Stress Relief

Everyone seems to have busy schedules these days and stress is something nearly everyone suffers from as a result of it. Luckily, there are several things we can do to relieve stress in our everyday lives.

Massage. Getting a massage is a great way to relieve stress. It’s a way to relax your muscles, reduce pain, and improve circulation, which puts you in a mental and physical state for relaxation.

Meditation. From 15-30 minutes each day, meditation can serve as a great stress reliever. To meditate, give yourself some quiet time to let your thoughts run wild or to simply focus on your breathing. This small section of peace in your day can help you deal with stress, and perhaps relieve some.

Exercise. No matter what the physical activity is, this allows you time alone with your thoughts, while at the same time, releases endorphins to the brain, which make you feel better. Physical exercise also prevents obesity and additional health problems, which gives you less to be stressed about.

Organization. When you’re organized, you have greater peace of mind. The mind can rest when you know everything is in its proper place, and when things are clean. Even the sight of clutter has been said to cause stress, so tidy up!

Eating healthy. Foods that are high in fat or sugar have proven to be a source of depression. Some foods, including blueberries, salmon, and almonds, are said so be especially effective in reducing stress. It’s also a good idea to avoid caffeine after lunch so you can get a good night’s rest.

Disconnect. Letting go of your cell phone or lowering your internet use can lower stress by blocking some of the sources of stress. So turn off your electronics and live in the moment for a little while.

By following these easy ways to relieve stress, you’ll find yourself less tense and better able to tackle daily challenges.


This blog is written and published by Lindner Center of HOPE.