addict to finally agree to receive addiction treatment.

Signs of an Addiction

An addictive disorder exists when an individual is unable to control their drug or alcohol use to the point where these substances play a dominant role in their life. Other addictive behaviors and signs include changes in mood and appearance, the eschewing of personal and work responsibilities and experiencing symptoms of withdrawal when the substance is not available.

Overcoming Denial

It is not uncommon for drug or alcohol addicts to minimize the seriousness of their problem or flat out deny its existence. Denial is often deeply ingrained within an individual, convincing themselves there is no real problem or they can “quit anytime they want to.”

Denial is a major reason why addicts many times hit “rock bottom” before they begin to consider taking steps toward recovery. Optimally, the realization that help is needed will emerge within the addict before intervention becomes necessary. From there, addiction recovery can begin through routes such as education, therapy, support groups and specialized treatment centers. But it all begins with the addict admitting their dilemma, and expressing a sincere desire to recover.



This blog is written and published by Lindner Center of HOPE.

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression or manic depressive disorder, is a psychiatric condition in which a person fluctuates between periods of being in a very good mood and periods of being in a very irritable and depressed mood. These “mood swings” between states of extreme activity or high spirits (mania) and depressive states can occur quite suddenly. There can also be periods of milder mania, known as hypomania. Individuals with bipolar disorder can also experience “mixed state” episodes, in which they feel both mania and depression simultaneously. In between these mood swings, there are often periods of being in a “normal” mood-state, but for some, rapid cycling occurs, which means that they rapidly swing back and forth between mania and depression, with few or no “normal” periods. The onset of bipolar disorder symptoms usually presents itself in late adolescence or young adulthood. These symptoms can sometimes emerge in childhood, however, in a condition known as pediatric bipolar disorder.


How can you tell if you or a loved one is suffering from bipolar disorder?

The symptoms of bipolar disorder are very similar in both adults and children. In order to recognize the possibility of bipolar disorder in yourself or a loved one, you need to understand the symptoms of both manic episodes and depressive episodes.

Manic episodes feature either an elevated mood or a very irritable mood which lasts for at least a week, and is accompanied by at least three of these symptoms:

  • Very rapid speech, and talking more than normal
  • Taking more risks than usual, being more impulsive, and exhibiting inappropriate talk or behavior toward sex or spending
  • Sleeping very little
  • Short attention span
  • Inflated ego – feeling more powerful and important than usual
  • Intent focus on a goal, to the point of obsession
  • Racing thoughts

The symptoms of a depressive episode include being in a depressed mood, or loss of interest in activities that the person usually enjoys. This low mood is accompanied by at least four of the following symptoms, experienced on a daily basis, for at least fourteen days:

  • Loss of energy, fatigue
  • Feeling hopeless, extremely pessimistic
  • Loss of concentration
  • Feeling “slowed down,” or irritable and restless
  • Feelings of guilt and/or worthlessness
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Extreme weight loss or weight gain
  • Suicidal thoughts, or thoughts of dying

Adults typically have more mixed episodes, and slower changes between mania and depressive moods. Young people and children typically cycle faster between moods and have fewer mixed periods.


How can I be tested for bipolar disorder?

Currently, there are no brain imagery tests which can diagnose bipolar disorder; however, brain imaging is being used to learn what occurs in the brain of someone with the condition. Since the symptoms of this disorder can so closely resemble those of other conditions, it is vital that you or your loved one is examined by a psychiatrist or therapist who is qualified to do so. The doctor will ask questions about sleeping habits, eating habits, moods, behavior, and other things. He or she may also conduct tests to make sure that there is not another medical reason for the symptoms before diagnosing a patient with bipolar disorder. Family history of psychiatric illnesses will be considered, as will the patient’s complete history of symptoms.


Can bipolar disorder be inherited?

While the exact cause of bipolar disorder is not known, it is thought to be caused by chemical changes or imbalances in the brain. Bipolar disorder often runs in families, with children who have a parent or sibling with bipolar disorder being four- to six-times more likely to be diagnosed with the condition than children who have no family history of bipolar disorder. It is also suspected that these chemical changes or imbalances are genetic, and can thus be inherited. Bipolar disorder is not, however, contagious.



This blog is written and published by Lindner Center of HOPE.


Eating disorders come in many forms and can affect people regardless of their age, gender or background. Food and eating-related disorders can stem from various causes, including a distorted body image, societal pressures and other existing mental health issues.

Although binge eating may not receive the same publicity as eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia, it is prevalent within our society, affecting millions of Americans across a wide demographic.

Binge Eating Disorder Causes

Just about everyone overeats now and then. The holidays are notorious for heaping platefuls of food and second helpings, and people who experience trauma in their lives sometimes turn to food for comfort.

But binge eating crosses over into the territory of a “disorder” or “mental illness” when an individual feels powerless to stop binging episodes. The exact causes of this condition are not always clear. But underlying issues with anxiety, depression or an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) are often contributing factors. Binge eating is also a symptom of bulimia.

Binge Eating Disorders Treatment

If left untreated, it is likely the psychological aspects of this disorder will worsen. Additionally, the physical health of the binge eater may eventually be in jeopardy as the risk factors are high for conditions such as obesity and diabetes. The fact that sufferers of this disorder often hide it from those around them may also complicate matters and delay them from getting help.

The approach to binge eating treatment is similar to depression treatment. Because every case is different, treatment is tailored to meet the needs of a particular individual.

Talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are most often part of the treatment picture. These methods attempt to lay bare the origins of the binge eater’s behavior, address and change destructive behavior patterns and teach healthy coping skills. Anti-depressant medications may also come into play within a comprehensive strategy to help those with binge eating disorders move forward with their lives and develop a healthier outlook.



This blog is written and published by Lindner Center of HOPE.

During the course of our lives, we are affected by various occurrences and circumstances which cause us to become angry, fearful, bewildered, joyful and sad. It is normal and expected that we will experience each of these emotions from time to time. It is not unusual for us to go through an entire range of emotions within the same day.

But when any of these emotions linger for an inordinate amount of time or appear to have become inescapable, there is a good chance that a potentially serious mental health issue exists.

Depression is the most common mental illness, affecting millions of people around the world. It is a condition that carries symptoms such as prolonged sadness, an inability to concentrate and feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and despair that are at times intense.

Fortunately, approaches to depression treatment have become more refined over the years, helping many get back on their feet and live productive, fulfilling lives. But conventional treatment such as medications and talk therapy do not necessarily work for everyone, especially those suffering with severe depression.

TMS: An Effective Alternative

Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a treatment technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). This relatively new form of treatment is non-invasive and requires no medication. The patient sits comfortably in a specially-made chair while a device is placed over their head. This device creates a magnetic field which is targeted toward the prefrontal cortex; the mood-regulating area of the brain. TMS treatment stimulates activity in this area and decreases activity in surrounding regions of the brain.

After having undergone a series of TMS therapy treatments, many patients have shown marked improvement and a significant diminishment of their depression symptoms. The long-term effectiveness of TMS is not yet known. However in the short run, it has proven to be successful where other treatment methods have failed.

Call 513-536-HOPE (4673) or 888-536-HOPE (4673)



This blog is written and published by Lindner Center of HOPE.